I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 475

"Yes, but not exactly." When he said this, the resentful spirit warrior was silent for a while. When he wanted to say something, he was stopped by the undead around him and waved his hand: "This is more complicated than you think. If we are alone to deal with the King of Darkness, the three of us can work together to fight. But Lord Necromancer also said just now that we discovered the existence of Asura, which caused us to perceive a troublesome problem."

"Troublesome question?" Mizuki wanted to ask what it was: "Can you tell me?"

But the necromancer shook his head and refused: "If you do not agree to cooperate with us, this information cannot be disclosed to you."

It seemed that they had discovered something, and it was about Ashura, but because of their anxiety, they were very vigilant.Would you consider joining hands with yourself?

Mizuki hesitated, but always felt that this matter should not be too simple to say.At this time, the Wraith Warrior also said: "If your observation is careful enough, the contract my subordinates gave you has actually explained the problem."

what does this mean?Because the words came out suddenly, Mizuki didn't want to understand for a while.

But if it is a doubt, it is indeed something that can come to mind quickly.The first reflection is to remember how the signing of the contract scroll has its own three-dimensional name, and from the signature of his own handwriting, it is impossible for Mizuki to not even see his own handwriting.

But it's really very strange, because I don't have any impression of when I signed it.Obviously, this memory has been erased here!

What happened at the time, and why is there no impression at all?And if you really want to investigate it, how can a monster in a game traverse like yourself?

There are many questions in my mind, but what happened?There is no clue here, I really can't think of a reason.

At this time, the necromantic knight's nonchalant voice sounded: "What is the use of you telling this human? She is just a pawn. Even if she gets the power of Asura, she is still a human who knows nothing. As for the darkness. The king, huh! If you are scared, I will deal with it myself."

Because of his confidence in his abilities, the Necromancer is not afraid of the King of Darkness. As long as his spear can stab him, any king can be killed!

Seeing the attitude of the Necromancer, Mizuki had a moment of psychological contemplation. Although he didn't like him very much, if he put aside his emotions, he would be dismissive of himself if he wanted to come to the Necromancer because he had the strength and confidence?

What an arrogant character!

After wanting to play this matter, Mizuki gave his own answer: "Well, I can promise you now and agree to cooperate with you, but I have a prerequisite, I hope you can agree first!"

That is: no interference in everything in this world is allowed!

Text volume 809. Bafengt

I don't want to destroy the original development trajectory of this world. If there is an uncontrollable impact, there will be disastrous consequences.

This is a reminder that wood and bamboo used to give water to the tree. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, I can't take any risks.So Mizuki please ask them not to interfere with the original process of this world in the end.

They put forward this prerequisite after a brief discussion, but regrettably said: "This is impossible! Because we also have our own plan, and we have already decided to implement it. Of course you said that the war is about to happen. , We can guarantee not to participate directly. After all, this is a battle of native humans. If there is nothing necessary, we have no leisure time to blend in."

They didn't give a clear answer. They seemed to have their own plans, but they didn't seem to disclose it to Mizuki.I want to conceal something deliberately, which will inevitably make people very uncomfortable.

But is there any way to make them right now, try not to get involved in the struggle of this world, it is already a very good thing.

Of course, Mizuki asked here about what they know, since they have already decided to work together, should they tell themselves the necessary information?

The necromancer here replied: "We came to this world, in fact, the result of the collision of two (cosmic planes). Although it is impossible to determine the cause, it can be determined that it is related to Asura."

When talking about this, the Wraith Warrior and the Necromancer said one after another: "If you know the Lord of Darkness, you should know how ambitious he is. That's why it breaks through the two universe planes and sends the creatures of one world. To another world. Although our respective strengths are not weak, they are still not enough to stand alone against the Lord of Darkness."

"We don’t want to be the tools of the Dark Lord, and we don’t want to be enslaved by him. So after we came to this world, we have been thinking of ways to deal with this guy. Until we noticed you, since There is something incredible about you."

Through their gradual narration, Mizuki could understand some of the reasons, and it seemed that his journey was not as simple as imagined.

Mizuki asked: "You want to join hands with me, so how do you want me to help you?"

The resentful warrior replied: "It's very simple, help us find: Bafengt."

The name: Baphomet?In Western religions in the three-dimensional world, the devil with the horned human body is talking about him.It is also a BOSS-level monster of "Ragnarok". The background in the game is the demon that triggered the "Millennium War".

The status of this demon in the game is not much worse than that of the Lord of Darkness. It is also one of the extremely difficult BOSSs in the early game. The anime of the same name in "Ragnarok" has also appeared. The introduction has nothing to do with the Lord of Darkness, but they are mutually exclusive. They are all familiar.

"So that's it, want me to find him?" Mizuki probably understands the reason, because from the game's understanding, Bafeng is one of the few demons who is not afraid of the Lord of Darkness.

But there is a little water tree here that I don’t understand very well: "If you are looking for Bafengt, can you go there yourself? Why do you have to come to me?"

Regarding Mizuki’s incomprehension, the Wuling Warrior replied helplessly: "We have nothing to do with Baphomet. He will not listen to our requests. He once asked him to join us in order to get his help, but he was very I don't care about the ambition of the Dark Lord, I only think of his son psychologically."

Bafengte, there is a nickname in the game: bus.There is also a monster named: Minibus Fengte, also known as: Minibus.The relationship between the two is father and son, whether in games or in anime.

Because of his deep understanding of the game, Mizuki knew that Baphomet was a great demon who was not afraid of the Lord of Darkness, but his only weakness was his precious son.

According to the description of the Wraith Warrior, because Bafengt’s son has disappeared, he is now looking everywhere.As for the ambition of the Dark Lord, although he knew something about it, he had no interest at all.After all, he is the great demon who started the "Millennium War"!

If you want to get help from Baphomet, the only way is to hand the minibus to him.Speaking of it, in the game, it seems that there is this task, and it also appeared in the animation of the same name, returning the minibus to his father.But I didn't expect that the tasks in the game would actually become a realistic version.

It still feels a bit strange, but there is also a problem with this: "You didn't try to find the minibus, and then in turn as the conditions for joining forces with the Baphomet?"

How come there is no such idea?In fact, if they can, of course they will.But the answer is only one sentence: "It is very simple to say, but if you see it in this way, we will not ask you to do it. After you find the minibus, you will understand our difficulties."

The current Mizuki can't understand the other party's meaning, but it seems that this little bus Fengte is not a good master, right?

"We have a piece of information that will allow you to find Xiaoba Fengte faster. My subordinates are in Yunokuni in this world and found signs of Xiaoba Fengte."

This information was secretly written down by Mizuki.

After speaking, the Wraith Warrior said: "Today's conversation, don't you end here? When you found Xiaoba Fengte, we were in contact."

Are they going to leave?

"Wait a minute." Mizuki stopped them and said one thing: "Necromancer, can you exchange this human soul for me?"

The soul Mizuki asked for was Xiaonan's soul. The explosion that happened just now was a fight between her and the necromancer. Through the dialogue just now, I knew how much the necromancer was to help Uchiha bring the soil.

The necromantic knight looked at the water tree and said indifferently: "This human soul, I promised that person."

The attitude is still extremely cold, with almost no emotion.It's really annoying!The truth K he had a meal.

Here is where the necromancer intervenes: "Well, the masked man didn’t say to take the soul, as long as he got the information he wanted. I just reached a joint cooperation with her to return the human soul. Is it an expression of our attitude?"

Finally looking at the face of the necromancer, the necromancer snorted and waved the cavalier's spear, only to see a transparent figure, returning to Xiaonan's corpse, and finally disappearing without looking back.

Text volume 810.State of affairs

Successfully asked Xiao Nan's soul to come back, but instead of waking up, she fell into a drowsy state. The physical examination did not cause any major problems. It is estimated that the physical consumption is a bit heavy?

Fortunately, three days later, Xiao Nan woke up from a coma. Her first reaction was to discover: "Am I not dead?"

At that time, Mizuki was in the next room. He was asking about the Five Shadows Conference and about going to Yunokuni. Hearing the report from the beautiful waiter, he came to Xiao Nan's bedside.

Mizuki's concept of Xiaonan is not bad. She is a kind-hearted girl. Although she is a member of the Akatsuki organization and has done a lot of things undeniably, she just wants to guard her two companions.

Because she had lost her companion, Mizuki expressed her understanding and empathy.Seeing Xiao Nan who had just woke up, he said gently to her: "Yes, you are not dead, you have been asleep for several days."

When Xiao Nan saw Mizuki coming to him, the ninja who thought it was Konoha for a while had already entered Yuyin Village.

But she quickly discovered that she was not tied up, and it seemed that the place she was in was not a cell or a cell, but an ordinary room.

She let go of her hanging heart, and said to Mizuki, "You are the eldest lady of the Hyuga family? Why are you here?"

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