I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 492

Mizuki walked in front of the map and gestured to the top position: "I went out a while ago. Do you think I ran out to play? This is the place where the battle took place. Although I didn't go to see it personally, but through me Judging from the battle, I realized that the enemy was Dedara of Akatsuki. Yes, it was that Dedala who had attacked Shayin Village before and captured the current Fengying Gaara. Because the mission at the time happened to have me, I was familiar with this guy. Attack method."

Deidara's attack method is to explode, using detonating clay to attack the enemy, because of the unique attack method, even a blind person will know this guy as long as he hears the explosion.

Several people were taken aback, not knowing whether what Mizuki said was true or false, but even Mizuki had performed related tasks and knew who the enemy might be.But how do you know that your side will definitely win?

Baiyunyeshan took a step forward and asked Mizuki: "How are you sure that our army will win?"

How to determine this?Mizuki just smiled mysteriously.

Because a ninja appeared, he reported directly to everyone: "Our army's first surprise attack unit encountered the enemy. Now we have won the battle and successfully captured an enemy!"

At first, everyone thought that Mizuki was guessing randomly, but when he knew that it was the headquarters of the coalition army, the news that came to confirm it really couldn't help but everyone didn't believe it.

The Mizuki here finally said, "Do you think it’s incredible? This is actually very simple, because I have already said that I know who the enemy is, and I know the advantages and disadvantages. Deidara is a ninja of the earthen escape technique. , I’m curious that there is thunder escape ninja restraint in the assault force. In addition, Deidara’s companion is the Red Sand Scorpion, but the leader of the assault force is Kankuro from Shayin Village, who is also an excellent puppet master."

Everyone heard Mizuki's answer, and then they realized why, it seems that they have the advantage!

But having said that, Chuya, the deputy captain of the second team, stood up and said: "Didara and the Red Sand Scorpion, I seem to have heard of them, but haven't they all been killed? How can they still be alive? "

Regarding this question, Mizuki's answer is even simpler: "Unclean rebirth! Everyone should know that this is the forbidden technique of Oshemaru, and the Konoha collapse plan used this ninjutsu."

The reincarnation technique of the unclean soil was originally created by the second generation of Hokage, but because it was too evil and disturbed the rest of the dead, it was classified as a forbidden technique.

But later, Oshemaru rebelled against Konoha and snatched away the forbidden techniques such as the technique of reincarnation of the filthy soil. In this way, there are people from Oshemaru among the enemies.

Shui Shu spent a moment of contemplation, clapped his hands to make everyone regain his senses, and began to explain to everyone: "The art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, this forbidden art will summon people who are already dead. If you meet someone who has already died. , Even if you are your best companion, you must not be careless!"

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text Volume 836. The Fourth Ninja World War One

The marked information on the map began to note, all the locations of the coalition's surprise assault units, the first unit, the second unit, the third unit, the fourth unit, and the fifth unit were marked.

Mizuki and the Shinnins sat down and discussed the information they had obtained.Holding a wooden stick pointing to the map, he said as he gestured: "Our surprise force has encountered the enemy's surprise force. If you want to come, the enemy has already been dispatched."

"In the rear of the surprise unit, this is the position of the third unit, the captain is Hagi Kakashi. The fifth unit is behind, the captain is the iron country general Mifune, and the second and fourth units responsible for the guards, the captain They are the loess of Yanyin Village and Fengying Gaara in Shayin Village."

Briefly describe the current situation and point to the nest with the enemy.

Circled the enemy’s nest, and then tapped twice with his eyes. Mizuki said to everyone: “The enemy has not been found for the time being. The Nakajima’s intelligence investigation team has crossed the border of Yunokuni and still has no trace of the enemy. . I deduced that the enemy should have used stealth, earth escape and sea routes."

After speaking, draw two routes, one by land and the other by sea.

This is the answer given by Mizuki's recollection of the plot, and judging from the current intelligence, it is normal for the analysis to reach such a conclusion.

Everyone nodded involuntarily and said: "The surprise attack troops and the enemy actually met in Tangyin Village, so the enemy should also be in Tangzhiguo. However, our reconnaissance troops did not find out. Indeed, the most likely thing is escape."

"The coalition headquarters should have considered it, and perhaps it has already obtained intelligence." Mizuki pointed out: "The enemy's target is the tail beast, and such a marching route is the closest.

Mizuki waved the stick again. On the map, there was a bit between the surprise unit and the third unit: "We are advancing. If we want to come at this speed, it should be very close. The enemy has reincarnated from the dirty soil, I don't know what we will encounter What kind of enemy?"

The shadows of the past dynasties, the blood ninja and the seven ninjas are definitely masters!Especially the third unit pointed out here, based on Mizuki's understanding of the plot, should meet the Seven Ninthos.

Looking at the companions around him, Mizuki said to them: "It seems that Yunokuni will be reduced to a battlefield, and from the situation of our army's defense, the enemy will go further."

"I have a plan. Everyone can see here. We are adjacent to Yunokuni and very close to the third unit. If possible, I will consider taking the initiative!"

This decision was mentioned by Mizuki and Tsunade. Although Tsunade asked her to stay in the country of fire, she allowed Mizuki to make his own decision.

The only requirement is to ensure the security of the country. Under such preconditions, Tsunade can acquiesce to what Mizuki wants to do.

"Participate in the battle?"

Everyone began to talk: "Is this okay? Our task is to protect the border. Originally, our total number is small. We have less than a thousand people to guard the long border. The strength of our troops is really amazing!"

This was the previous Mizuki order to remove the defenses in the direction of the Rain Country and Takigakura Village, and place all the troops on the nearby border defense lines of the Yuno Country and Frost Country.

But with so many troops in hand, where can we mobilize more manpower to go to the battlefield to take part in combat?

Of course, everyone is a ninja in theory, knowing that their friends are fighting on the battlefield, the psychological aspect is also eager to fight.

Regarding the issue of military strength, Mizuki is naturally clear. He has personally learned how to say it, and he is not blinded by nothing.So I just stated my plan: "We will send a capable force, and the garrison will not use it."

There were only two hundred people who followed the water tree, and they would only consider deploying the manpower here.

Commanding the forces in hand, Mizuki continued: "We are at war with the enemy! Anything will happen on the battlefield. You can't rely on the information passed on, and it is better to fight the enemy to gain valuable experience. "

"I only considered transferring a few capable teams. The first unit will stay a hundred places, and lead me to command the first unit. Ishikawa will fight with me. The second unit, Baiyunyeshan stays behind, and the deputy captain Chuya will fight. The third unit, Tekuno Staying behind, usually set up traps near the border. I will come to us with the Nakajima scout team. The fourth unit Suzuki Kosuke will continue to stay behind, so it should not affect the defensive strength."

Mizuki retains enough troops to stay behind, and all of them are in charge of Shinnin, so there won't be any problems in thinking about it.

After listening to this arrangement, everyone did not object to it, but said with some concern: "You are our captain. You shouldn't leave your post. Can someone play for you?"

They were ordered by Hokage to defend their homes and their country. This was their primary responsibility.In any case, there are only a few hundred people in hand, which is a stretched force.

There is definitely a reason here, and I have to think about it, but just when I was thinking about it, a ninja came to report: "The news came from the coalition headquarters, the second unit intercepted a large number of enemy troops, and the third unit encountered a lot of dirty soil. The reincarnated ninjas are now in a hard fight!"

Quickly point out from the map and find the second and third troops.

Clicking on these two units, Mizuki immediately asked: "Where is the fifth unit? Did you spot the enemy?"

The fifth troop is led by Sanchuan.

The reporting ninja immediately replied: "Yes, when the third unit encountered the enemy, the fifth unit seemed to have encountered it too, all of them were the enemy's reincarnated troops!"

Mizuki waved his hand to make the ninja step back.

Pointing at the map with the wooden stick in his hand, roughly marked out the third and fifth units, and said at the same time: "As you can see, it's not too far away from us, it's about less than 40 or 50 miles northeast, just pick one. It is absolutely possible for a capable force to form a special operations force!"

Take a look at the map and consider what Mizuki said just now.

The Baiyunye Mountain here said: "I don't know very much about the reincarnation of the dirty soil. It is said that there are many mysteries, and there are still many secrets that have not been revealed. It is indeed necessary to obtain more information!"

It seems to show support.

The special operations forces that will be formed are slightly adjusted. Mizuki is definitely going to participate. After all, the war has already started, so let her stay in a daze. Isn't this going to be boring?

The rest is simply to let Ishikawa and Chuya form a three-person team, not bringing too many people, just let the reconnaissance team of Nakajima come to meet with them.

As a result, the number of people has not only become streamlined, it is more conducive to facilitating and flexible operations.

The remaining personnel left behind are all the captains of the various units, and they are all experienced ninjas, especially the Furusuke who has the fourth squad, and the strength is comparable to the first-class masters of the film class. The war, an veteran who has lived to the present, is definitely the most reliable person!

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text Volume 837. The Fourth Ninja World War II

Without any worries, Mizuki can act with peace of mind.[.Au.] Personally form a three-person team with Ishikawa and Chuya and rush to the battlefield where the third unit of the Allied Forces is located.

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