I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 496

Then he said to Chuya: "You use water escape: water dragon bomb!!"

Soil and water, mixed mud, can reduce the flame, the water tree thinks this way.When the two of them used ninjutsu, they rushed to two enemies at the same time!

Several people looked at each other to determine the plan for the battle.

Ready to start an attack. At this time, the ninja of Shayin Village stood up and said to Mizuki: "Sir, can you let me join the battle?"

Mizuki glanced at the other person. She wanted to refuse because she didn't want anyone to hold her back, but when she saw this ninja, she seemed to remember that this was a real tree, right?It is the girl who is also known as Juan, and the Ye Cang in front of her is her teacher!

"Well~" Mizuki thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, you are ready to seal. Also, you, the ninja of Mist Village, right? Get ready for the water escape technique!"

Five to two, which is very beneficial to them.

Ishikawa and Chuya started to seal, because the earth dragon bullet and the water dragon bullet, both of which are A-level ninjutsu, take a while.

The first ninjutsu used was the ninja of Haze Village, using the water waves, rushing to two enemies quickly.At the same time, the real tree used a roll of cloth to interfere, seizing this opportunity, the water tree rushed to the two enemies again!

Text Volume 841. The Fourth Ninja World War [6]

The water turbulence of the ninja in Wuyin Village first rushed to two enemies. Shao Dun of Ye Cang didn't like water, so naturally he wanted to retreat as much as possible.

However, at this time, Mizuki had already attacked her: "Don't want to run!"

She didn't use the bow body, but the speed was very fast. He instantly appeared next to Ye Cang and punched her to the ground with a punch, which seemed to make her suffer.

At this time, the blasting hunter noticed the attack of the water tree, and observed that her strength should be the strongest of all, and immediately he squeezed a fist: "Landmine Fist!!"

"Seal of Cloth!!"

Maki wrapped a cloth around the mine fist of Burakukan, causing his movement to pause.

Seizing such an opportunity, the result was that Mizuki took the lead. The backhand was an over-shoulder fall, and he fell to the ground, and he pulled off his hand very hard!

It doesn't make much sense to kill them. After all, the reincarnated filthy soil can't kill them, causing them to lose their fighting power, and then just wait to be sealed.

But when Mizuki wanted to let the real tree seal the ninja, she only heard her exclaiming: "Be careful!"

The high temperature hit again, and Mizuki dodged without saying a word.

At the same time, Chuya’s Water Dune and Ishikawa’s Tu Dun are all good: "Water Dun: Water Dragon Bomb!!!", "Thu Dun: Tulong Bomb!!!"

Both are A-level ninjutsu, and the water dragon bomb has the effect of counteracting the searing escape. If there is a mixture of soil escape, it can also restrict the actions of these two enemies.

Shui Dun first washed them away and extinguished the burning fireball. The earth dragon formed by the earth dragon bullet turned out to be surprisingly effective. Moistened by the earth escape technique, they were easily buried.

"Seize this opportunity!" Mizuki immediately ordered the real tree: "Seal them!"

Masaki nodded swiftly, and once again released the seal of Cloth, he wanted to seal his teacher and the blasting escape.

But here it seems that they don't want to catch it just like this, this blasting hunter uses only one of his remaining hands to use blasting to break the cloth.

The Mizuki who saw it had nothing to say, so he went up and tore off his other hand, so that it was handed over to the real tree to seal it.As for when Ye Cang was sealed, it was relatively simple. She wanted to summon the burning fireball to attack several people.

It's a pity that there are two ninjas who know how to escape from the water, and the fireball of the searing escape can't have much effect. As a result, they are being suppressed by the water tree and accept the fate of being sealed.

Sealing her own teacher, Mauki stood by and watched, wondering how she felt at this time?Let his favorite teacher be resurrected before his eyes, and had to fight her.

The art of reincarnation from the dirty earth is really a disgusting forbidden art!

Mizuki walked over and patted the real tree on the shoulder, thinking of some comforting words, but in the end he didn't say it. Maybe even if he said something now, it actually doesn't make any sense, right?

He sighed helplessly, but said to the real tree: "This is war, right?"

Countless heroes will be born in wars, but there is a saying in the three-dimensional world: One will be successful!

Without giving people too much sad time, the intelligence agent sent more combat intelligence, saying that it was on the north coast of Thunder Country. The first unit had already been attacked, and the two sides were fighting fiercely!

At the same time, it was discovered that there were thousands of enemies who actually passed through the ground from the second force.And four shadows appeared near the desert!

The war is entering a white-hot stage. The fifth unit of the Iron Nation General Mifune has even encountered the three pepper fish Hanzo. It is undoubtedly quite difficult to face the ninja known as the "demigod" in the Ninja world.

Mizuki is considering his next plan, whether to go to the desert to play four shadows or to play the Sanjiao Yu Hanzo, known as the "demigod".

Personally, I tend to go to the desert. After all, Uchiha Madara will appear after playing the four shadows.One of the three major bosses in this later period, how strong a man was able to fight against the "God of Ninja World", I really want to see it!

But at this moment, a figure rushed over, and he didn't expect it to be Nakajima. Because of the information about the rebirth of the dirty soil, Mizuki ordered him to send this information back.Didn't expect to be back now?

But Nakajima's next words almost shocked Mizuki: "Captain, let's release the help message sent to get the station!"

I didn't know when it would start. The enemy planned to make a detour. It is estimated that seeing the strength of the coalition forces, it is not easy to attack from the front, right?The North Bank of Thunder Country and the underground of the Second Force should be the same battle plan!

Fortunately, the ninja coalition had obtained the enemy's marching information in advance, and the sensed troops discovered a series of actions.So let the whole army be on guard, and the ninja who was stationed in the northern border of the land of fire also perceives the unfamiliar Chakra, only to find that there is an enemy if he is willing!

Mizuki calculated it. This is a link beyond the plot. Regardless of the "Naruto" manga and anime, there is almost no mention of the enemy's attack on the country of fire.

But now I get news that the garrison has encountered the enemy. How can I say that as the captain of the garrison, I must rush back to the garrison to take up the task of defense.

Of course, Mizuki asks, is there any enemy intelligence?Nakajima's answer was: "I found an enemy who reincarnated from the dirty soil, and from the report I got, I think I need to be a little psychologically prepared!"

Quickly asked what was going on, and the answer was that the enemy who invaded the border found that there were many ninjas in Konoha's uniform, and they were recognized by the ninjas stationed there. Many were sacrificed in the battle to protect Konoha four years ago!

At this moment, Mizuki almost fell, because she must be familiar with what happened that year.Do you want to fight with your friends and the dead heroes who protected the village?

What worries Mizuki the most is that he is afraid of meeting his friends and his teacher.Although when you know the art of reincarnation from the dirty soil, you will definitely be prepared to meet in your psychological aspect, but if it really happens in front of your own eyes, will you really be calm by then?

Mizuki gritted his teeth angrily, and coldly ordered Ishikawa, Chuya, and Nakajima, "Go! Let's go back!"

The art of reincarnation from the dirty earth!

Seeing that Real Tree was still looking at her teacher's wrap, Mizuki could understand her mood somewhat.

But if the last thing you don't want to happen is to happen before your eyes, then what should you do?Mizuki thought of the worst answer, but anyway, the enemy was his enemy.

Although Kenneng can be very uncomfortable, you must defeat the enemy in front of you!

Text Volume 842. The Fourth Ninja World War [7]

Psychologically, I have made countless guesses. What if I meet someone I know well, such as my dead companion?Mizuki dare not face it, but he must defeat the enemy anyway!

Contradictory psychology and firm beliefs actually exist in such a very strange way.

Knowing that the enemy is a reincarnated unit, and his border guards rarely know how to seal, Mizuki found the captain of the third unit of the Allied Forces and said to Kakashi: "Master Kakashi, I just got Intelligence, the border area I defended was attacked by the enemy's reincarnated troops."

When it comes to this, open a battle map and point out where the battle took place.The location is on the border of Yunokuni and Fireland, and there is an obvious motive to bypass the third force defense zone.

Mizuki pointed out very simply, and said: "Our border garrison does not have a ninja who knows how to seal, so we need the support of a sealing team!"

Kakashi must have known the news from the coalition headquarters just now. Thousands of enemy troops passed through the second unit, and the fourth unit behind it encountered the enemy.

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