I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 491

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text volume 834. Under the signal

Mizuki has used the "gas injection" skill in advance to inject his chakra into the minibus. As long as the space ninjutsu transfer is used, the minibus can naturally be transferred..Au.

The bang of smoke dissipated, and the minibus appeared on the top of the scroll, sitting on the ground, holding a jar of honey in his arms, and was eating happily.

Seeing the sudden change in the environment around me and seeing myself appearing in front of the water tree, I subconsciously hugged the honey in my arms, and said uneasyly: "It's time for dinner. Sister Huazi has already said that this is for me. Eaten."

This snack product, will I grab it with you?

Well, that's right, Mizuki grabbed the honey and pointed at the back of the minibus and said: "Eat, eat, why do you only know to eat, take a look behind you for yourself!"

The minibus froze for a moment, then turned his head, just to see a shadow appearing behind him.He lost his eyes on the spot and turned around quickly to run, but he was caught by Baphomet.

Then a rhythmic popping sound rang, accompanied by the screams of the minibus and the cry of wow: "Dad, I was wrong, I won't be running around, don't hit me again, woooo~ ~My ass! It hurts!"

It's exactly the same, what a sensual butt, it's so cool to hit.

But no one came out to dissuade him, because at this time Bafengte had an incomparable sense of fear, and he seemed to be quite angry: "Smelly boy, every time I can’t say that I can’t run away, I get lost every time. I am always looking for you. I am really mad at me. See if I won't open up your ass!"

Poor parents in the world, Bafeng, as a big devil, is not afraid of the existence of the King of Darkness, and even launched a thousand-year war. Once the boss-level existence of the world of "Ragnarok", there was such a stinky boy. It was too dull on his face.

Such a violent beating, alas, what should I say about this?Time to fight, good fight!But I also felt that the minibus's cry was a bit too miserable. It seemed that he didn't start it lightly, and his butt was about to be swollen.

After finally waiting for the anger in his heart to diminish, Baphomet stopped beating and scolding, but he still grabbed the minibus, and didn't mean to let it go. I was really afraid that one of his stinky sons would accidentally run away.

Mizuki watched from the side, and when he finished teaching the minibus, he stepped forward and said to Bafengt: "Your son, I have found it for you. Anyway, you are a great devil, is that it? Is it gone?"

After Bafengt beat the minibus, he returned to his former calmness, and said directly to Mizuki: "What do you think they want to do? They choose to cooperate with you, also to complete their own plan. And the King of Darkness is not a fool. , I have no plans to participate in such a struggle."

This guy really knows something.

Naturally, Mizuki couldn't let it go. He stepped forward and asked, "Your Excellency Bafeng, do you know something?"

I don't know why, at this time, Bafengt looked up and down, staring at the water tree all the time, his eyes seemed to show her through.

It is the strange thing that I just heard Baphomet say: "It seems that you don't understand anything. If that's the case, you'd better do it yourself? I'm tired of fighting and don't want to be involved in trivial things."

When talking about this, Bafengt looked at someone on the side, this was the subordinate of the warrior of Wrathful Spirit, and the fire ninja said angrily: "Tell your master, I don’t want to participate in their plan, and let him not do it. Stupid thing. If you stop now, there is still room for recovery!"

Xi Nubi hesitated for a moment, as if he had thought about it.But after a quick respectful salute, the instantaneous spell has disappeared.

I didn't perceive this guy's breath, I didn't expect this guy to walk fast, and it really didn't mess up.

Seeing this fire ninja disappeared, Bafeng turned his gaze to Mizuki again, and whispered to her, "Do you really know nothing?"

Is this adjusting the tiger away from the mountain?Transferring the wraith warrior's subordinates, and then telling her serious things.

But this is not the point. The point is that after thinking about it for a while, Mizuki said to Ba Feng’s head: “Yes, I have already guessed what they have conspired, but I’m sorry that I didn’t have a lot of conspiracy with them. Direct understanding, so it’s not very clear."

After listening to Mizuki's answer, Bafengt nodded clearly, and then said: "Different dimensions, you should be no stranger? Demon King Mengluoke, broke the shackles of the seal and escaped into the void. Danato Si’s memory is sealed in the Tower of Death, but his sorrow, despair, hatred, and distress still affect the world."

The devil and Danatos are like the story of the devil and the warrior, but in the game it is a long time ago. The plot in the game is that the devil recovers and destroys a city.

The soul of the warrior was infected and four soul monsters were born. In order to prevent the evil from resurrecting, the gods sealed his body in the tower of death.[The plot is still resurrected, and then destroyed by the adventurer (player).

But Mizuki didn't understand, why did Bafengt say this suddenly?Is it possible that it is the Demon King Mengcro, or is Danatos about to appear?

If that's the case~ it's over, because Mizuki is very clear about how terrifying these two bosses are. Even in a state of top quality, it is considered meat to be able to resist a few strokes.

This still requires a meat-based profession, a luxurious outfit, and countless buffs to hold it on.

Every time you want to defeat these two big bosses, Mizuki has to rely on the help of the union brothers, and everyone can work together to complete the kill, or use the "flying" method, a and run, fill up the state, and then Come back a blow, slowly grinding to death.

But even as long as he was beaten a few times, he really suffered.Anyway, Mizuki is sure that to fight such two big bosses, it will definitely cost a considerable price.

Fortunately, what Baphomet said seemed to be just a metaphor. He said to Mizuki: "The only things I can tell you are these. The Lord of Darkness has ambitions, but he is not a fool. You must pay attention. Although the plans of the three guys are not necessarily aimed at you, if they are involved too deeply, I am afraid that you are also in disaster."

This sounds like a reminder?Mizuki thought thoughtfully.She wanted to ask more about what Baphomet knew, but he was no longer willing to say: "I don't want to involve too many things."

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text Volume 835. War!

Watching Ba Fengte take the minibus away, Mizuki was still thinking about what he had just said. He always felt that he had something in his words and he wanted to tell himself something euphemistically..Au.

But there is no way to say it clearly, there is still some fear, what is this?Recall in Mizuki's mind, the plot of Demon King Mengcro and Danatos.

"Ragnarok" is a very old game, there is no complete game plot, unlike "World of Warcraft" has a complete story line.

The plot that Mizuki can recall is only a few and very vague brief introductions and descriptions in related tasks.It is said that the demon king was sealed by the warriors, and the unwilling demon king imposed a curse.In order to seal the demon king, the warrior's soul was infested by darkness.In order to prevent the resurrection of the devil's and the evil warriors, the gods sent a large number of angels to guard the tower of death.

To put it bluntly, it is the story of the devil and the warrior, but after countless years, the devil and the warrior are resurrected, and then the adventurer is defeated again.It's a very clichéd story, this is a plot that Mizuki can think of.

But this will have anything to do with Baphomet, who wants to tell himself what he got?Mizuki thought thoughtfully.

There are many conjectures in my mind, but I can't get an answer, so I can only give up for the time being.Looking into the distance at this time, the battle is still continuing, and successive explosions continue to occur.

"It looks like the battle is fierce!"

You don't need to think about it. This must be Deidara's masterpiece.

Mizuki wanted to go over and take a look, after all, this battle was the fourth Ninja War, and the first battle between the two sides was quite significant.

But after another thought, I quickly dispelled the idea of ​​running over to watch. To be honest, in terms of the degree of excitement, this battle is not that exciting.

The result is already known, Dedara was captured, the red sand scorpion and Sai's brother believed, the soul ascended to heaven and was liberated.Now that the ending is known, how much more to watch?

Since we all know the result of the battle here, it is certain that our side will win, so run over to join in the fun?Isn't it inappropriate to come?What's more, he is not without tasks.

Finally, he glanced at the fighting place again, and Mizuki sighed: "Forget it, let's go back first!"

Because I have the task of protecting my family and defending the country, it is impossible to leave for too long. Although I said to the ninja next to me when I left in advance, if I leave for too long, I am afraid that people around me will come to look for me. she was.

Mizuki returned to the garrison camp. As expected, someone had begun looking for her, because according to the order from the coalition headquarters, all the coalition forces of the five major powers were dispatched.

The war has started!

Entering their command post, the captains of several units have gathered together and are gesturing on the map. After seeing the arrival of the water tree, they hurriedly said: "You are back, the coalition forces have been dispatched, it is said The information we just got, the first surprise troops and the enemy's encounter, we are analyzing the situation."

Unexpectedly, when he came back, Mizuki couldn't help but smiled: "I just learned the news. In fact, where I went just now, I already saw the scene of the battle. I guess the battle is almost over now. ."

Hearing Mizuki's words, everyone was taken aback, and when they looked at each other, they all looked incredible.

"Sir Captain, you are not telling a joke, are you? This is the information that has just been obtained. Is it possible that the enemy will be so unbearable that it will be solved at once?"

The enemies are all members of Akatsuki's organization, so there is no need to say how strong they are. Anyway, they will definitely not be weak.

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