I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 497

The same reason should be applied to the enemies encountered in the border areas.And knowing that many of them were the ninjas who had sacrificed in protecting the village of Konoha in the past, and letting these heroes attack their own country is really horrible!

Kakashi nodded clearly and said: "I know, I will let a sealing team support you."

This is to support True Tree’s Sealing Team, because the leader of True Tree’s squad was killed by Ye Cang, and it was time to reassign a new team.

With the support of a seal squad, Mizuki was of course very happy, and immediately hurried back to the border where he was stationed. The battle here was ongoing.

According to the previously mentioned information, many of the enemies here are the Konoha ninjas who died when Konoha collapsed.But in fact, the invaders who were killed at that time included ninjas from Shayin Village and Otoyin Village, and they were all masters at the ninja level!

Don’t look at these ninjas who reincarnated from the filthy land, there are only a dozen in total, but they are all the strength of Shangren, plus the immortality of the ninja who reincarnated from the filthy land, and they are able to deal with the siege of hundreds of border defenders. .

Fortunately, there are many Shinnin in the left-behind troops, especially the Gusuke who is a quasi-shadow class.On the contrary, because of sufficient battle preparations in advance, it was once a great advantage!

To briefly talk about the battle, according to Mizuki's prior arrangements and arrangements, the first team was handed over to Baidi to command, and with two capable men, using a wind magic shuriken, cut the waist of two enemy troops.

In addition, the commanders formed an encirclement to encircle most of the enemies, which would also help cooperate with the second and third units.

The captain of the second unit is Baiyunyeshan, who commanded the ninja to use ninjutsu for long-range attacks, and even he himself used to hack and kill an enemy.

The captain of the third unit, Takuno, was not as strong as Baiyunyeshan, but he was good at arranging various traps, and cooperated with Baidi's first unit, using the detonation talisman to weave a net, to besiege most of these enemies.

Senior Gu Jie didn't take action for the time being, but he didn't have a moment of idleness, because someone would be injured at all times, and the injured would need to be sent to the rear for treatment, and at the same time, they would send someone to fill the vacancy in time.

Because I didn't expect the rebirth of the dirty soil beforehand, the lack of preparation in this area led to the lack of effective means.It can only use a very stupid method. For example, the two ninjas who cut the waist in a hundred places are guarded by the two ninjas, and whenever they want to resurrect, they immediately make up for it.

This is a temporary idea. Stupid is a stupid way that there is no way, but fortunately the effect is very good.As long as Mizuki comes back, there will be a seal squad to support it.

Of course, it is said that these enemies who are reincarnated in the dirty land are all elites who have the strength of the upper level of forbearance.It's really not just a few Zhongren teaming up, you can say that you can contend with one another.

There is a battle here. A ninja in the forbearance of Shayin Village puts his hands together to form a seal, and shouts: "Edden, the art of the gun!"

In an instant, a Tulong gun appeared on the ground, and several Konoha ninjas were pierced through their chests on the spot.

There was also a Shinnin in the uniform of Otonin Village. He shook his fist and shot waves, killing many people silently. One of them was hiding behind a thick tree hugged by three people, and was actually punched through the chest. Died with blood!

"Hold, hold on to me!"

Baidi snorted loudly, so that the ninjas under him should not panic, maintain the form of the encircling circle, and at the same time throw out his own wind demon shuriken.

Wind Demon Shuriken is a magnified version of Shuriken. Needless to say, its power is naturally. There is absolutely no problem with cutting the stem and the waist of the human body anyway.

Just now, the Tudun ninja in Shayin Village saw that the attack was directed towards him, so Jieyin immediately shouted again: "Tudun: Tuliubi!!!"

It directly raised a high wall and used the earth escape technique to block the wind demon's shuriken.

This is not the end. After resisting the Shuriken of the Wind Demon, he slapped it hard on the earth flow wall and smashed it into stones on the spot.

Countless broken stones have edges and corners. Even if the damage of the stone is limited, it will not kill a hundred places, but cuts and smashes are definitely inevitable.

A Shangren was injured in this way. Fortunately, seeing that the situation was not right, Baiyunyeshan promptly rescued him. At the same time, Tekuno threw the detonation talisman and had to let this guy use the escape technique again.

Wiping the blood that was smashed out of his face, Baidi said with a headache: "This guy has good abilities, he has a keen judgment and he uses ninjutsu well. It's really a hard idea."

Baiyun Yeshan also nodded: "You're right, I just fought against the ninja from Otonin Village. It seems to be a wind escape ninja, with the same strength."

This is not over yet, there were strong winds and fires for a while, causing many Konoha ninjas to be injured, and the encirclement had begun to loosen.

After throwing the detonating talisman in his hand, Tekuno frowned and said: "It's not a problem to continue this way. Even if you can't defeat these enemies, you must at least hold it back and hold on until the captain returns."

As the battle continued, Suzuki of the fourth team brought more than a dozen fourth team ninjas to support.

"Everyone, concentrate on firepower. The second unit first uses the escape technique to attack from a distance, and the third unit takes the remaining detonating charms and prepares for second-hand attacks!"

A medical ninja helped Baidi, bandaging the wound on his head, then stood up with a slap on his thigh and said, "Okay, I'll go with it too! I haven't used my shuttle for a long time, I have to fight today!"

Text Volume 843. The Fourth Ninja World War [8]

The battle continued, and before Mizuki arrived, they were left here.

Everyone is ready. First, the ninjas of the second unit, who are good at using ninjutsu and hidden weapons in mid- and long-range attacks, carried out a round of indiscriminate bombardment against the dirty land reincarnated enemies in the enclosure.

The enemies here have a bit of personal strength, but Konoha Ninja has more numbers, and they are pressed in the encirclement.

Seeing all kinds of escape techniques and all kinds of weapons, falling on the enemy's head one after another, I think it can definitely blast the enemy into scum, right?

In fact, this is indeed the case, because after a round of attacks were lowered, some enemies who could not dodge were seen as being blown up.

However, the advantage of Rebirth from the Dirty Land is that no matter how many attacks it receives, it will eventually recover again.And to say that there is an enemy who is proficient in the earthen escape technique, and the earthen escape technique can be used as a shelter to save his life.

"Brothers of the third unit, use the detonation talisman to feel to keep up!"

When the ninja Chakra and Ninja of the second unit were almost exhausted, the ninja of the third unit followed closely and threw the prepared detonation talisman at the enemy.


A violent explosion sounded continuously.

Such intensive bombing, even if there is a bunker, should it be able to kill?At least it's going to be dizzy, right?

Baidi and Baiyunye Mountain, seeing the smoke-filled battlefield from the bombing, felt that the enemy must have no choice but to survive such an attack.So they have already begun to call in several small teams, as long as the third unit runs out of detonating charms, they will immediately rush in to clean up the enemy.

But looking at how they couldn't wait, Suzuki who came to support said to them: "Don't panic, I have a baby here. When you run out of this, you will be fine."

As soon as the words fell, Suzuki's ninja reported to him: "Things are ready."

A launcher is pushed up here. It looks like a catapult?But the cannonball is a gunpowder barrel, and there is a detonation symbol on it!

Throw these gunpowder barrels over, and then use the detonating talisman to detonate. The power of the explosion is terrible, even if you are tens of meters away, you can still feel the shock of the ground being blown.

"Did you make it?"

If it was hit by an explosive barrel, I'm afraid it's basically an explanation.

Everyone checked the situation. The battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke was very choking. Ask a ninja to use wind escape to blow away the smoke.

Finally, I could see the battlefield, the place where the ninjutsu set fire just now, and the center of the explosion, and now I see a big pit.

Inside the deep pit, you can see a few more broken limbs, which are basically not human-shaped, but you can see dust, which is still gathering together.

Enemies reincarnated in the dirty soil cannot be killed directly, but seeing the residual limbs inside, it is estimated that they belong to the enemy.Everyone felt that the enemy should have been solved, right?I had to wait for Mizuki and the support of the Seal Team.

But this kind of joy seems to be too early, because there was a small team, just when they were observing, suddenly the ground under their feet collapsed, and a few ninjas who were caught off guard fell in, and then they saw the land recover as before!

"No, the enemy is hiding under the ground!"

Seeing the changes in the land under my feet, it is obvious that it is a superb ninjutsu.

Of course, since it is said that it is ninjutsu, it is not very strange for this enemy to avoid the explosion and sneak into the ground.

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