I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 477

Mizuki thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, before I leave, take the time to take a look at that guy? But I have heard that he seems to be teleported to Miaomu Mountain, and he has heard of Toad Immortal Prophecy for him, right?"

The predicted thing will happen eventually. This time the war to protect Naruto is also the cornerstone of making him a hero. There is nothing wrong with it.

Thinking of this, he nodded in reply, turned around and left to prepare.

But just after walking out of the room, Mizuki felt her right eye, emitting a sharp pain, revealing an indescribable light, even the contact lens she was wearing couldn't hide it.

Text volume 812. Changes in eyes

Covering his right eye, forcibly resisting the discomfort of the eye, using the other left eye, he started to look inside his body, and he could see that there were chakras converging in his right eye.

"Mizuki, what's the matter with you? Nothing, right?" Tsunade noticed the strange appearance of Mizuki standing at the door, and asked carefully, "Are you not feeling well?"

After examining his body, Mizuki couldn't give any explanation, but out of no worries, he just shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm leaving now."

Leaving quickly, she didn't want to expose too much.

First, I returned to the Hyuga clan, hid in my room, walked to the dressing table mirror, and carefully checked my right eye: "This eye looks like a turned eye?"

That's right, because I have seen the theater version, I probably remembered turning around.And when the white eyes evolve into turning eyes, there will indeed be uncomfortable pain.

According to official information, if the eye of reincarnation is the eye that controls life and death, then the eye of rebirth is the eye of destruction and creation.For how powerful it is, there is no way to experiment with the current water tree, but judging from the level in the theater version, it is enough to split the moon easily!

Thinking that he might have such a terrifying power, Mizuki couldn't believe it and covered his right eye: "Is it really a reincarnation? Is it inspired by the power of Asura?"

This should be the most likely explanation. After all, she was born in the Hyuga clan, not from the Datongmu clan. If you want to integrate your own blood, it is really hard to figure out without the Datongmu bloodline.So it was the power of Asura, and the guess that inspired it was the only conclusion.

With the passage of time, the discomfort and pain of the right eye gradually subsided, and the contact lens was worn again, and the original appearance of the eye was changed.

Because the current Mizuki still doesn't want to tell too many people about the changes in his eyes, although it will not be a problem to tell Nizu and Tsunade, after all, he knows that they will definitely not pay them back.But how to explain it?So before she found a reasonable explanation, she would not be ready to tell the people around her for the time being.

I carefully looked in the mirror again and looked at my eyes for a while. After putting on the contact lenses, the pupils were camouflaged perfectly, and there was almost no flaw.

Only in this way could Mizuki feel relieved, and he has to go out quickly. After all, there is a task now, so it's better not to waste too much time.

As soon as I walked out of my room, I saw Hinata standing outside his house, and Mizuki was shocked: "Oh, it's Hinata! Why are you standing here?"

I didn't expect Hinata to stand at his door. Could it be that she was eager to come back just now, and she noticed something on the way?

But here seems to be Mizuki thinking too much. Hinata came to her not to notice her abnormality, but because something happened that made Hinata want to say to his sister: "Sister, do you have anything right now? I. I want to tell you something."

Mizuki hesitated for a while, and chose to let Hinata come in and sit down to speak.

"What's the matter?" Mizuki looked at Hinata, thinking that she had something to do with her: "Do you have something on your mind?"

The relationship between the two people has been very close since childhood, there is nothing that can't be said.Hinata tells Mizuki what he told everyone after Naruto came back not long ago: "My sister has heard about the Five Shadows Convention? After Naruto came back, he told everyone to deal with Sasuke's affairs by himself, and I don’t want everyone to interfere."

He glanced at Hinata strangely, and asked, "Is there anything weird about this? Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, you didn't pay attention to the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke when you were young. It is normal to find Sasuke according to his personality, right? "

But the meaning is not here. Hinata shook his head and said: "At that time, when I was almost killed by Payne, Kyuubi appeared from Naruto's body and felt violent anger, but there was no Naruto in it. Consciousness. It's like being swallowed by anger, and the heart is like being swallowed by Nine Tails~ I'm so scared!"

What should I say?Good luck fooling people?The necklace of the first generation of Hokage, this is the barrier to control the nine tails, Naruto without the necklace is indeed very dangerous now.

If someone irritates him so as to shake his feelings, I am afraid that there will be serious consequences, right?

Yes, if you think about it, I remember that in the previous Tiandiqiao, Mizuki had personally seen Naruto’s runaway, and it wouldn’t work if I didn’t say a few words. If I met him, who could run away? Will there be no problems?

However, for the subsequent plot, if Mizuki's memory is correct, the future Naruto will merge with Kyuubi's Chakra, and then after getting Kyuubi's approval, he can enter the Kyuubi mode. There is no need to worry.

Mizuki gently embraced Hinata in her arms, stroked her hair softly, and gently said to Hinata: "Sister, are you worried about Naruto? This is really your character, and it's been secretly all the time. Follow him."

"I understand what you mean, but to find Sasuke-kun, this is Naruto's choice. He is a man who will do what he says, and this is the way he always carries out forbearance."

Of course, when talking about this, Mizuki could not help but sighed: "I have heard about Sasuke. This time the five powers have joined forces to deal with Xiao together. You are worried that he will face it. Sasuke, right?"

Yes, speaking of it, Naruto didn't use all his strength in the final Battle of End Valley, at least he didn't have the heart to kill Sasuke.

It can be seen that in order to retrieve Sasuke, Naruto has given much affection, just to get the approval of this friend.

Naturally, Mizuki understood this, and continued to Hinata: "Naruto is a persistent person, sometimes it can be said to be stubborn, but if it weren't for this kind of spirit, I don't think it would attract so many companions. Right?"

An almost stubborn spirit of unyielding, this is the character Naruto has honed since childhood, and it is he who cherishes his companions that will make more willing to become his companions, and will come to him to help Him!

But then again, Mizuki realized a little bit, and Naruto wanted to solve it with Sasuke alone.

If it weren't for the water tree from the three-dimensional world, know the plot that will develop afterwards.In fact, consider practical problems, such as meeting Sasuke on the battlefield. What does Naruto mean when he said this, obviously he wants to face it alone?

This is definitely not a good thing. Mizuki also made Hinata feel relieved: "You can rest assured that if you are really worried, I can help you talk about him!"

Text Volume 813. Before the mission

Mizuki knocked on Naruto's door. This guy was preparing something, saying that he had already got an S-level mission and was going to somewhere in Yunyin Village.

Needless to say where it is, it is about his future growth anyway, but the point is not here.

Entering Naruto's house, he was still as sloppy as before, and shook his head helplessly: "You really haven't changed at all, and nothing will be cleaned up."

Naruto scratched his head with a smirk, and asked, "Why Mizuki comes to me today when I have time?"

"Oh, what about this~?" Mizuki thought for a while and replied: "I have already heard about the prophecy of Toad Daisen, and you said that you have to face Sasuke alone?"

When talking about this, Mizuki looked at Naruto for a while, and saw that he fell into silence, he knew the reason, and continued: "I have played with you since I was young, and I know your character very well. Remember us Was it the first time to meet? Because my sister was bullied at that time, you stood up to help her. I wanted to know who it was, so I found you?"

"At that time, I thought I was very curious, why can a little devil who looks weaker than me help my sister? But then I gradually discovered that you guy has an unimaginable obsession. People in the village don’t understand, and I still have to shout: I want to become Hokage!"

"Do you know? I think you are stupid, thinking that you are whimsical. But then I followed Hinata and found her peeking at your hard work. At that time, I finally understood. Maybe this is the charm of you. Where is it? I remember you said: What you say must be done, is this your forbearance?"

Naruto was stunned. He looked at Mizuki even more stupidly. Maybe he didn't expect Mizuki to say such things, right?

But this is nothing. The Mizuki here patted him on the shoulder: "I support you. I know the relationship between you and Sasuke. He is the opponent you have chased in your life, and the person you want to be recognized most?"

Naruto finally understood, with a smile on his face, and nodded vigorously: "Well, yes, I will definitely find Sasuke-kun and let him return to the village of Konoha!"

In the valley of the end, they will eventually reconcile and end a long-cherished wish.

But there is something to say here. Mizuki knocked his head hard again, and said in his soreness: "But don't forget, your companion is not only Sasuke, but also us! There is Konoha! You said that you want to become Hokage. If you don’t have your companions and Konoha village, how can you become Hokage?"

This sentence should be the fourth Ninja World War. Itachi said to Naruto a reprint: "It is not that people who become Naruto will be recognized by everyone, but people who are recognized by everyone can become Naruto."

If you can't get everyone's approval, this Naruto position won't be able to sit up, just like the fellow Danzo. If you don't get approval, you will inevitably face opposition.

After Naruto listened to Mizuki's words, one thing was lost in thought. It seemed that he also realized that there was a problem with what he said before.

Seeing the expression he had already understood, Mizuki's mouth showed a smile, and he patted his shoulder with the hand, turning into a hug, blowing into his ear: "You give yourself I’m under too much pressure. I want to carry everything by myself. I say this just to let you know that you are not alone anymore. You still have your companions, everyone, and me. We will support you! So if you want you, don't take everything on yourself."

A fragrant breeze blows, and at the same time I feel the softness in my arms and the whispering of my favorite people. This feeling is really comfortable!

All this made Naruto feel a little bit fluttering, but after hearing Mizuki's words, he immediately woke up and realized that he was not alone now.At least not for Sasuke, forget the companions around him!

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