I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 506

The little devil sighed and asked a question: "You should know that I am a subordinate of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord knows the Necromancers and wants to get rid of his control. But this is actually a cover, theirs The real purpose is you!"

The truth can only be known by asking!It turned out that the guy who transferred the monster from "Ragnarok" to the world of Naruto is indeed the King of Darkness.But according to the little devil's explanation, the Dark Lord is trying to deal with a stronger existence from another world.

But the Necromancers don't think so. One is that this is the ambition of the Dark Lord, and the other is that they are not wise enough, and the asymmetrical battle is seeking a dead end!Determined to get rid of the control of the Dark Lord, so that he can take refuge in a stronger existence.

Here we will talk about the relationship between Mizuki, because the stronger existence in their mouths actually refers to Russell, who directed all this, in other words Mizuki himself.

Of course, the current water tree is not Russell, but there is Russell's mark deep in the soul, and judging from the signature in the contract, the water tree must have some unexplainable, unclear relationship with Russell.

If the Necromancer chooses to work with the Water Tree, he still wants to have a relationship with Russell, and at the same time as a means to deal with the Dark Lord and get rid of the Dark Lord's control.

Why is this a threat to water trees?The reason is very simple, the little devil said: "This more powerful existence may be due to some reasons, which makes him weak now, so he must be supplemented with strength. Master, do you think the fastest way to supplement strength is? What is the way?"

Mizuki was stunned, the fastest way to gain power?

There seemed to be many answers to this, but I recalled in a trance that every world Russell had visited was all but the horror of corpses everywhere.

Recalling when they met Ashura, what they wanted to do was vaguely understood what was going on. Wasn't it war?!

But what does this have to do with yourself?Mizuki said to the little devil: "Are you talking about war? War will awaken this existence?"

The little devil waved his hand and shook his head, and then said solemnly: "The Lord of Darkness, did not give any answer, because he can't see the ending, but one thing is certain, if it is really war, it will awaken this existence. The master will be the key!"

Text Volume 855. The Fourth Ninja World War [20]

While waiting to return to the station, Mizuki was thinking of the little devil's words.

Mizuki had thought of many possibilities, such as the conspiracy of the Dark Lord, deliberately to disrupt her alliance with the Necromancer and the Wraith Warrior.

In theory, this is definitely true!

But do you really want to say Mizuki himself, really trust the Necromancers?If you think about it, it really doesn't happen!The reason is also very simple, because they have been very cautious from beginning to end. Even if they say that they are teaming up with themselves, they still have their own plans and have not explained them to themselves.

If it is really meticulously planning something, and the information obtained so far, he has an indescribable relationship with Russell, it is indeed something that the little devil said.How can this be explained?

There was a mess in my head, and I was rubbing my hair annoyingly. It was at this time that the guard ninja in the resident found Mizuki and said to her: "Sir, there is news from the coalition headquarters. Everyone is looking for You said that I will go to the command post when I see you."

Mizuki nodded in response and looked at the current time, it was already night.It is estimated that I have left. It has been almost two or three hours. I don't know what happened.

I felt that when I arrived at the command post, there were only Baidi and Gusuke seniors, and the rest of Shangren didn't see it.

Seeing that there were only two of them here, Mizuki couldn't help asking: "Hey, are you two here?"

Seeing Mizuki's return, Gu Jie beckoned her kindly and told her to sit down and speak: "They have all been assigned tasks. You can rest assured about that. Come on, sit down first!"

Because Mizuki is not very interested in commanding, and to be precise, he doesn't know how to command hundreds of troops, so he has given the captains great powers.

In other words, every captain is a forbearance. With his own strength and combat experience, there is no need to worry about what will happen.Naturally, they are relieved to let them act according to their own plans.

Mizuki nodded silently, then sat down just to take a rest.

At this time, I observed that Gu Jie's expression changed a little bit unnaturally. It might be something he thought of. He said to Mizuki: "I've heard about it. The enemy I met today has your teacher, right? "

Is this what Gu Jie said?

But when I think about it, because I was facing the battle of the teacher, and I wanted to kill my own teacher with his own hands, although it was a forced battle, there was a sense of guilt of killing the teacher.

If it wasn't for a burden in my heart, Mizuki wouldn't be there at the time, would he leave alone?

Mizuki didn't speak, but just sat in the position and remained silent.

Seeing the slight expression on Mizuki's face, Gusuke also nodded his head clearly, then sighed helplessly, and said: "I used to be like this too, because of my mistakes, I killed my companion. . If you want to talk about the guilt and sin in my heart, I think I should be more serious than yours?"

Looking at Gu Jie suspiciously, speaking of this old man, he was really an old life treasure.When the second generation of Naruto was alive, he experienced the first war in the Ninja world, and the old man who has been there until now, regardless of age, will definitely have a lot of experience, right?

Noting Mizuki's expression and paying attention to himself, Gusuke sighed and said: "You at least did the right thing, but I killed my companion because of my mistake. It was for this reason that I made a vow to be a Shinobi for the rest of my life, and that's why I have the title of'Ten Thousand Years Shinobi'."

Mizuki looked at the old man and recalled some of his stories.There is no such character in the comic version, but the original character appeared in the TV version.

Roughly knowing that when he was in the second generation of Hokage, two of his companions died because of his eagerness for quick success and quick command, so he swore to be only a ninja.So the second generation of Naruto personally came to spur him, so that although he is a lower ninja, his strength is at the upper ninja level!

How strong is it?There is an episode in the TV version. When confronted with the water-restrained earth-dragon bomb, he cleverly borrowed the environmental advantage, and it was actually destroyed by the water-dragon bomb.

It is self-evident that you can use the weak escape technique to defeat the restrained escape technique.

Later, he had contact with the third generation of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto, and the third generation had plans to appoint him to become Shangnin.It was just because of the original vow that I was determined to only do one endurance in my life.

Recalling Gusuke’s experience, Mizuki nodded and said, "Senior Gusuke, I understand what you mean, but you don’t need to enlighten me. It’s true that the teacher’s affairs made me very uncomfortable. But I am one after all. A ninja who knows how to control his emotions."

After listening to Mizuki's words, Gusuke was very surprised, but soon some smiles appeared on his face. It seemed that he was very satisfied with Mizuki's mental performance, right?

Of course, he may not know that Mizuki is not an ordinary girl, and she is already 40 years old, and her mentality is naturally much more mature than that of real teenagers.

What's more, when she was on the battlefield, she fought with her teacher. This was also encouraged by her teacher, and she understood that she had to do this, because if she saw other people and killed her teacher, it might be even worse. Does it make her feel bad?

Gusuke nodded in satisfaction: "In this case, I won't say much. By the way, tell me about the command from the coalition headquarters, right?"

"First of all, I praised us for helping the friendly forces in the battle, as well as successfully holding on and breaking the enemy's detour. But when the night comes, we still cannot relax. Because there has been an intelligence, the medical department has encountered a disguise. The enemy is one's own, and there is no way to distinguish it by perception. Therefore, order the ninjas of each unit to guard against it!"

When talking about this, Furusuke arranged his own tasks and told Mizuki at the same time: "I asked Ishikawa, Baiyunyeshan, Tekuno, Suzuki and others to start counting our numbers. First, we will make a statistics on casualties and then report them. The second is to confirm whether there is anything happening in our troops, as described by the intelligence from the headquarters of the coalition forces."

Yes, the arrangements are in place, and the work is done very well.

But after thinking about it, Mizuki asked in confusion: "Isn't the information sent to say that there is no way to make a distinction?"

Gu Jie here laughed and replied very simply: “Don’t forget, we have more than 800 people in total, and they are quite the garrison troops on the border. They all know each other, and they are already very close. I'm familiar with it. If you encounter a suspicious situation, you should ask about privacy issues between individuals. I think I temporarily become our person and won't have too much time to let the enemy know about each of us's private information, right?"

Text Volume 856. The Fourth Ninja World War [21]

This is a method that Gu Jie came up with. It is indeed a very good method. Of course, this method is a pity, and it is impossible to promote it to the coalition forces.

Because most of the ninjas under Mizuki are Konoha's ninjas, it can be said that they belong to their own people, and many of them are garrison troops on the border.

In this way, most of them, each of them have a very close relationship, and they are very familiar and understand each other. The enemy temporarily becomes his own. It is difficult to say that all of them have a very good understanding of a person’s private information. meticulous.

It becomes a very easy thing to separate the enemy from us in this way.

Of course, according to Gusuke's statement, this is in the previous war, in order to prevent an enemy from using the transformation technique to pretend to be his own to steal confidential information, he actually just used the method he came up with.

But even so, Mizuki has to admire three times, which is not a compliment, because if it is herself, she probably can’t think of it, or think of something stupid, such as using isolation. The method is like a computer quarantining Trojan horses and viruses.

Now it seems to be much easier, at least according to this method, it will not become very passive.Sure enough, having such an experienced person sitting in town is indeed a very worry-free thing!

Mizuki nodded, and then said: "This method sounds, but the investigation alone is not safe. I think there will still be flaws. If the enemy is in our midst, we can make some noise at any time. If we can, it is best. It can be prevented!"

People who are sick can be cured by taking medicine.But it should be the best to prevent it in advance!

It's almost like this. If there are already enemies lurking by your side, there may be hidden dangers.With limited combat power in your hands, you still have to choose the safest means.

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