I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 476

This seems not the most important thing, right?Seeing that she was still a little wary of herself, Mizuki shook her head helplessly and said: "The Five Shadows Conference has been held. The goal is your Xiao organization. Why did you say I came to Yuyin Village?"

Collecting information from Akatsuki organization, this is Mizuki's excuse to Silence, but the actual situation is definitely not the case.The original intention was to save her, but I didn't expect an accident to happen, but luckily it was not a big problem.

Mizuki carefully helped to lift Xiao Nan up and continued: "When I came, it was really dangerous to see you injured. My body was pierced. If I were playing for half an hour, you would Really dead!"

I didn’t want Xiao Nan to know too much. Instead, I was taking her words and asking: “What happened? How could you almost die? I remember that Yuyin Village was not the site of your Xiao organization? Did you also get attacked? Up?"

Hearing Mizuki's round of inquiries, Xiao Nan sighed and said, "Uchiha Madara, he really wants to make a move."

Xiaonan still doesn't know the true identity of Uchiha Daido, but he just thinks his identity is Uchiha Madara!

It turned out that the Necromancer had already come to Yuyin Village a few months ago, and he had met with the leader of the Akatsuki organization at the time, Payne.

Maybe it was from that time that they had been in contact with Uchiha, the masked man at the time, and they probably knew the plan of "unlimited monthly reading".

Akatsuki had some doubts about the identity of the Necromancer, but there was no conflict of interest between the two parties. On the contrary, there had been several small cooperations.That's why the two are in peace and have been smoothly transitioning to the present.

However, after the Konoha incident, the masked man should realize that simply snatching the tail beast is no longer feasible. The last eight tails and nine tails can only be obtained through war!

Xiaonan was aware of Uchiha's intention to bring soil, so he had already set up traps, but he did not expect this to happen.The necromancer was suddenly attacking her, although she was also desperately resisting, but in the end she lost and was stabbed to death by the tip of a gun.

After listening to her story, Mizuki had to know some important information, and he began to be suspicious. It was the true intentions of the Necromancers: "Rebelling against the ambition of the Dark King? Don't want to be exploited? Sounds like? It makes sense, but I always feel that there is a problem!"

Recall if there is anything suspicious, this is really not easy to say.Because there are really many doubts, one is the Necromancer once said, how did he know the identity of his own Asura?I'm afraid that even his closest person, Mizuki hasn't revealed a word, right?!

By the way, one more thing is to remember that the resentful warrior revealed the information on the contract to himself. He thinks he must be doubtful?So here comes the problem, because when the contract is opened, the above seal does exist, right?If you haven't opened it yet, why are you sure you will feel suspicious?

There are more doubts and uneasiness on the psychological side. It seems that they are hiding things from themselves, or what use are they conspiring?There are too many questions involuntarily.

At this time, Xiao Nan's voice interrupted her thoughts: "Shui Shu, did you mean the Five Shadows Conference? It has already been held?"

After hearing her question, Mizuki nodded and replied: "Yes, I also heard the news just now. It is said that the shadows of the five great nations have already arrived in the Iron Country. The next step is to start negotiations. My subordinates are already paying close attention to it. If there is any news, it will definitely come in the first time."

Suddenly I felt that I had said a little too much. I couldn't help but asked Xiao Nan, "What are you asking this question? Do you want to blend?"

If this is the case, Mizuki will definitely stop Xiao Nan and don't do meaningless things.

Fortunately, Xiaonan immediately stated clearly: "I have determined to leave Akatsuki. Without Yahiko and Nagato, staying in Akatsuki is meaningless."

When Xiao Nan said that Yahiko and Nagato, Mizuki couldn't help but recall the two companions he had died.Although they haven't been together for a long time, they have shared memories, not to mention that it was for their own sacrifice in the end.I'm afraid I can't forget it all my life!

Mizuki sighed: "You want to protect them, right? I've heard about Yahiko and Nagato. They are like my former companions."

I don't know if Xiao Nan has received relevant information, whether he knows that Mizuki lost two of his companions in the Konoha collapse three years ago.

She looked at Mizuki's face, as if she felt something, and said: "You speak in a special tone, not like a sixteen-year-old."

Originally, such a person was ridiculing, saying that the water tree is "really old", right?

But after listening to Mizuki, he didn't think there was anything. He just said indifferently: "I am a ninja after all, and I have seen people who live and die. It is inevitable that you will have an experience of life, right?"

He didn't directly explain his unusualness. After all, how old is the true age of his mind? This is also Mizuki's own secret, right?I don't want too many people to know.

Text Volume 811. Pre-war preparation tips

Xiaonan has already decided to retreat from Xiao, because without Yahiko and Nagato, she has lost the meaning of staying in Xiao, but she has decided to inherit the will of the two of them and will definitely redevelop Yuyin Village!

The water tree here is to give support: "Well, I hope you can do it!"

Because there are too many things to do next, first the news of the Five Shadows Conference came quickly. First, Danzo's attempt to use other gods was exposed, and then it was Sasuke's trouble scene.

As a result, the entire iron country is now in chaos, and from the current situation, it is estimated that Uchiha's belt soil has appeared, and his attempt to capture the tail beast has begun to directly declare war on the five major countries.

I think the next step is to actively prepare for battle, and at the same time, to send someone to protect Naruto. He will be escorted to Yunyin Village. Of course, this is a secret task. After all, if Naruto knows the truth, I am afraid it is his character. I must be unable to sit still.

Mizuki also had to consider going to Yunokuni, but thinking of the next plot, he decided to go back to Konoha Village and talk about it. He just left some of his capable staff to help Xiaonan reorganize Yuyin Village.

It is thanks to the intelligence network that I personally established. Although it is a very loose organization, it has very close interest ties, so that efficiency is promoted under the drive of interest, and it attracts more Langren to serve the water tree.

Xiao Nan is also a member of the Xiao organization. He has now announced his withdrawal, but he still has the identity of an "angel" in Yuyin Village. With the help of the water tree and his men, he should be able to reorganize Yuyin Village soon.

This is how much you can rest assured, so that you can quickly return to Konoha Village after three days.

There was no accident. The first time I returned to Konoha Village, I heard another news. I didn't expect Danzo to be dead!

Danzo's death is the result of the plot, and no matter what, Sasuke will definitely not let him go, the real murderer of the Uchiha clan who destroyed the door.

Of course, there is also the unsuccessful thing about Naruto who went to see Raikage.And after Sakura knew Naruto's thoughts, the matter of falsely confessing to Naruto, in short, it was a mess!

After knowing what happened, Mizuki didn't show much surprise. After all, it was basically the plot of the original book, and all of it was already known.

But there is still good news. I learned that Tsunade was already awake, so I hurried to meet her and report to Tsunade about my affairs in Uyin Village. Of course, there are choices here, just to say About the Akatsuki organization: "The Akatsuki organization now has no people. After Payne died in the village of Konoha, Xiaonan announced her withdrawal from Akatsuki. Now there is only Akatsuki left, and the mask Guys."

Mizuki wanted to reveal the identity of Uchiha Daito, but because he was concerned about his own problems, he could only use a masked man instead of Daito.

Fortunately, the Uchiha belt soil has now begun to act, claiming to be Uchiha Madara’s identity, and now has declared war on the five major countries.

After listening to the news, Tsunade nodded clearly and said: "There are not a few people left in Akatsuki now, but even so, I still can't take it lightly."

"You should have heard about the news of the Five Shadows Conference? The man who claimed to be'Uchiha Madara' has already issued a declaration of war. The Ninja World War that has not erupted in more than ten years is about to reignite the war. !"

Tsunade has already experienced two world wars. She understands why this is going to happen, but is she ready to come?

The ones that should come will come sooner or later, and Mizuki's mentality is well prepared.Nodded and said, "Daimyo also agrees. Isn't it about forming the Ninja Alliance?"

The supreme leader of the Naruto World is basically a big name belonging to each country, and the power is so great that it has the right to appoint and remove the influence of the country.

After the Five Shadows Conference is over, the content of the discussion has been reported to the country’s famous names. It should be a discussion after calculating the time?

Of course, this is not the most important thing. After all, Five Shadows has reached a consensus, and the threats of "Tailmon" and "Uchiha Madara" have forced all countries to unite to fight the enemy.

Tsunade nodded and said, "Yes, all countries are starting to prepare. You didn't come back yesterday. The village has already held a meeting to make a plan for war preparation."

Everything is like plot development.

Knowing that war is about to break out, Mizuki, who has never experienced a real war, inevitably asks a little nervously: "Preparing for war? This is my first contact with war. Do I need to make any preparations?"

"Ninja, food, medicine, the necessities of war logistics, and the current Konoha Village needs a lot of things." Tsunade naturally has a task to explain: "Although you have just returned, you have to work hard. Go to the country of vegetables to buy food and medicinal materials, and I will trouble you to go to the villain's island.

Sea transportation is a low-cost transportation method, and more importantly, the load is extremely large.Considering that from Konoha Village to Yunyin Village, the land route will inevitably be affected by the war, and shipping will become an important means of transportation of goods.

The geographical location of Evilman's Island is unique, and it can be a hub for material transportation. I think that the relationship between the water tree and this place is extraordinary.It's normal to send Water Tree to the villain's island.

Naturally, Mizuki had no reason to refuse, and he had actually considered the current situation before developing on the island of the villain, and it happened to come in handy now.So I immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will go to the country of vegetables first to meet Princess Chunnai. Then I will set off to the island of evildoers. What do you think of this trip?"

"No problem, it's up to you to decide this!" When he said this, Tsunade thought of one thing: "If you have nothing else, you can go to Naruto first? This time the war, Akatsuki organized The target is him."

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about it. If I remember it correctly, Yao and Naruto will be transferred to a secret island, right?

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