I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 478

So he nodded vigorously, and Naruto said, "Well, I see, I'm really sorry to ignore everyone's feelings. But I'm really happy~! Mizuki will say these things to me."

Mizuki quickly realized that her actions were a bit too intimate, and she hurriedly separated from the other party first. When she was young, the male thoughts made her usually careless.

But now she has been a girl for more than ten years, and her physical development is becoming more mature, and her unique psychological changes have quietly affected her.

If it is the same as before, this is really a bit bad.Although Mizuki knew that it was impossible for him to really have any feelings with Naruto, after all, he had to consider Hinata's feelings.

But if this kind of thing spreads out, it's still too embarrassing.So after the two separated, Mizuki said to Naruto: "I have recently had a mission. I have to go to the country of vegetables and the island of villains. It is estimated that at least one month of vision may not come back."

Naruto nodded and replied: "Well, I have to leave as soon as possible. I don't expect to be back in a short time."

After going to Yunyin Village this time, if we meet again, it should be the fourth Ninja World War, but at that time he will appear in another form.

Of course, this is also his journey to complete the prophecy!

After Mizuki bid farewell to Naruto, after all, he was about to finish his preparations and was about to leave.Seeing him show his enthusiasm, I can't do anything wrong, right?

Thinking of your own tasks, they are all errands. Most of these tasks are a waste of time. I feel annoying or annoying, but fortunately it won't be troublesome, right?

However, since it is a task of running errands, the degree of freedom is relatively large, and it happens to be able to do some personal affairs of oneself.The main thing that comes to mind is Yunokuni, looking for the minibus Fengte. I have been there twice before. How familiar is it?

Anyway, in Yunokuni, what Mizuki remembered most clearly was the hot spring bath. Recalling that in the female hot spring bath, it was over, no more, and it felt like a nosebleed was flowing out!

He swallowed his saliva and quickly waved away the unhealthy thoughts in his mind.I thought to myself: "See no evil, hear no evil, don't think about evil! Amen! Uh, it seems wrong, it should be Amitabha!"

First, finish the task. The first stop is to go to the country of vegetables. The relationship between Konoha in this country is good. At least before that, the previous generation of monarchs had a lot of friendship with Tsunade. It is said that It was when he was evading debts that year, he also helped Tsunade repay his debts.

The current country’s name is Princess Haruna. Because of Naruto’s help and the later repair of the road, the country is no longer blocked. Through trade, this originally weak country has gradually become rich and strong.

Text Volume 814. Procurement Issues [Part One]

The relationship between the Nation of Vegetables and the Nation of Fire is good. The current country's name is Princess Haruna. It was with the help of the Nation of Fire that she defeated Nangnin who wanted to usurp the country and made Princess Haruna regain her position.

Although this is a country with weak force, it has become prosperous and strong after several years of development by virtue of its own natural advantages after building the road to the outside world.

Mizuki was one of the heroes who built roads at that time, and she was very affectionately received by Princess Chunna in person.

The two exchanged a few simple words at first, and Princess Chunna was very happy to see Mizuki and said, "Mizuki, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I didn't expect it to be almost three years, and you are much taller and more beautiful."

The water tree here also said politely: "Yes, I didn't expect time to pass very quickly, now I can't call you a princess, but I want to call you a daimyo!"

The princess Haruna had also grown up, and she had been in the position of a daimyo for many years, and she could see that she exuded a noble temperament.

I don't know if it is the reason for the evolution of the eyes, or the long time dealing with people, so that the water tree already knows how to see people.It can be seen that Princess Haruna at this time is different from the time when we met back then.

Of course, at this time, Haruna didn't lose her original approachability just because she was a daimyo, and she treated others in a more orderly manner, so she even made water for Mizuki herself.

This kind of action may seem inconspicuous, but it is really not easy for a leader of a country to give you an ordinary person tea.

After the past greetings and polite remarks, I began to turn the matter to the main topic. Mizuki said to Princess Haruna: "The recent Five Shadows Convention, you should have heard of it?"

Princess Chunna nodded. The country of vegetables is no longer blocked. Some news still passed to her ears. She nodded and said: "Yes, I really didn't expect that a historical figure would appear in public and claim to Fighting against the five great nations! It is incredible."

Uchiha Madara's reputation spread far. The man who had fought against the god of Ninja in the past was one of the nominal founders of Konoha Village. He did not expect to reappear and declare war on the world.Whoever looks at this matter will definitely be surprised, right?

Of course, there is a hidden secret here, but Mizuki doesn’t need to spend much time with Haruna. He just tells Princess Haruna about his mission: "Yes, you know now! The fourth Ninja World War is about to break out. Up!"

"If the war begins, countless people will be injured, and medicines will be a scarce resource. And the food needed to mobilize the army, my task is to buy these necessities!"

The importance of medicines in war is almost self-evident.Without enough medicine, even the injured ninja can be saved, but if there is no medicine, it is very likely that he will still die!

Food is also indispensable. Although according to Mizuki’s memory, the war did not last for a few days, but the ninja coalition alone has 80,000 people. This is not the logistics for supporting the war. If it can’t fill everyone’s stomachs, where can everyone pay? Strong to fight?

In the three-dimensional world, there is a saying in the military strategy of war: "When soldiers and horses are not moved, food and grass go first."

After listening to the princess, she naturally understood this: "The five major nations will mobilize ninjas at the same time. The consumption of food is definitely huge, and there is also the need for drugs in war. I understand what you said, um, let's go. I will hold a court meeting in a moment to discuss how to tell you the result?"

Mizuki nodded in understanding. After all, this is about war. It is always good to be cautious.What's more, the country of Caizhi is a small country, and it is not good if it will put out a lot of supplies for the war.

Fortunately, Princess Haruna is very active and seems to be very concerned about this matter, so she immediately ordered the ministers to hold a meeting. First, let Mizuki fight the war, and then talk to the ministers about her attitude: "This one is about the world. In war, our country of food must contribute its strength."

Because Konoha is kind to Haruna, and the relationship between the two countries is close, it will definitely be impossible not to show it.Just as a small country, how much capacity can it produce?

Mizuki listened to the minister of the vegetable country and explained some of the local situation: "Our country’s grain harvest this year is pretty good, but while meeting domestic demand, most of the first half of the year has been sold, only the treasury left. 10% for emergencies."

"Most of the crops in the second half of the year are not yet mature, and the country of the wind and the country of water have long been scheduled, and the country of the bird and the country of the mountain are asking about it. I am afraid that there will not be much ingredients in the second half of the year."

The world does not have a three-dimensional level of science and technology, and there is no large-scale machinery to join the production. It is difficult to farm more than ten acres with human resources, and it is impossible to reduce productivity.

The country of Vegetables is a country with fertile land, and the harvest is pretty good most of the time, but to know the national conditions of the country of Vegetables, you need to exchange these things for national income.

After listening to the minister's report, Princess Chunna felt that this matter was also very embarrassing: "Can we ask the citizens to collect some grain?"

Since ancient times, agricultural countries will inevitably have agricultural taxes. Some pay directly, and some pay grain.Maybe this is what Princess Chunna thought about?

This method sounds very good, but the ministers hesitate to say: “I’m afraid it’s not realistic. The collection in the first half of the year is over, and the second half will have to wait until the end of the year. Moreover, frequent tax collection will be detrimental to the country. It is forcibly confiscated, using state treasury funds to buy food. It is estimated that the food in the hands of the people is not enough? This will also affect the stability of food prices."

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the most basic maintenance of the country’s stability is to ensure that the people have enough food and drink.If even the people of my own family can't eat and wear warmth, I am afraid that the monarch of this country will do it well.

The water tree comes from the Chinese civilization. Looking back over five thousand years of history, I deeply understand the importance of food to a dynasty and the entire country.How many peasant uprisings in history, and the war that overthrew a dynasty, didn’t it mean that the people did not have enough food and eventually led to the collapse of the country?

This made what I thought was an easy task, but now it seems to be a bit uneasy.Although how much food needs to be purchased, there is no hard indicator for the water tree, but at least it is necessary to guarantee the consumption demand of Konoha Ninja combat, right?

Text Volume 815. Procurement IssuesNext

This kind of problem is really a headache. Although Caizhiguo is a country dominated by agriculture, it is a small country after all, and it is a country surrounded by mountains and nature, so the cultivated land resources are very limited.

The large number of crops that are planted will also be exchanged for national taxes for foreign trade, and only daily national expenses will be left.It can only be said to be a state of self-sufficiency, barely a little surplus to exchange for some money!

Mizuki does not have much research on governance of the country, but at least knows that ensuring adequate food and stable prices are the foundation of national stability.If the people don’t have enough food to eat, and they can’t buy food at a reasonable price, recalling how many peasant uprisings in China lasted for five thousand years, it shouldn’t be explained.

What I thought was a simple task, now seems to have reached a deadlock, just when I don’t know what to do and my headache is a little bit painful.Mizuki heard Princess Haruna ask the minister under her hand: "How much grain is in the treasury?"

Do I need to use the national treasury's grain storage?This is a matter of great determination, because the national treasury's food is guaranteed, and the country needs it from time to time when it encounters difficulties.

Most of the ministers held an oppositional attitude: "The national treasury is the foundation of the country. If there is a natural disaster or insect plague, the national treasury needs to open a warehouse to stabilize the price of grain. How can it be used?"

Mizuki felt that it was not very practical. Of course, from the perspective of completing the task on her own, she actually hoped to do so.

Princess Chunnai here said: "People usually collect food at home by themselves. Under normal circumstances, it can last a long time even in disasters. Moreover, there have been few disasters in the country in recent years, and this year is a sunny year. The crops in the farmland are growing very well. Just reserve more crops in the second half of the year."

It sounds like there is no problem. After all, the national treasury preserves food to ensure price stability, but if it does not work as it should, the food in the warehouse is also stored, and the best use of the material is the right way of course.

Princess Chunna's words caused a lot of discussions among the ministers under her, and everyone could hear the truth, but it was really difficult to decide on the use of the treasury.

Fortunately, Princess Haruna said: "Everyone should be aware that our country of vegetables almost perished a few years ago, relying entirely on the help of the country of fire. Now the fourth Ninja War is about to break out, and this is a war involving the whole world. Our vegetable country is a small country, and there is no way to send an army to participate in the war. But in order to repay the kindness and contribute to the world, it is still possible to use the treasury to produce food, right?"

When the ministers heard that even their family's name said this, they could find any reason to refute it?So I could only listen to it, and began to report on the national treasury's grain.

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