I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 469

Because it happened to be looking for Naruto, I followed them to a makeshift tent, and I saw this big idiot with his beaten nose and swollen face.

Seeing the Mizuki coming from behind Sai, Naruto here was obviously a little flustered. Maybe he didn't want to be liked by himself, right?

However, Mizuki said in a cold tone: "I have heard Sai say that you were beaten for Sasuke? You are really stupid enough to move your face to make people beat him."

This sentence is a bit too much, but Naruto was beaten for Sasuke, making Mizuki really not worth it.

But Naruto said: "This is a voluntary thing. I heard that their master was attacked and taken by Sasuke. It reminded me of Jiraiya. I can understand the anger in their hearts, just because I want to be Jiraiya. It's the same with revenge."

It was his willingness to be beaten for Sasuke, and no one could blame it.But when it comes to Jiraiya, everyone is still a little touched.

Recalling the news of Jiraiya's death, Naruto had sworn revenge. Thinking about how he felt at the time, no one should know better than him.

Because Sasuke took their master, did you think of Jiraiya?This is no wonder.Oh, but how do you say this?One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

Mizuki shook his head helplessly: "Naruto-kun, you know that I have had similar experiences with you. I once lost my teacher and companions. I know the pain you understand very well. But I think you did it. For any value and meaning, you are completely beaten for Sasuke!"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. If Sasuke is the mastermind, Naruto is at best an accomplice, and even the accomplice is not counted.Could it be that if you beat the mastermind's accomplices, you won't catch the real mastermind?

When explaining the truth, Kakashi, Yamato and others all understood, and Sai nodded thoughtfully.On the contrary, Naruto was stunned on the spot. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately felt that he would collapse: "Ah~! Am I really beaten for nothing?!"

Seeing him blindfolded, Mizuki even sighed, "It's so stupid to say you are stupid. Looking at the way you hurt, if Sakura sees it, how do you plan to explain it?"

This incident was because Naruto wanted to hide from Sakura. Sasuke had already made her cry, and she didn't want this girl to cry once.

Seeing all his burdens and resisting his shoulders, Mizuki didn't say anything on the surface, but he felt a little bit in his heart. He stepped forward to help with medical ninjutsu and bandaging: "If you really don't want Sakura to worry , Don’t let yourself hurt again."

Mizuki's medical ninjutsu is much better than in the past. I don't know if it was the previous training, or after getting the power of Asura, his cultivation and control of power have improved again.

However, the prerequisite for medical ninjutsu is to speed up the cells of the human body. If it can be used, it should be used less, so as not to damage the body for a long time. It can only be used as an emergency method.After hemostasis, apply ointment, then bandage it with a bandage, and wait for the body to heal itself so that it will not cause harm to the body.

When helping Naruto bandage, Kakashi said, looking at him, "You are going to be beaten badly. It looks like you need to rest for a while."

Naruto's physical fitness is so extraordinary that even Mizuki can't match it. It is estimated that this kind of injury can be recovered for two or three days at most.

But here he just doesn't want to live in peace, and he has to go to see Raikage: "I want to convince him to forgive Sasuke!"

Not surprisingly, it was the same as in the plot, which made Mizuki very uncomfortable and tightened the last knot of the bandage forcefully.Pained, he shouted: Pain!

Shui Shu said coldly: "May I advise you to give up? I have seen Raikage before. He is a stubborn person. As long as he decides things, they will basically not be changed."

In the past, Mizuki and Raikage met once because of the villain's island, and they knew a little bit about his temper and character.Moreover, the action this time will definitely be rejected by Raikage, which is completely meaningless.

But Naruto is also a character who "does what he says", and Yamato on the side also discourages him: "What are you kidding? Now you don't even have a necklace. As a human being, you must never leave the village!"

During the battle between Payne and Naruto, because of Hinata's emergence, Naruto entered the tail beastization and almost opened the ninth tail. Even the seal that appeared at that time was crushed by him.

It can be said that Naruto is indeed a bit unsuitable for being a member of Konoha Village when the seal is loose.What's more, Yamato said: "I was also appointed to rebuild the village, and I can't always follow you."

Everyone was worried about Naruto, but at this time he said: "I have seen the fourth generation of Naruto, and it is the fourth generation of Naruto that stopped my tail beastization."

Mizuki knew what was going on, because the fourth generation of Hokage was in Naruto's body, leaving behind its own chakras for use when the seal was loose.But other people didn't know, Yamato said in horror: "What's going on with this? The fourth generation of Hokage, isn't it already~"

Kakashi didn't know about this either: "The Seal of the Ghoul is a sealing technique with many mysteries. Perhaps the fourth generation of Hokage added his spirit to the seal, right?"

The most important piece of information here is that the fourth generation of Hokage told Naruto that the time of the Kyuubi attack 16 years ago was actually done by the masked person in Akatsuki.

The belt that claims to be "Uchiha Madara", if the fourth generation of Hokage can find out who it is in time, it may be possible to stop the belt.But in the end there was no time, in order to protect my beloved and children.

Mizuki wanted to say something, wanted to say something about the dirt, but he didn't come to say it in time, and it felt like a choking in his throat, and his brain exploded with a buzzing sound.

Text volume 800. Eyes!

After a long time of effort, Mizuki barely recovered. At this time, Kakashi said, "Naruto, let's go to Raikage!"

This, is it decided?By the way, Kakashi also pulled Yamato together.

Fainted, since they have already decided, Mizuki didn't even think about it to say anything.And I feel that my head hurts so much that my eyes are blackened by the pain.

Mizuki waved his hand and found an excuse to leave: "I'm going to visit Tsunade-sama."

After saying goodbye to everyone at the end, he left first.

Not long after stepping out of the tent, I happened to encounter two ninjas looking for him. They are both ninjas of the Hyuga clan, and they should be trusted people.

After seeing that he was a ninja from his family, Mizuki was a little bit unavoidable. It was really a damn feeling, his head was about to explode.

The painful eyes almost lost sight of the way, so the two ninjas quickly supported themselves, and Mizuki whispered to them: "Look around nearby. Are there any suspicious people staring at us?"

The two ninjas of the Hyuga family opened their eyes and looked around, and replied, "No suspicious person was found."

Looks like there are no Danzo's men, right?This is of course a good thing. You can't expose your weakness now. If you are seen by the roots, it will definitely be quite troublesome.

Mizuki hurriedly called for the two of them to cover himself back to the Hyuga clan.

When I lay down on my own bed, I really couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a painful cry: "Damn it, my head hurts! Damn it, and my eyes!"

The people on the side don’t know what’s going on, and they don’t know where to start if they want to come and help!

The Mizuki here held back the pain, and said to the people around me: "I seem to need a rest. You two should guard outside. Don't let anyone notice this, let Hanako go to Sakura."

Because I just had a fight with Danzo, I was a little worried that the root ninja might be targeted.For the time being, I need to be more careful. When Danzang sets out to attend the Five Shadows Conference, I won't have any worries.

At this time, she needs to be more careful. It is best to be more cautious. Only by being careful can she make the Wannian Ship!

Hanako, who had received the order, hurried over to Sakura to check the situation for Mizuki, and found no problems with Mizuki's body.

Just listening to the previous fight between Mizuki and Danzo, there was a lingering fear and said: "Your body has only recovered, why did you conflict with Danzo? Do you know that the injury on your body was just a muscle when you were rescued? It's all lost."

At that time, Shuishu and Ashura's Bahuang Fist, the Shenluo Tianzheng used by Penn, shocked their own meridians were seriously injured, and the heart lost the power to beat.

If it weren't for Naruto's defeat of Payne afterwards, which brought the whole village back to life, Sakura and Silent used medical techniques together, and it would be hard to say that she could not be saved.

Regarding this matter, Mizuki couldn’t help saying: “I heard that Danzo was going to become Hokage when I woke up. I thought that when Konoha was attacked, he didn’t even see a single figure and waited until the matter was over. But I ran out to grab the position of Hokage. I was so angry that I wanted to go to him for theory. I didn't expect that he would dare to use illusions on me. You know my personality and hate such a guy the most, so naturally I started fighting."

Mizuki and Sakura have a good relationship, and both are disciples in the name of Tsunade. Such a relationship is not comparable to ordinary people.

Because he understands the personality of Shui Shu, although he is a very smart person, his personality is relatively straightforward. Dare to love and hate is a remarkable characteristic.

But sometimes it's too direct, it will give people a feeling of thinking without thinking. Fortunately, there are no accidents, otherwise it is really hard to say what will happen!

Kozakura sighed: "I see, you are for the master, and you have heard that Danzo is going to hunt down Sasuke, right?"

Mizuki glanced at him and was silent for a while, but it was already felt, and Sakura knew that she had heard of it.

So he didn’t conceal it at all, and he nodded and replied, “Well, everyone has already told me that Sasuke attacked Yao in Yunyin Village. They have already come to the door, and the upcoming Five Shadows Conference seems to be for this. thing."

Speaking of the Five Shadows Conference, Mizuki wanted to say something to Sakura, but after thinking about it, she still needs to deal with it herself.

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