I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 470

Sakura is a careful girl, and later she will know what Naruto has done for her, she needs to think about it!

In the end, I didn’t say it. After Sakura helped Mizuki diagnose the condition, she did not find any obvious abnormalities. She just prescribed a medication: “I prescribed a tranquilizer. Rest after taking it. It should be a quick recovery.”

I hope so!But for Mizuki's headache, she probably already knew it, and it was unlikely that taking medicine would work.

But don't say anything here, because at this moment, Sakura, facing the water tree, seemed to find something from the face of the water tree, and said without death: "Water tree, your eyes!"

"My eyes? What's wrong?"

I hurriedly found a mirror and looked at my own eyes. They looked abruptly white, as if there was nothing strange.

However, there was a different look in her right eye. The pupils were supposed to be pure white, which seemed to be produced by spiritual brilliance and looked very beautiful.

Mizuki looked carefully at his right eye, always felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and recalled where it was in his mind?Do you remember the "Reincarnation Eye" that appeared in "Naruto: THELAST"?

Now it looks no better than white eyes, there is a very obvious difference, but the pupils have changed, no longer pure white like white eyes, but different patterns begin to appear.

Kozakura said in horror, "Aren't these eyes also blank?"

Because I know that there is a writing wheel eye, which can change the pupil and appear gouyu, but the first time I saw it, and I have never heard of it, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan also have this ability?

The water tree here is also dumbfounded. According to the information she knows, the condition for white eyes to become reincarnation eyes is the blood of Datongmu to make white eyes awaken and become reincarnation eyes.

But Mizuki, who was born in the Hyuga clan, definitely doesn't have such blood?So what's the matter with this eye?

For the first time Mizuki thought of a possibility: "Asura's power? Or am I already'reincarnated'?"

Text volume 801. Confidentiality

How I reincarnated, and when I reincarnated is not clear.But in the game "Ragnarok", you need to find an NPC in a place after the character reaches the full level.

But in the Naruto World, there is definitely no, so the place that makes Mizuki most suspicious should be the reason for the power of Asura, right?

In this way, it was found that the right eye had changed and it was already the next day.

The change in the eyes should have just happened, so if you don't observe it closely, what you see is actually not very obvious.But to be on the safe side, with the help of Sakura, Mizuki got a pair of contact lenses to put on the changed right eye, so it seemed no different from usual.

Seeing her hidden right eye, Mizuki still felt a little uneasy, and also hoped that Sakura could protect herself from the change in her eyes.

The two have been friends since childhood. They know that Sakura is not a big mouth, and that ninjas need to be tight-lipped about certain things. This is also one of the most basic qualities.

Sakura can understand Mizuki's request for confidentiality: "I can understand. I have heard of things back then. Such a vision will definitely cause a lot of trouble, right?"

Because of the Zhongnin exam three years ago, during the battle between Naruto and Neji, the two people talked about incidents that occurred in the Hyuga clan.In order to win the eyes of the Hyuga clan, Yunyin Village tried to snatch and scramble the conspiracy.

If Mizuki's eyes are now, and such an abnormal situation occurs, it will definitely be very troublesome, right?

But there is a strange place here. Sakura asked Mizuki, "But don't even your father tell him?"

Regarding this question, after thinking about it, Mizuki shook his head and said, "Don't talk about it for now, because I don't know, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

The change of eyes is a problem, because Mizuki himself can’t tell how his eyes have changed. If too many people know because of this, even if his own Hyuga is a father, he will not do harm. Own business.

However, it is inevitable that I would also want to study it. After all, judging from a lot of data, there is no ability to directly evolve with the eyes.It takes blood to be able to awaken and evolve into reincarnated eyes. This is from a theater version.But it's not easy to explain the changes in water trees, right?

"You can be really careful!" Kozakura sighed helplessly: "Well, I promise you, I will never talk nonsense!"

This matter about the eyes, for the time being, has passed.Wait for an opportunity in the future to study slowly, right?Anyway, my eyes are on my own body, so I can study as long as I want.

Later, I asked about the Five Shadows Conference and Naruto.

I heard that Danzo had left Konoha Village to attend the Five Shadows Convention yesterday.Then there was Naruto's excuse, and Kakashi and Yamato were gone.

Danzo knew that although Mizuki disagreed, the Five Shadows Conference was right in front of him. Tsunade was in a coma and could only let Danzo's agent go.

Naruto ran out afterwards. He didn't talk to Sakura in detail, and he asked his companions to help spread the words. I don't know what he was going out for.

But the Mizuki here is probably clear. He wanted to come to Naruto for Sasuke, so he ran to Raikage to plead with him?Oh, how do you say this?Naruto should be the one who was hurt by Sasuke clearly, right?But he interceded for this man.

Mizuki didn't intend to say anything, because sooner or later, Sakura would know about Naruto.You don't have to be hasty about this, you can wait until the time is right.

"This time the Five Shadows Conference is being held, I think it should be discussed and aimed at the crusade organized by Akatsuki?" Mizuki said like this, and asked about Tsunade: "How is the situation with Master? "

The Five Shadows Tournament is what will happen afterwards, because Sasuke and the troubled scene with the soil will open the curtain of the fourth Ninja War.

These are all things that can't be helped. As for Danzo's problem, don't worry about it. Who told him to do a lot of bad things back then, the Uchiha clan's killing of the door.Sasuke really wants to settle accounts with him!

What needs to worry more about now is Tsunade, because to protect Konoha's villagers, she really consumes too much chakra, and she is still in a coma.

Of course, according to Mizuki's memory, Tsunade's awakening in the plot should be during the Five Shadows Conference, right?In other words, it should be almost done.

Mizuki thought of this and said, "Let’s go take a look, Tsunade-sama, right?"

Visiting Tsunade is definitely something to do. After all, it is to have the status of a teacher and apprentice anyway. Respecting the teacher is a traditional virtue recognized by Chinese civilization. This is something that cannot be questioned.

I accompany Sakura to visit. There is silent watch here. Seeing the arrival of Sakura and Mizuki, she nodded to both of them, and asked Mizuki: "You have woken up, this is great. ."

Mizuki and Sakura sat beside them silently, looking at Tsunade who was still in bed, and thinking about Penn’s attack on Konoha, they said regretfully, "Sorry, I didn’t complete the task. Ruined."

After Jiraiya died, Mizuki knew that Payne would attack Konoha, so he prepared many countermeasures.But I didn't expect that Konoha Village would be destroyed by Penn with the Shenra Heavenly Movement, and it was a bit sad.

"This can't be blamed on you, the enemy's strength is beyond imagination." Silent comforted Mizuki: "You also fought hard for the village, and there is nothing to blame. And Penn is not even Jilai. Your opponent’s enemy, you can fight him for that kind of sake, it’s already very good."

This kind of comfort stays in the ears, which makes the water tree somewhat more pleasant, but it cannot be completely eliminated, and there is no responsibility to protect Konoha.

Of course, this is not the time to talk about this, Mizuki asked Tsunade's situation: "How is the body of the master?"

Silent replied: "Don't worry, it's that Chakra's consumption is too great, and the body is a little overdrawn, but it will not endanger life. I have checked it just now, and Tsunade-sama's body is improving."

Worthy of being a top ninja named "Three Ninjas", his physical fitness is quite excellent, and Tsunade is a well-known medical expert in the ninja world, who has done research on body conditioning.

Mizuki also checked it with his eyes, and it is indeed reassuring: "This is really great, everyone is fine, and I can feel more at ease."

Text Volume 802. New Information

Payne's attack on Konoha Village has caused incalculable losses to the entire Konoha Village.But fortunately, there is no loss of personnel, everything can still be started from scratch.

The convening of the Five Shadows Conference is a recent headline news. Of course, Mizuki has been paying attention to it all the time, but it is not the result of the meeting that makes her most concerned, but knowing that this meeting will be the fourth time. The curtain of the Ninja World War.

All countries have assembled tens of thousands of troops to fight against the 100,000 White Army Corps. More than half of them died in a war!The cruelty of war is unimaginable, and we must prepare for it.

Recently, due to the reconstruction of the Konoha Village, many people have taken the initiative to take the responsibility. For example, Asa and Akamaru have taken the initiative to act as messengers.

Just like this, Mizuki found an excuse to leave Konoha Village and go to a nearby town.

There is a stronghold under her. Because of recent events, Mizuki hasn't been there for a while, so she needs to come here to deal with something.

Mizuki came to the local stronghold and saw the person in charge of this stronghold: "Is all the requirements I made before have been completed?"

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