I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 474

When you come to the tallest building in Yuyin Village, you can see the lake outside the village, where countless water mist and smoke are evaporating. This unusual situation is of course unable to escape the eyes of the water tree, opening his eyes. After wearing the smoke, I finally saw it!

Sure enough, it was the same as what happened in the plot, when Xiao Nan was brought to death by the soil.

No, that's not right, wait a minute!In Mizuki's eyes, Chakra's reaction was a bit wrong.

Text Volume 807. Extra Enemies [Part One]

Not long ago, Mizuki had a hand with the soil. He used his eyes to see the chakra with soil. If he met the other party, it would be impossible not to recognize it!

But the scene he saw with his eyes was completely indistinguishable black fog.There is no way to make any distinction, anyway, it will definitely not be soiled, and it seems a bit familiar?

"It looks a bit like a certain breath I have seen before?" What did Mizuki think of, because he must have seen it in the past, and immediately had an ominous premonition, and ordered the people under her to join her: "Let me see one look!"

The incident occurred in the lake of Yuyin Village. After the explosion just now, there was water and mist everywhere.Fortunately, the existence of blind eyes did not cause too much trouble.

Mizuki and several of his subordinates entered the place where the explosion occurred, the oncoming fog spread and subsided, and three figures appeared in front of them.At first glance who they are, they have already recognized them separately: "Necromancer", "Wraith Warrior", "Necromancer"

That's right, all the boss-level monsters in the three games actually appeared in front of them.

At the same time, another discovery was that Mizuki saw Xiao Nan's body. She was picked at the tip of the gun by the necromancer, and she had already lost her life.

Seeing such a scene, Mizuki seemed to understand it, and snorted coldly: "That's it, it seems that you already have two hands ready?"

The three boss-level monsters are really not a joke.If it is to deal with any one, Mizuki dare to say that he is 100% sure, and it can be guaranteed to be 50% if two are replaced.

But now it is replaced by three BOSSs, even if Mizuki fights them hard, he is afraid that the possibility of killing three people is 10%, which is good.

The Necromancer dropped Xiao Nan's body, and his knight's spear had a dark glow. This knight's spear was very clear, and it must not be touched!

Fortunately, none of the three of them had the intention to take action. The resentful warrior here glanced at the necromantic knight. After the two nodded to each other, he took a step forward and said to Mizuki: "My subordinates have passed your words to Me, you have no choice. If you are unwilling to cooperate with us, the greatest thing is to be enemies. Do you want us to be friends or enemies?"

Mizuki glanced at them, but sneered: "Friends? Do you think we will become friends? Are you willing to cooperate with me, isn't it for your own sake?"

Although she doesn't know what their purpose is, there is a saying she knows: "There are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only permanent benefits."

Asuras can't enter this world. Although they have their own ambitions, at least they can't endanger this world.But these guys are different, they are likely to cause harm to this world.

The necromantic knight's gaze flashed with chills, sweeping the body of the water tree from time to time, and then humming to the resentful warrior with disdain: "What did you tell her about so much? Don't forget that she killed: Moonlight Cat!"

The resentful warrior hadn’t spoken in a deep voice. The Necromancer first said to the Necromancer: “You can’t say that. How can she say that she is the same as us. It can be said that she is our potential ally. There is a saying in humans: one more friend, More power."

"Huh, what about humans?" The Necromancer said with disdain: "Why don't you learn anything about humans? If you want me to say that the guy in the mask is in line with my appetite. And I think his plan is very good. !"

The guy in the mask?plan?

Mizuki's eyes shrank. It seems that he and Uchiha brought the soil, have they already met?

The resentful warrior said at this time: "Don't be too sloppy. How to say that existence is also the king of a world. Even if you help the masked person, completing his plan may not defeat that existence. But in front of you This human being like us is the best choice with her ability!"

After their discussions, the Necromancer also stopped a little.But the attitude towards Mizuki is still full of hostility: "You speak lightly, don't forget what her identity is!"

When talking about this, the Necromancer said unkind to Mizuki: "I know your identity: Asura! In order to become stronger, you can use any means, you will not be any better than that guy!"

Where does this start?

Mizuki said in disapproval, so much so that he retorted: "I am not an Asura, I am a human, but you: Necromancer! Symbolizing the death of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, aren't you the evil side?"

The four horsemen of the apocalypse do not belong to the system of Nordic mythology, but they are the representatives of "death" in the game, where they are the lord of the kingdom of the dead.

If you want to say the distinction between justice and evil, he is the existence of evil, right?!

The necromantic knight snorted: "Do you dare not admit it? The body exudes the smell of'Asura'. It was difficult to distinguish it, but now it can be clearly sensed. You have your own subjective will, and you may not It hurts the world, but it can’t change anything, it will always come when it should come.”

Mizuki didn't understand what he meant, but after seeing the Necromancer finished speaking to himself, he turned his head and said to the Necromancer and the Wraith Warrior: "If you are willing to choose to cooperate with her, I know there is no way to stop you. But I will choose to help that masked human!"

It seems that this time meeting, there will be one more trouble.Unexpectedly, the monsters in "Legend of Ragnarok" already wanted to blend into it, did the original plot of the Naruto World?

A very disturbing thought emerged, because recalling what Mu Zhu had said, changing the development trajectory of this world would weaken the world’s ability to resist foreign aggressions.

Now if it is an external existence who wants to participate in the development of the original plot, how will it have an inestimable impact on the development of this world?

Mizuki can't imagine that if he refers to his own behavior and respects the memories of the plot, he will not deviate too far.But will these monsters know?Or do they follow?

"Are you saying you want to help my enemy?" What is absolutely not allowed at this time, originally as the fourth Ninja World War, is already a war that will kill tens of thousands of people. Hey, God knows what kind of development there will be!

This guy blatantly wanted to help the enemy, Mizuki's face had changed, and when he saw Xiao Nan who fell on the ground, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Text Volume 808. The Extra Enemy [Next]

Mizuki had already squeezed her fists, her face gloomy as if dripping water, her voice was extremely cold and said: "I can't talk about hatred with you, but to help my enemy, this is my enemy!"

Turning his head to look at the necromancer and the wraith warrior, he continued to say to them: "If it is my friend, I will give the greatest help. But if you are an enemy, you will be different!"

After speaking, he focused his attention on the Necromancer: "What you want to help will start a war, countless people will die, countless families will be broken, if you insist on helping him, then it will It's my enemy!"

Is this a warning from the other party?

Because I know the next plot, I understand that the war is coming, and the enemy is definitely not allowed to get more help. This will definitely cause more casualties to yourself!

If it is determined that the necromancer will help his enemy, there is no doubt that the water tree is responsible, and must defeat this guy.

Of course, for the Necromancer, he has nothing to care about. He directly raised the knight's gun in his hand and pointed at the water tree and said, "Am I still afraid that you will not succeed?"

The death knight released a strong breath of death, which looked like white smoke coming out, but if you look closely, you can find that the white smoke has faces, crying, pain, and distortion!

Mizuki released the power of thunder without showing weakness, surrounded by countless thunder and lightning all over his body, as if shrouded in a halo, the momentum burst out in an instant, there was no difference in the death aura of the opponent!

Seeing the raging swords on both sides and the looming war, both the necromantic and the wraith warrior frowned, and felt that they came forward to discourage them: "Everyone should calm down first. If a fight breaks out here, you will lose both sides in the end. Happy also That exists!"

Because of their mediation, the two sides who made the swords dreadfully stabilized their emotions.

However, the water trees here are a little bit curious. What is going on with the existence they are talking about?Think about it and ask them: "You want to find me to cooperate. Is it to deal with the existence you call it? Can you tell me who the existence in your mouth is?"

The Necromancer and the Wraith Warrior looked at each other, thinking that the other party would know this sooner or later, and then nodded and replied: "The King of Darkness: The King of Darkness! You should know?"

Lord of Darkness?This name is a bit second.

But Mizuki knew who they were talking about as the "King of Darkness", it belonged to the early version of "Ragnarok", the strongest top BOSS monster.

At that time, players who had one turn and two turns had almost no way to deal with such BOSS monsters.Let alone the bad equipment, the skills and damage are not good, and the version at that time didn't even use drugs, and countless warriors were hardened by their lives.

Was killed again and again, resurrected again and again, and then ran away and died home.Only by doing so repeatedly can this BOSS be killed!

Later, with the replacement of the version, the player character's equipment was up, and he was able to use drugs to resist damage, and the problem of A's death at one time was solved.

But when I think about it, something is wrong again?Because this is a very early matter, but in fact, from the official data, the combat effectiveness of the Dark Lord was considered top at the time.However, for comparison, in fact, there is no need for the three BOSSs to be stronger.

This question flashed through Mizuki’s mind, but the problem was not here. Mizuki faced the three BOSS-level monsters and said, "You want to cooperate with me, is it just to fight, this king of darkness? ?"

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