I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 494

As soon as the words fell, a lightning flashed across.

Seeing that there is Chakra's power, he rolls his eyes and quickly finds the target: Reche?

Because I had seen Kakashi use Rachel to deal with the enemy, it can be distinguished that the lightning that just arrived was Rachel's attack.

When Kakashi needed to use Rachel's enemy, when Mizuki guessed who it would be, I only heard Ishikawa and others exclaiming: "The mist, it's starting to dissipate!"

Has the technique of fog disappeared?Okay, Mizuki knows, it seems that Kakashi should not be cut again just now.

This is also a good thing, as the vision is restored and you can fight freely.

Mizuki said to the people around him: "It's right in front, I saw it, Teacher Kakashi!"

When I saw Kakashi, I saw that he was sighing at the two sealed wrappers, using his eyes to see through the people inside, knowing that he would not cut and white again.

It seems that this is the same as the plot, the Reincarnated Dirty Land will be summoned again without cutting and Baidu, and will meet Kakashi again.

Kakashi saw the people coming, after all, the armor on the water tree was very conspicuous.Said to her: "Aren't you stationed at the border? How come you are here?"

Mizuki withdrew his gaze from No Longer and Shiro, looked at Kakashi and said to him: "I learned about the headquarters, the third unit encountered an enemy. I saw it on the map, it was very close. , I want to come and support."

When talking about this, Mizuki asked again and said, "These two sealed people shouldn't cut and white again? I heard Naruto say before, is this really them?"

The matter of not cutting and white, I knew it very early, not long after graduation, the seventh class took over the mission of the country of waves.

If it is possible, I really want to talk to them a few words.Especially white, who is indistinguishable from male and female, was mistaken for a girl for a long time in the three-dimensional world.

Kakashi looked at the wrappers of the two people, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the technique of reincarnating from the dirty earth! Summoning them into this world, this is an absolutely unforgivable technique!"

In China in the three-dimensional world, there is a saying that it is safe to enter the earth. It is indeed abhorrent to disturb the peace of the dead by using the technique of reincarnation from the dirty earth!

"Is the dirty earth reincarnated? Did this kill them?"

It was Ishikawa who was next to Mizuki. He didn't know the art of reincarnation from the filthy soil, and didn't know much about it, so he asked this question.

Kakashi glanced at him, because Mizuki, Ishikawa and others were still wearing Konoha's foreheads. Knowing that everyone belonged to him, he also told Ishikawa the information on the rebirth of the dirty soil: "Well, dirty soil. The technique of reincarnation is to summon the dead from the pure land. If the technique is not cancelled by the caster, it will be restored even if it is forcibly killed. We can only seal the reincarnated person, so that the caster behind it will never There is no way to control them."

This information is naturally very important to those who don't know, and it seems that there is no seal squad in the border guard troops, so it seems that it needs to be sent back to inform.

Mizuki thought for a while, and said to Kakashi: "When we came just now, we encountered ninjas who were bloody bound by the enemy, and saw the Seven Ninjas. Everyone is a famous ninja. If I can, I would love to play against them!"

The ninjas and the Seven Ninja Swords, who are in the line of blood, are definitely ninjas who can be called in the ninja world.The previous blood ninja will not be discussed, but Mizuki is still very sure about the seven Ninja swords!

King Kong's undamageable skills are definitely the nemesis of approved weapons, especially the current water tree, which is no longer than a few years ago.What's more, wearing heavy armor, the strong defense force can't be ignored.

Seeing Mizuki, Kakashi immediately understood what she meant, and nodded and said, "Then I beg you!"

In order to ensure the success of the battle, the volume of Shayin Village was also prepared for the sealing technique.

At the same time, he said to Sajing, "Sai, you will use your root seal technique next."

But when he asked Sai to use his own root seal technique, he said anxiously: "But, but that seal technique, I can still use it now~"

Mizuki glanced at him. If he remembers correctly, it should be the seal technique of "catching eyesight", right?The target can be sealed in the painting, but it is a very strange sealing technique.

So he stepped forward and patted Sai on the shoulder, and said, "I believe you, you can do it. Will you follow me?"

After talking to Sai, Mizuki said to his subordinates again, "Come together and see if the Reincarnated Dirty Land is really amazing!"

When I first arrived, I hadn't played against the enemy yet, so I was a little bit intolerable.Everyone shouted, it seems that the fighting will be very high!

The goal is to choose the Ninja Swordsman for the time being, except for the sealed ones and not cut, there are still six guys left.

[This chapter is first published. Please remember the URL]

Text Volume 839. The Fourth Ninja World War [4]

Except for the peach ground not to be cut again, Mizuki encountered a group of seven Ninja swords, another member of the grass bait man, using seven knives with dull knives to cut, actually defeated all defense capabilities.

Didn't expect him to be the first person to perform the operation?This is in line with the characteristics of the water tree. I thought it would be because this guy's attack was more powerful, or his own King Kong was not bad and his defense was stronger!

Mizuki glanced at Sajing and said to him, "Are you ready? I'm going to go!"

She doesn't have a secret technique of sealing, here we need to see Sai's sealing technique.

After looking at each other, Sai nodded clearly, took out a large pen, and spread out the scroll he was carrying.

Knowing that this is ready, then the battle will begin!

"You look for a chance, I will meet him for a while!"

Without asking more people to help, Mizuki wanted to try his power.

He moved quickly and rushed to the grass bait man. He was already ready to fight, and he hit the water tree with a blunt knife and shouted: "Go to hell!"

Blunt Knife: To cut, this is a weapon combined with an axe and a sledgehammer.The axe here is very powerful, it is a relatively heavy weapon, and it has an advantage against ordinary swords.Even if it can be blocked, if it is hit with a hammer, there is nothing to defend against.

Knowing the special effects of this weapon, Mizuki has caught the axe's trajectory with his eyes, and cleverly avoided the axe's split.Then there was a cold snort: "The weapon is a good weapon, but it's a pity that your master is too bad!"

No matter how good a weapon is, no matter how powerful it is, if it can't hit the target, it's meaningless.On the contrary, he was punched by the water tree, piercing the chest of the wild bait man!

"What an amazing punch!"

"Just one trick?"

Mizuki's subordinates, Ishikawa and Chuya, all sighed from the sidelines, facing one of the seven Ninja swords, they actually used one trick to solve it!

To this Mizuki also smiled: "Don't say that, this weapon is very powerful, I also avoided it very cleverly, and then hit him directly. This guy is also underestimating the enemy, and he holds himself immortal. Body?"

This punch made the chest cool, but as expected, there was dust, gradually repairing the body of the Tongcao Baibairen.

Seeing such a situation, Ishikawa had an intuitive understanding: "This is the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil, does it possess the ability to be immortal?"

Chuya also observed it, but unfortunately he didn't see a reason, but said with the same emotion: "I heard about this technique of reincarnating from the dirty earth, but it is the ninjutsu developed by the second generation of Naruto. This is the first time I have seen it.

That's right, logically speaking, if you don't count the anime watched in the three-dimensional world, this is also the first time Mizuki has seen the ability of the reincarnation technique of the filthy earth?

Although Oshemaru had used the technique of reincarnating from the dirty soil when Konoha collapsed, the water tree at that time left beforehand and the fight to protect Konoha village went to reinforcements.

It’s the first time I saw it, but it’s not the time to sigh, and I immediately said to the two of them: “There are still many unsolved mysteries in the art of reincarnation from the filthy soil. The easiest and most direct way. By the way, what about Nakajima? Did he tell the club's location about this information?"

Chuya nodded and said, "Yes, I have already told him."

After getting an affirmative answer, Mizuki nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at how Sai was preparing, only to find that he was still still, looking like he was gathering Chakra.

But at this moment, his eyes are left with black blood?No, it's kind of like ink again?This can't be tears or something.

After taking a look at the situation, Mizuki said to Ishikawa and Chuya next to him, "Let's go to another place first, and let them seal it."

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