I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 473

"Endless killing, blood stained mountains and rivers."

After reading these four sentences, Mizuki noticed that he had more impressions and memories in his mind.In particular, she could see clearly that in the picture that appeared in her mind, a banner came out of the box repeatedly.

This flag is familiar, it was the one she saw after drinking a bowl of clear wine during the last trip to the Taketoi clan!

More and more memories were stimulated, and the water tree saw too many pictures, and did not expect to know the truth that Russell had hidden and how he passed through.

The original Mizuki had always thought that he had traveled into this world, but it was the same story as the network crossing, but now it is also a lot of problems.

First of all, it is certain that the water tree was not killed by a car, nor was it struck to death by lightning, nor was it XX's death.She clearly remembered that she was staying in her own room, facing the computer while playing games and watching the finale of Hokage.

The last memory is that after the game just finished playing the boss, Hokage saw Naruto and Hinata hand in hand to get married, and then she didn't remember anything.Now fill up the missing memories, knowing that it was Russell's ghost!

Yes, if I think about it, I remember the game I played, but what about Ragnarok?At that time, because I wanted to make equipment, I was constantly brushing BOSS and hunting treasures. The role I used was the "Asura" class!And it's killing the time, watching the final Naruto ending.

This seems to be able to explain why Mizuki has the profession of Asura, and it is the world of Hokage that has traveled through it.It seems that it should be related to what you were doing at the time, or is it closely related to it?!

Russell is the inducement to allow himself to cross, as for why he chose to cross by himself?This water tree has no way of knowing the truth.But I think there is a possibility, because there is a sentence in the above: "Dominate thousands and annex the world."

The literal meaning is clear, it means to dominate the world.

If there is nothing wrong with the previous theory and the information obtained, Russell has great ambitions, and from the perspective of Ashura's personality, he really thinks that he is unscrupulous.

But let’s not talk about other things. The above content makes Mizuki’s psychology finally solve a mystery that has troubled him for more than ten years, that is, his own mystery of crossing!

At the same time, I have already understood why the game monster of "Ragnarok" actually came into this world like myself.There is no doubt that everything originated from Russell, and she consciously wanted to do so.

But in reality, is this really the case?Mizuki lowered his head to meditate, but he couldn't get any answers.After all, Russell is standing on a higher dimension, with things that Water Tree cannot recognize.

If she really wanted to deceive her, even if Mizuki wanted to break her head, she probably wouldn't have any clues.Because neither is of equal magnitude!

After reading the content on the scroll, Mizuki understood the relationship between his journey and "Ragnarok". It seemed that if it was Russell's conspiracy, it would be impossible for him to unite with the boss in the game.

But there is still a sense of anxiety here, because if the content on the scrolls is correct, I am afraid that the boss monsters in these games may be controlled by Russell, at least they will be slightly affected.

In fact, this kind of cooperation is not an insurance method at all, and even for Water Tree, the cooperation between himself and them is very likely to be dragged down.

How should we choose?This is the most troublesome part of the water tree.But at the same time, at the end of the contract under the sign of the contract, I saw an incredible place.


In the three-dimensional world, Shuishu has signed many contracts. Knowing that a contract is effective, the most effective way is to sign their respective names. If it is a company or unit, there will be an official seal and seal to prevent counterfeiting.

However, the legal effect is more important to the signatures of both parties.In other words, the contract was signed, and seeing the signature on it, one party wrote it in mysterious text: Russell.

The other person’s name was written in Chinese. However, after seeing this name, Mizuki opened his eyes unbelievably: "This name, how am I!"

It is completely unbelievable that the last name of the signature is actually the name of the water tree three-dimensional world.But she didn't have the slightest memory, she didn't remember when she signed this kind of thing again!

What a joke!

Text Volume 806. In the Dark

When I saw this, Mizuki's expression changed.

What is going on here?I don't have any impression, I don't remember signing this kind of thing.Because it is clear that I remember, the last memory is staying, killing the end of BOSS and Hokage.

Of course, she is very familiar with the above handwriting, which is definitely her own.So there is only one possibility. Your memory has been tampered with, and most likely it has been erased. Regarding the memory afterwards, I think it should be Russell's doing?

Coming from another world, the existence of a higher dimension is beyond Mizuki's imagination. It is really not the current she, who can face it alone!

Mizuki frowned at the thought of this, thinking about a series of questions in his mind, thinking that the cooperation he reached with Asura was too hasty?

I was afraid of the monsters in Ragnarok making trouble, but from now on, Russell is the biggest problem, right?And the biggest problem, she is an Ashura!

Re-examining the current problem, the combination of Asura and the monster of "Ragnarok" does not seem realistic. Asura is to become stronger and can choose all means!But these boss monsters come to find their own cooperation, it seems that they have no pure intentions?

He couldn't make a decision right away, and Mizuki had thought a lot in his mind, but after thinking about it again and again, he still didn't come up with a satisfactory strategy.Because Mizuki always feels that things are not as they are seen, especially when seeing the signature on the contract, there are still problems.

Mizuki looked like a tengu. He was still waiting for his answer. He quickly sorted out his mentality and said his thoughts: "Your master wants to cooperate with me and is willing to give me this thing. Give me a warning? But if you take the initiative to cooperate with me, what good will it do for him?"

Wanting things is already in her own hands, and she can speak frankly if she wants to talk about cooperation.

Finally seeing Mizuki recover from his long thoughts, Tengu replied after listening to Mizuki's words: "I dare not try to guess what the master thinks, but the master thinks you are a sensible person. If we both become hostile , In the end, it will only be exploited."

After listening to the meaning of this sentence, you can feel a taste of temptation?

It seems that it is really a tough guy to deal with. It is true that none of these guys are fuel-efficient lamps, and they cannot relax their vigilance at all times.

But thinking about it this way, Shui Shu thinks that there is a way. The other party has a plan to test himself, so it is better to confess it to let them know that they are not vegetarian.

Mizuki said to Tengu: "Well, go back and tell your master that if he really wants to cooperate, let him have a mental preparation. There is about to be a war in this world, and it will be connected to another world. It's a sincere cooperation. Please ask him to find me in the Konoha Village in the country of fire in the world!"

The words have already been spoken, which means: "If you really want to cooperate, come and meet me!"

This can be regarded as a statement, right?If you intend to cooperate with yourself, you will definitely meet with yourself in person.If this is just a conspiracy, I will definitely find a way to keep it.

Of course, if the hands can cooperate, considering the Fourth Ninja World War, there will be a strong boost. This is definitely the result of Mizuki's hope, but the heart of harm is not allowed, and the heart of defense is even more. Must-have!

I don’t know if there is a Tengu. I heard the meaning of this sentence. It is estimated that even if I heard it, his responsibility is to pass on the words of the water tree to his owner. So he answered clearly: " I will communicate it to the master."

After the conversation between the two parties was completed, the Tengu did not make any more stops, and immediately left the place.

Mizuki watched the depart of Tengu, there was a hesitation and flicker in her eyes, because she had a foreboding, her decision just now was unwise.But why can't it be said?The decision I made was not in line with my subjective interests.

Recalling the information obtained, starting from the time of crossing, when learning ninjutsu, I discovered my own potential and actually had the skills of "Ragnarok".

Now when I saw the contract, I recalled some memories, and I probably understood what was going on.

However, the signature on the contract was the name of his own three-dimensional world. However, Mizuki himself did not have any relevant memories, so what happened?There is no clue here, but Mizuki's feeling told himself: This is definitely Russell's ghost!

If it's Russell's conspiracy?This possibility is the greatest!And the contact between Mizuki and Asura is that he has never seen Russell, but from the mouth of the dark Asura, he has to know that his soul is connected with Russell.According to the contract now obtained, it seems that this is indeed correct.

The remaining Asuras have lost the opportunity to descend into this world, but Russell, who is connected to his soul, still has the possibility of descending into this world, most likely through his own body!

This makes the water tree become very uneasy. If it really becomes like this, will he ruin the world?More and more ideas appear, most of them are various conjectures and how to solve them.

When Mizuki was anxious, somehow the earth shook violently?What is going on here, is it an earthquake?

"No, it cannot be an earthquake. An earthquake will not be an irregular movement."

Because I have experienced the earthquake in 2008, I know how much knowledge about earthquakes has been popularized. I know that seismic waves are regular and not irregular.

What happened? I can already guess after thinking about it: "Blast!"

There is absolutely nothing wrong, and it is a repetitive and long explosion, because only the fluctuations produced in this way can be so disorderly.

I don't know how long it lasted. A rough estimate is about ten minutes. The ground shaking finally stopped.Mizuki hurriedly called all his subordinates and ran out to check what was going on!

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