I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 493

"It's so foggy here, is it this season?"

No one was seen on the battlefield, except for the fog with visibility less than ten meters.

This has not been seen before, there is no doubt that there is a problem!

"Water escape: the technique of mist hiding!!!"

Mizuki recognized it at a glance.

This made Chuya a little bit of interest: "Captain, do you recognize it?"

Mizuki smiled at this and said: "I used to have a companion who wanted to learn ninjutsu in the world just like you, so I have seen some in whispers, and I have seen this technique before, so I want to It’s not difficult to recognize."

"Be careful!" Nakajima of the intelligence investigation team had already heard something: "I can hear someone screaming before they die."

Ishikawa held a handful of kunai alert: "Where? Why didn't I hear?"

Mizuki formed a handprint on both hands, and uttered a low voice: "Grow your eyes!!"

His eyes widened rapidly, and he saw that there was a battle taking place not too far away, and several people were already lying on the ground, apparently killed.

After seeing what happened, Mizuki said to the people around him: "At one o'clock, less than one mile away, the enemy is a blood heir ninja."

As soon as the words were finished, I saw an explosion of fire, followed by the sound of an explosion. Judging from the effect of such an explosion, if it weren't for Deidara, it would be a "burst escape" ninja.

"Using the triangle formation action, Ishikawa, you pay attention to cover the first shoot, Nakajima, you and your team, follow our team, pay attention to the surrounding movement!

The blood successor ninja that bursts out should be the ninja of the rocky village named "Ku". Remember that the characteristic of escape is that after attacking the target, it will cause an explosion effect.

Mizuki attaches Chakra to his body, and the armor has the brilliance of Chakra, which looks very gorgeous, but it is also very useful. It has been tested that it can reduce some damage for ninjutsu and escape.

In such a misty environment, the general naked eye can't see the environment, just the white eyes of the water tree.At this time, she said to her companions next to her: "Be careful, we seem to have been targeted."

The enemy is a ninja of blood, naturally, the strength is needless to say, it is estimated that when he approaches, he has been noticed by the other party.

Nakajima immediately gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, the enemy is approaching quickly and is already coming!"

A figure appeared in an instant, Mizuki saw it with a ferocious smile, and fisted over.

Fortunately, Mizuki is a ninja of physique, his body reacts quickly and he almost instinctively protects his body with his hands, blocking a fist from the opponent.

If it is a normal physical fight, such a block is perfect, but the moment the water tree is hit, a strong explosion will engulf her!

"King Kong is not bad!!"

Mizuki yelled loudly, forcibly blocking the blood with Chakra.

In the three-dimensional world, there is a kind of reactive armor against armor-piercing projectiles, which is attached to the main armor. If it is hit by gunfire, it will automatically bounce off the main armor.

This principle is borrowed here. Although Burst’s attack hits the water tree’s body, the reactive armor that is not damaged by the King Kong will bounce off to offset an attack.

Of course, the high temperature and flames formed by the explosion will inevitably still cause a little damage, but fortunately, this is not a hindrance and will hardly lose its combat effectiveness.

But fortunately, the armor on his body works well, because it absorbs the material of Chakra, it has a very obvious defensive effect on the resistance to ninjutsu and escape.

"What a clever way!"

The Burst Ninja seemed to be able to see it, the method Mizuki used.

It seems that he retains his own feelings to some extent, but his body is not controlled, and he is punched again when he sees him.

In such a face-to-face attack, Mizuki instinctively used grappling techniques, grabbed the opponent's arm to contain the attack, and at the same time violently twisted, the sound of bone fragmentation was heard here.

There was no expression on Mizuki's face, looking at the blood ninja, he said coldly: "The blood is very strong, if it weren't for the armor that absorbed Chakra, it would be hard to say if I could resist it. But you If you want to fight me close, I think my fighting skills are the best in the world. As long as you control your attacks, your blood won't be used anymore!"

In the first battle, did you defeat a ninja?

Everyone was impressed by the strength of the water tree.A few fireballs smashed into the sky, and he was also a bloody ninja, the original hero of Shayin Village: Ye Cang!

He hurriedly stepped back a step distance, and then escaped in a thrilling manner.

Mizuki observed Hunter and Yecang. It seemed that they were both self-conscious, but there was killing intent in their eyes, and they didn't feel very good to deal with!

But at this moment, Chuya shouted loudly: "Water escape: The technique of the great waterfall!!"

A powerful current washed over, washing away the two enemies.

This made Mizuki frowned and said, "Hey, you washed them away, how can I beat them!"

Of course, using the technique of water escape to deal with these two guys, the effect is very good.

Chuya wiped her mouth and replied, "Don't talk too much. An enemy who explodes and an enemy who burns away is all hard bones!"

That's right. If it wasn't for the previous fight, Mizuki used "King Kong is not bad" as "reactive armor", afraid that he would be blown up?As for the other Shining Ninja, who can directly roast people into mummies, he is indeed a difficult enemy.

Without waiting for Mizuki to say anything, Nakajima reminded: "There are more people nearby. I can hear the sound of electricity, but it's not like ninjutsu. There is also an explosion. It sounds like a detonation talisman?"

The sound of electric current doesn't look like ninjutsu. Is there a detonation talisman?What kind of battle is this?

Mizuki glanced at the surrounding environment, thinking that the two of them were washed away just now, and waved his opponents and said: "Let's go and meet the people of the third unit first. The environment here is really terrible."

Because of the existence of white eyes, the fog has little effect on the water trees, but the companions around me do not have white eyes to distinguish.Without a good vision, it is no small trouble!

In this way, the water tree opened the way, and everyone disappeared instantly.

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text Volume 838. The Fourth Ninja World War III

The battlefield of the third unit was heavily foggy. In order to maintain the battle formation, the road here was not easy.[] But fortunately, with the white eyes of the water tree and Nakajima's ability to listen to the wind and discern shadows, it would not be lost.

Nakajima here reminded: "Ahead, at three o'clock, about five or six miles away, there is a noisy sound of fighting."

Mizuki immediately used his white eyes to observe, looking through the fog in the direction of three o'clock, and he saw that another battle was taking place.But it shouldn't be the enemy's bloody ninja, because he saw a big sword swinging!

"Beheaded with a sword?"

This is what Mizuki guessed for the first time.If it is a beheaded sword, it should be the resurrected Seven Ninja Swordsmen, right?Indeed, according to the known plot, Kakashi’s third unit encountered the Ninja Seven!

After seeing the situation in front, Mizuki made two gestures, meaning: "Battle formation!" and "Go ahead with me!"

There are seven famous Ninja swords in the ninja world, and each of them is the strength of elites.In other words, the ninjas of ordinary people will hardly be their opponents, only to be slaughtered unilaterally.

Entering deeper into the battlefield, Nakajima doesn't need the ability to listen to the wind and distinguish shadows, everyone can hear the noisy battle sounds.

The sound of the collision of swords and weapons, the shouts of countless people before death, and the sound of ninjutsu and explosions, it seems that the intensity of the battle is far more fierce than I thought.

Mizuki used his white eyes to observe the war, widened his horizon as much as possible, and had a sweeping view of the battle, and said to the people around him: "The enemy is the Ninja Swordsman, everyone, be careful!"

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