I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 498

Didn't expect this enemy to be so difficult?

These are not the most important things, because it was at this time that the encirclement that was finally organized was broken by this enemy.

The reason is also very simple, that is, using the earth escape technique to appear outside the encirclement, and then attack the unguarded ninja from behind.

Fortunately, as soon as this appeared, he would be captured by Konoha's ninja. In Baidi's hand was his usual weapon, the flying shuttle, one end was similar to a sickle, the other was a solid hammer, and the middle was connected by a chain.

This weapon can be chopped with a sickle, and a solid hammer can smash and slam the enemy. The chain only functions as a link, but it can also wind and increase distance.

For example, at this time, seeing the enemy come up, Baidi will throw a sickle and use one hand to control the chain. After practice, he can control his own body and control the sickle to attack the target at will.

Baidi wanted to use a flying shuttle to cut off the enemy's neck.The idea is not bad, but he has overlooked one thing, that is, the opponent is a master of earth escape, and naturally there is a way to harden his body.

So when his sickle slashed across the enemy's neck, he just saw a metal spark touch. I didn't know when, the enemy had used petrification to protect his neck.

At this time, the enemy was another flying shuttle grabbing Hundred Lands. With the advantage that his feet were "growing" on the ground, he backhanded Hundred Lands back and said: "I have no grievances with you, but my body is Control, you can go to death today!"

People who have been killed return to this world without their bodies being controlled by themselves.This is also the art of reincarnation from the dirty soil!

Gathering their own chakras hardened their fists and their quality became very heavy.If this punch hits the head, I am afraid it will blow the head!

Seeing such a fist, Baidi knew that it could not be hard-wired, and subconsciously protected it with its hands, but it was still blown by a punch.At least it flew more than ten meters, and didn't stop until it hit a tree.

Seeing Baidi was injured by the enemy, Baiyunyeshan shot and fought against the opponent. His weapon was a ninja sword, which continuously chopped and slashed at the enemy, but with hardened body defense, there was almost no effect.

At this time everyone can see that the opponent's strength is quite strong, at least it is extremely proficient in earth escape. If there is no ninja with thunder escape, it may be impossible to break the enemy's defense. .

"Who knows thunder escape? Does anyone know thunder escape?"

Thunder escape technique restrains earth escape technique. If a ninja with thunder escape technique, dealing with this enemy is much easier.

But looking at the people around him, none of them seemed to stand up. Could it be that there wasn't even a ninja from Thunder Dunge?

It was at this critical moment that a voice sounded from behind: "I will!"

This voice ~ everyone looked at the owner of the voice, and everyone's eyes lit up.And it includes the enemy in front of you!

Text Volume 844. The Fourth Ninja World War [9]

In the Konoha collapse that happened a few years ago, in the battle to defend Konoha Village, Mizuki encountered this ninja of the earth escape technique. He was indeed a very strong enemy.

Mizuki clearly remembered that at that time, he had spent a lot of effort, and in the end he used the Ashura Tyrant Fist to kill the enemy.

Unexpectedly, he was also reincarnated by the dirty soil, and it still seemed so difficult to deal with. After such an indiscriminate bombing, and a few siege by Shangren, he could cope with ease.

However, the current water tree is not the same as the water tree back then. Now that the two people meet again, she not only doesn't have any tension, but has a familiar feeling, and said to this guy: "I didn't expect it, we will meet again! "

The other party was very calm, thinking about his nirvana at that time, he remembered very deeply, right?

After listening to the meaning of Mizuki's words, do you seem to know this guy?Seeing their doubts, the Mizuki here simply explained: "You should all know that in the battle where Konoha collapsed, I killed two enemy Kaminos, right? This guy was one of the ones I killed. One."

After such an explanation, everyone suddenly realized.I have heard of Mizuki's deeds a long time ago, but at that time Mizuki was the Xiaren who had just graduated from school. It was indeed a miracle to be able to kill two Shangnin in Konoha's defense battle.

Of course, many people did not believe in the beginning, how can one ninja defeat two upper ninjas?However, knowing the price and sacrifices paid, as well as the tasks and battles in the future, is enough to prove that the strength of the water tree definitely does not need to be questioned.

The other party also heard Mizuki's words and couldn't help but sneered, and said: "It seems that my death has become your stepping stone?"

Don't mention the feeling of being killed and becoming a stepping stone to others' fame.

Mizuki disdain to talk to him, after all, this guy was an intruder before he was alive, but now he was resurrected and he is still an enemy.There is no reason to show him a good face, so he said, "I killed you with strength. What does it mean to use your death to become my stepping stone?"

During the battle at that time, Shui Shu clearly remembered that he was this guy who used the Ashura Bahuang Fist to solve it. Why would it be necessary to use an unknown soldier to pave the way for his fame?

Clenching his fist, it seemed that he was stimulated by Shuishu's words, and the other party said coldly: "Really? Then let's take a look again, what's your strength!"

Quietly gathered Chakra and gathered on his fists.

However, in front of Mizuki's eyes, Chakra's movement is easy to detect, knowing that this guy is secretly accumulating strength.He also started to stimulate his body, using Chakra to activate his cell power.

The sentient ninja in the army immediately sensed something strange: "What a strong Chakra!"

Mizuki glanced at the people around him, worried that his own battle might cause unnecessary accidental injuries, so he said to them: "I'm here with all my strength. Ishikawa and the Sealing Team still need some time. Don't you I'm idle, there should be enemies that haven't been resolved, right?"

The enemies who reincarnated from the Dirty Land were immortal. The previous round of indiscriminate bombing did kill a few enemies, but they could be resurrected at any time. Naturally, they could not wait for them to be reborn.

Waiting for everyone to answer, they rushed to the battlefield one after another, leaving only a few three-person teams as a support to trap the enemy.

The water tree here did not refuse, instead, he was relieved and focused all his attention on the enemy: "You are not a stepping stone to my fame, in fact I don't need it. Come on! Let's fight again, I Will make you understand!"

The ground suddenly shattered. This was when the two of them shot at the same time. When they started, they had too much power and shattered the ground under their feet.

The fists of two people collide with each other, and the enemy hardens their fists, strengthens them with high-density and high-density chakras, and at the same time increases the quality of punches.

At the same time, the water tree also used strange power to bless his fist, which in itself had the power to specialize, and directly broke the sound barrier with one punch, hitting a shock wave and colliding with the enemy.

A strong shock wave collided for a while, and the ground under the feet of the two people shattered, and the surrounding forest trees were swaying. How strong is this force?It almost goes without saying.

However, under such a punch, I saw a figure standing steadily, while the other person was shaken back a few steps before reluctantly stabilizing his body.

Seeing the distance of a few meters proposed by myself, the other's face suddenly changed!Yes, because with a punch, the strength of both sides can already be seen.

The water tree did not move like a mountain, standing firmly on the spot, without any expression on his face, but said to him: "You can see it too? I don't need any stepping stones at all. The strength is that everyone can see it. When one's own strength is strong enough, where is something like a stepping stone needed!"

Before crossing to the world of Naruto, in the three-dimensional world.Mizuki has seen a piece of news, Zuckerberg's car is a Honda.But who in the world would not know that this is the youngest billionaire in the world?

Such really rich people do not need to buy any brand names or luxury cars, they are all really rich people.On the contrary, there are many people who show off their wealth on the Internet. How many people really know them?How many people are not riding an electric bike, they have to buy an Apple X?

For the same reason, everyone can see Shuishu's strength, even if she doesn't make a move, everyone knows that she is very strong!A ninja who doesn't even know his name is worthy of being a stepping stone to his fame?And even if you really have such an idea, if you want to become famous, you must look for the shadows of major countries?

Absolute strength, no explanation is needed.

Such a sentence made the other party frown, and then his face darkened: "It's only a few years! I didn't expect the world to change so fast. A little girl film that year has actually become so strong. Up."

Say you are a little girl?This is too much, because in terms of real age, the water tree is not younger than this person.

But now there is no need to pursue this issue. Mizuki also said to him: "Yes, this world has changed, this war, the five powers joined forces for the first time, for you who lived in the past, absolutely Unimaginable things."

It was like verifying what Mizuki had said. At this time, two teams rushed back, one was Ishikawa and Hatsue, and the other was the Sealed Ninja from the real tree.

Text Volume 845. The Fourth Ninja World War [10]

This is in a state of confrontation. Ishikawa and Chuya rushed to the back, stood behind Mizuki, and took out their weapons to prepare for battle.

But it was stopped by the water tree: "Just leave this enemy to me, you go to support Baidi and them, and the people in the sealing team are ready to seal!"

Ishikawa and Chuya looked at each other, but nodded clearly depending on the situation, and then took a step back and left to support. The battle was in other places.

The people in the sealing class stepped forward, and Mizuki confessed to them to prepare for the seal.

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