I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 507

Gu Jie understands this: "I know, I will let someone check it out. Everyone who enters the station can be marked, and there are tasks that are determined to be performed. Then when they come back, I think Can you get rid of the enemy?"

It sounds good, which is equivalent to a computer firewall, which can isolate viruses to the greatest extent.

Mizuki nodded very satisfied with this, and just leave this to Senior Gu Jie, he is very stable in handling things, and it is definitely reassuring!

After finishing the important official business, Mizuki looked at Baidi again, saw that he was injured, and asked the situation: "How is it? Is it serious? Have you seen the medical ninja?"

Baidi replied: "Don't worry, Captain, when I was on the mission, I had no more serious injuries. This is already a minor injury. I have been bandaged by the medical ninja. It should be no problem with the medicine."

His injury was not very serious, it was just a little trauma, and it was a bit worried.But even medical treatment is not required, and it will be cured within a few days.

The Mizuki here nodded his head understandingly, just exhorted to rest more: "If you are injured, don't be too tired. You need to pay attention to your strength in the war, or you will be in trouble if you encounter a battle."

After saying this, Baidi just responded.

At this time, the gate of the command post was pushed open. It turned out that Chuya came back. As soon as she entered the door and saw that the water tree was right there, she said to the water tree: "Captain, the enemy’s filthy reincarnation unit, a total of 16 enemies, All have been sealed, our loss is not small, more than 100 people were killed and injured."

The enemies are all ninjas who reincarnated from the filthy soil, and all of them are ninjas. Naturally, there is nothing to say about their strength. Of course, the ratio of damage to the enemy and us in the battle still shocked Mizuki.

However, if I think about it, I remember that there is a data in the three-dimensional world, that is, on the first day of the battle, the coalition's casualties were almost half.Now they have only killed or injured more than a hundred people, which is really a very small loss.

Of course, the thought of being their commander still made Mizuki nervous: "Let's go to the battlefield hospital to have a look!"

The battlefield hospital is now full of wounded people. Needless to say howls and screams, and the main ones are people covered with white cloth. You don't need to think about it to know what is going on.

Such a scene is very uncomfortable to watch, but Mizuki still insists on coming to see it. After all, he is their captain and there is no reason not to visit the injured "warriors"!

Because it was Mizuki's insistence, Gusuke, Baidi, Chuya and others at the back followed her.I wanted to call a doctor first and ask about the wounded.

But I have seen it now, and the medical staff are very busy. There are only two attending doctors and five nursing staff. Apart from the people who died in the war, at least a hundred people are needed to take care of it. It is really busy.

So Mizuki didn't bother anymore, but took the initiative to step forward and saw a ninja with a broken arm. He directly used his "healing" skills to help him quickly relieve the pain.

One of the biggest features of Water Tree's healing skills and medical ninjutsu is immediate healing. This should be related to the game's settings. After casting, it can restore blood volume and quickly calm the pain.

Of course, seeing this ninja with a broken arm, he understood that even with such a magical skill, there was still no way to continue the broken limb.What I did was nothing more than to relieve the suffering of the wounded.

The face of the ninja who was sorely dying just now because of his broken arm recovered quickly, and then saw Mizuki treat him personally, which made him very horrified: "Sir Captain!"

Mizuki glanced at the ninja, but nodded silently. She wanted to say some comforting words, but seeing the ninja's broken arm, it was useless to know any comforting words.

Obviously, the ninja who has lost one arm cannot perform ninjutsu in Jieyin. This is no different from the end, the way of the ninja in the future!

Noting Mizuki's eyes and paying attention to his broken arm, the ninja seemed to understand something, and said pretendingly with a smile: "Sir Captain, you don't have to worry about me. It's a blessing to be able to keep this life. When I became a ninja, I was mentally prepared for it a long time ago, let alone going to the battlefield?"

The road of a ninja is destined to be full of hardships. Although it will be admired by people, every task may be accompanied by death!

But if there are any regrets, this ninja is not without it. He said: "It's just a pity, there is no way to go back to battle and become an admirable hero in the future."

Mizuki glanced at him, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly: "War will make heroes, not only those who build meritorious services and make famous ones. There are also those who dedicate themselves on the battlefield and fight for their ideals. People, these can be called heroes!"

Text Volume 857. The Fourth Ninja World War [22]

After finishing his work as the captain, Mizuki returned to the command post again, but he couldn't help but recall what happened when he was in the hospital.

Yeah, hero!For many people, only those who are strong and have achieved fame in war are worthy of the word "hero"!

However, there is a saying in the three-dimensional world: One will succeed in everything.The achievement of a hero must be stepping on countless corpses, and many of them will focus on the hero at the top. No one will care about the corpse stepped on by the hero.

Mizuki remembered that when he was in the past, he really had a dream of a hero, but after going to the hospital, what he saw was the pain and wailing of countless people.

Recalling that from Russell’s memory, what I saw was the scene of the sea of ​​blood on the dead mountain. All of this was sinful in a certain sense to the water tree, right?

Or is it that every person who wants to succeed must step on the dead bodies of countless people?

With too many things in Mizuki's mind, she couldn't help but became a little tired, and sat in her seat leaning on the back of her chair: "Is this war? It's really annoying!"

Senior Kosuke has been following Mizuki all the time. Seeing her with such a disgusting look at war, her muddy eyes just watched calmly, and then there was silence for half a minute before saying to Mizuki: "You are the one. I've experienced a war, and it's just the beginning. Can't you stand it so soon?"

With a helpless sigh, Mizuki supported his forehead and said, "I'm not a militant. Why would I like wars that are bloody and violent?"

What should I say here~?To say that he is not a militant is not at all true.Because Mizuki had expected war before.

But to say that Mizuki is a militant, she doesn't seem to enjoy it because of the war.

To put it bluntly, how much has a lot to do with her character and existence, right?After all, she is a person who wants to do what she wants, and Mizuki is a ninja, so she would think about killing people for the mission, let alone on the battlefield?

"Every war will kill countless people. Although they are all ninjas, it is worthy of honor to die on the battlefield for their own village and country. But only those of us who have survived will understand the pain to bear! "

A glorious death in battle, a painful alive, everything is a problem.

Mizuki waved his hand helplessly and said, "Change the topic? This topic is heavy."

It was at this time that Suzuki walked in from outside and saw Mizuki hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Your Captain, there is a new command from the Allied Forces Headquarters."

Open the map with a baton, and simply show the battlefield first.

"First of all, the first unit of the coalition army. According to intelligence, we know that the enemy has already landed, and the enemy is much stronger than imagined. At least thousands of enemy troops have landed, and there are many nicknamed Reincarnated Ninjas. "

"The second unit is at war with the enemy. It is now in a state of difficulty. It seems that the enemy is lurking in its camp. There are still some battles taking place."

"The situation of the third unit is better for the time being. The battle situation is dominant. However, the enemies are all Ninja Swordsmen. It is estimated that it will still take a lot of time to solve them all."

"This is the fourth unit. It is said that the enemy is the least. There are only four enemies in total, but they are all the shadows of the past! I am afraid it is the most troublesome enemy. Fengying, Gaara has participated in the battle, and is now in battle."

"The last Fifth Unit was supporting, but it was attacked by the enemy, and one of the captured prisoners escaped and is now fully recovering."

Mizuki marked all the information on the map so that it could be seen more intuitively.

All the five units of the coalition were drawn, and Mizuki quickly asked: "Does the headquarters have orders for us?"

Suzuki shook his head: "The headquarters did not issue an order to us, but Hokage has an order to explain it!"

This order takes into account the reduction in combat personnel, and each unit has suffered considerable losses. Although Mizuki is commanding a garrison unit, it still has a scale of several hundred people, which is enough to support the battlefield.

Of course, here may be Hokage, considering Mizuki's character, it is almost impossible to sit and live, so this order was issued so that she could run out and participate in the battle in a decent way.

After receiving this order, Mizuki also nodded clearly: "The coalition headquarters did not give us an order. I think we are not part of the coalition organization. But since there are orders from Hokage and the countries have formed alliances, this is not just considering Time for personal gain."

Explain your thoughts and point to the map: "Yunokuni's third unit, this is the closest friendly army to us, and here is the border of Frost Country, and the second unit is fighting here!"

Looking at the map, all of them came close to Mizuki. There are Gusuke, Suzuki, Chuya, and Hyakudi here. They are all experienced Shangnin, and they can see Mizuki's thoughts at a glance.

They said to Mizuki: "You don't want to go, do you? But really, we don't really recommend it."

The reason~ Needless to say, after all, this is a time of war, and their task is to garrison the border, if there is always an enemy invasion.

In today’s battle, there are more than a hundred people lost. If such a battle lasts for a little bit, it will be very difficult for them. Where is there extra energy to help others?

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