I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 471

Before searching for Uchiha Itachi, Mizuki ordered someone to gather some information and the whereabouts of one thing.Now it has been sent up, the latest information about Akatsuki organization.

The person in charge submitted the documents, and while still looking through Mizuki, he simply replied: "The tasks were completed successfully. Before the Konoha incident, Akatsuki appeared in Yunyin Village and Shuangzhi China, the specific intelligence is not clear yet, but in the new intelligence, there is evidence that Akatsuki will make big moves!"

What is the big move?Water tree is already in the intelligence, see the description above.

This is based on the investigation of the fund flow of the Akatsuki organization and found that there is a huge expenditure of funds. This abnormal phenomenon, Mizuki learned several times in the past, all of which were used as funds for the activities of catching the tail beast!

However, this time the amount of money is much larger than the previous few times. I can count a series of zeros at will, I am afraid it will be tens of billions.

Shui Shu must know that Xiao Organization is very rich. Other than Xiao Nan's use of hundreds of billions of detonating talisman, this is definitely an astronomical figure. Even if it is one or two detonating talisman, it is at least several hundred billion taels of silver!And according to the price of the detonating charms that Mizuki saw in the Ninja Store, it was definitely over a trillion level.

With such a large-scale capital expenditure, and it has been constantly changing in the near future, I can already feel what the other party is preparing!I'm afraid that Penn failed to attack Konoha, and the five shadows conference was held, which made Dai Tu a little restless, right?

After reading the above content, Mizuki meditated for a few minutes, and then said to the people around him in a very disturbing tone: "Every time Akatsuki’s large expenditure of funds means an act of catching a tail beast. A large expenditure, I am afraid that something big will happen!"

After saying this, Mizuki suddenly thought of Xiao Nan from the Xiao organization.This money-burning maiden, even though he had attacked Konoha with Payne, she was a kind person in general.

Thinking of her tragic ending, alas, what a wonderful girl, the ending is Xiang Xiaoyu's death again!

When Shui Shu thought of this, he couldn't help but think of something, and quickly said to the people around him: "Are we still in Yuyin Village?"

Suddenly when asked about this topic, the person in charge was taken aback for a while, and then immediately answered: "It should be, according to your instructions, we are still working hard to help you find something about it. They are still raining. Hidden Village!"

It's really great!

Just now Mizuki thought of a problem, that is, in the fourth Ninja War, most of Akatsuki's members were reincarnated.

However, there are still a few members who have not been reincarnated from the dirty soil by the pharmacist: one is a Hida, because he was buried alive and guarded by the Nara family. It is estimated that he could not steal the usable DNA, right?

One was a dried persimmon ghost shark. The cause of his death was being swallowed by sharks, and nothing could be left behind. Naturally, there was no way to reincarnate from the dirty soil.

However, there is no such reason for Xiao Nan's death in the plot. In theory, relying on the pharmacist's pocket and the ability to collect information, shouldn't it be possible to find Xiao Nan's body and obtain the composition of her body?

This involuntarily made Mizuki guess, knowing that if it wasn't for the soul to be sealed, such as the ghoul sealing technique.As long as you are in the world of bliss, you are definitely summoned by the ability to reincarnate from the dirty earth.

Thinking of the water tree here, it became richer, and thought: "Is Xiao Nan not dead?"

Of course, if you look at the original plot, you can basically be dead, but if you rescue yourself, maybe you can rescue Xiao Nan, right?

Well, speaking from the three-dimensional world, her influence on Xiao Nan is not bad, and judging from the plot of some memories, it can be said to be gentle and kind.

Wouldn't it be a pity if such a beautiful lady died away?Thinking of the case of saving Xingyin Village's summer, it should not be too difficult to change the development of the plot.

After thinking of this, Shui Shu made a decision in his heart, and said to the people around him: "Very good, you immediately call the people of Yuyin Village and let them get in touch with me immediately!"

The command is executed immediately. There is communication equipment in this world, as long as the other party is connected at the other end.

Mizuki intends to go to Yunyin Village, so I first understand the local situation, but because of the local environment, it seems that what happened in Muye Village has not been passed into Yuyin Village.

This was easier to handle, so someone on the other side asked, "Very well, I'm thinking about going there. Do you have any questions?"

Of course there will be no problems, after all, what can be the problem with this?And when he said what he thought, the person on the other side also said: "Of course there is no problem with this! And we are just considering how can we invite you over."

"Oh?" Mizuki asked in surprise, "Anything?"

The person on the other side replied: "Yes, Miss, the task you assigned to us has already contacted the current holder for you, but the other party wants to meet with Miss once when we propose a purchase opinion. I am willing to complete this transaction. We were thinking about this issue just now!"

It turned out to be like this, but there is no problem in this way, it just happens to be done together.

Text Volume 803. Yuyin Village

Yuyin Village, this is a country that Water Tree wanted to come to long ago.However, due to various reasons, the result was not achieved, and it was only now that the opportunity was found.

He casually found an excuse, saying that he wanted to investigate: "The remnant of the Akatsuki organization."

The reason is that Payne of Akatsuki died in the village of Konoha, so where will the remaining Akatsuki members go?Considering the Five Shadows Conference, the content that will be discussed must have something to do with Akatsuki.

To be safe, Mizuki only discussed this matter with Silent. Although she seemed to disagree, Mizuki went to dangerous places alone, but Mizuki gave a reasonable reason: "The leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne. Died in the village of Konoha, but it does not mean that the Akatsuki organization has died out. The foundation is still in Yuyin Village. It is good to investigate a little intelligence!"

Considering that the Five Shadows Conference is now being held, how much it will be related to the crusade against Xiao organization, it is of course the best thing to get more information about Xiao organization.

However, for a place where even Ji Lai died, I would be a little worried about the silence, but after thinking about it again and again, I understand that even if I disagree, I guess Mizuki's character will sneak out by himself, right?

So he nodded very simply, just reminded very firmly: "You must be careful! Although the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne has now died in the battle, there are still members of the Akatsuki organization alive. You should be very clear, right?"

This Mizuki naturally understands that if Xiaonan is included in the rest, there are a total of individuals such as the dried persimmon ghost shark and Zetsu, and Uchiha belt soil.

Xiao Nan can be ignored, because after Nagato's death, she should not have cared about it anymore, and it would not be the enemy of Konoha and Mizuki.But for the remaining three people, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

The dried persimmon ghost shark is a guy known as the "tailless beast", and one of the seven famous Ninja Swords in Wuyin Village. The strength was once so powerful that both Kirabi and Kai suffered a loss.

If it is absolute, it is easier, the combat effectiveness is not very good, it is estimated that a better Shang Ren should be able to kill him.It's just that his ability to escape is unique, and he is a monster that has survived from ancient times, so his ability to survive must be top-notch!

As for the remaining Uchiha belt soil, his strength Mizuki is clear. As one of the three major bosses in the later period, the pupil technique with space-time ability can be said to be the nemesis of Mizuki from this point of view.

But these water trees are not afraid, because she assured Mute: "If I see the situation is not good, I will run away immediately with a bow."

The country of rain, judging from its name, should know the characteristics of this country. It rains all the year round.

Mizuki didn't like the appearance of the princess clothes. She was wearing a raincoat. Walking between the towering towers was completely in line with her impression of Yuyin Village.

It was raining continuously in this place. I needed to find a place to shelter from the rain. I walked through an alley and came down to the secret passage in the basement. There was an evil-looking man holding a mace.

He saw the appearance of a stranger, he immediately became vigilant, and shouted loudly: "Where is the little bunny, hurry up and fuck me!"

Really a guy with no politeness, but Mizuki didn't mean to be angry. He just took off his hood and exposed his face, the other party immediately understood who the person was, and quickly bowed his head back a few steps.

Shuishu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked directly through him and entered the interior of the basement. There was a place that looked like an underground casino. In fact, if it was normal, this place would be an underground casino.

But now it is closed, because there is a table inside, waiting for the arrival of water trees.

In front of him, a waiter-like person walked up. This was originally a lady croupier from the underground casino, and now she was leading the water tree to meet the people who had been waiting here.

In the past, I was investigating the tea country and found that there was a scroll-like object. Later, some evidence was obtained, which may be a contract, but it is not clear what it is.So Mizuki is the person who ordered her, and it is best to buy it and give it to her.

But I didn't expect it to be a coincidence. When I thought of coming here, I met the seller who had the item.And I want to meet myself, which is quite easy.

The two subordinates of the local stronghold, welcoming Mizuki at the same time, exchanged relevant information: "The guest has been waiting, it is in the room inside."

Mizuki nodded, and asked by the way: "What do I want?"

The two subordinates replied: "Yes, the other party brought it. Now waiting for you!"

Originally such a thing, logically speaking, it is not necessary to let Mizuki do it himself, but since the other party wants to see himself, he thinks that he will come anyway, so it's better to just be better.

Entering the innermost room, there are only three people inside, two obviously dressed as ninjas, standing on the left and right sides, respectively, with a masked person protecting the middle.

"It's quite cautious!" Mizuki glanced at the other person, and looked up and down for a while: "Do you want to see me?"

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