I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 512

In fact, in the original plot, it was Naruto who borrowed this strongest spear to stab Raikage himself with the strongest shield, which successfully defeated and sealed Raikage.

But the water tree here also has its own strongest spear-fist!She really wanted to give it a try. When her strongest spear collided with Raikage's strongest shield, which one was stronger or weaker?

Seeing Lei Ying's consistent hand rushing, a smile appeared on the corner of Mizuki's mouth, and Chakra pouring from his body, also converging on his own fists.

Facing the rushing Lei Ying, all his attention was concentrated, and he assumed a fighting skills posture. The white eyes had already locked Rai Ying, and Mizuki began to shout: "The tiger climbs the mountain hard!!"

Use this skill to hit a punch, the power is like a tiger roaring, and it feels like a beast leaping on Raikage!

Although not using the strongest Asura Bahuang Fist, with the improvement in strength over the years, theoretically speaking, it should not be much worse than the nirvana used for the first time.

With such a powerful punch, the bodies of Mizuki and Lei Ying collided, and there was a scene of strong explosions and vibrations, dust and earth splashing everywhere.

Text Volume 865. The Fourth Ninja World War [Thirty]

The smoke and dust caused by the fighting was blown away by Temari and others using fans and wind escape.At this time everyone saw that the attacks of Water Tree and Raikage penetrated each other's body!

"Water tree!"

Naruto exclaimed loudly.

Fortunately, it was already a shadow clone before. If it were the real body, this trick would be a bit overwhelming.Let's not say that you will be seriously injured, right?

Mizuki coughed up a mouthful of blood. This is a manifestation of internal injuries. Because of the power of a consistent hand, but the real hit on her body, the injury is not serious!

Fortunately, for the first time, I used a healing technique on myself, plus a healing technique, which made my body not disperse on the spot.

Swinging his hand, Mizuki said to Naruto: "I'm fine, don't worry, I can't die!"

If the shadow clone is injured, it will explode at best, and it will not affect the main body. This is completely relieved.

When Mizuki said this, Naruto felt relieved. At this time, Temari seized the opportunity and said to the seal team: "Go and seal!"

Lei Ying fought a punch with Shui Shu, and he was called "The Strongest Shield". Although he was injured as badly as Shui Shu, he did not seem to have a cure, but dust was recovering quickly.

If you don't hurry up, it will be difficult to wait until he recovers!

The Cloth Seal of the Sealing Class unfolded and entangled Lei Ying's body, but the controlled Lei Ying, instinctively began to struggle, pressing the Cloth Seal with one hand, preparing to tear it apart.

Shuishu must not be allowed, and finally rewarded you, how can you not be sealed obediently?So he took a step forward, aimed at Lei Ying's body, and shouted in a low voice: "Penetration!"

Penetration is a skill in which the stronger the enemy's defense, the greater the damage.

This blow hit Lei Ying's body, and suddenly saw flying debris scattered, actually directly smashing Lei Ying's half of his body!

"Dying, I should have thought of using this trick earlier, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful?"

Maybe you just wanted to show momentum, right?Because penetrating power belongs to internal power, ordinary people can't see any movements, but the tiger's hard climbing skills are not only powerful enough, but also the eruption of momentum is like the power of the tiger going down the mountain, and it feels even more powerful. In line with Mizuki's own head-on fighting style, right?

But now it's a bit silly to think about it. If you had used this trick earlier, why would you fight against Raikage?And I was injured again, even though it was a shadow clone, it hurts!

Hey, forget it, quickly let the sealing team seal Raikage, and paste the talisman paper to complete the seal.

In this way, the four shadows were finally sealed, except for leaving the necessary ninjas to guard, the ninjas of the fourth unit will regroup.

Because it is an understanding of the plot, knowing what is here, it is far from over!

Mizuki's shadow clone did not intend to leave for the time being, but acted with Naruto, by the way, asking his body where he went now, so that he had a goal to find.

Here is Naruto's answer: "I already know some information. The main body and the rest of the shadow clones are rushing to various battlefields."

So this is ah?It seems that it will be the same as the original plot. Naruto's shadow clones will arrive at each battlefield one after another, helping each battlefield turn the tide of war.

It was just the end of the battle in the shadow clone, recalling the development of the plot and waiting until Uchiha Madara's time.The body of the water tree has passed through the border of the kingdom of thunder, returned to the territory of the kingdom of frost, and has come to the theater of the second unit.

Compared to the previous few hours, the situation of killing each other because no one knows who is clear has now cooled down.This should be attributed to Naruto, who is able to perceive good and evil, and with this ability to perceive, it is easy to distinguish between enemy and self.

But even so, the chaos situation has not been resolved for the time being, and the water tree who came here will inevitably encounter trouble.

This is when chasing Naruto, and I ran into someone fighting in the middle. Originally, Mizuki had no reason to join in regardless of his own affairs.But I didn't expect to see a familiar figure in this.


That's right, this is Hinata can't go wrong, she is fighting a few ninjas, just don't know if it is true or not.But anyway, after all, she is her most beloved sister, it is absolutely impossible to sit back and watch!

So Mizuki forcefully came forward to stop the chaos of several people. They didn't know who was who, but when they saw the appearance of Mizuki, they would instinctively think it was an enemy.

Mizuki frowned and glanced at these people, but he couldn't tell from Chakra. There was no way to stop them, and said to them: "I didn't attack you, should I attack me? If you kill a friendly army by mistake, no one can bear this responsibility!"

The ninjas who were about to rush over saw Mizuki mean to back down. They wanted to keep a distance from them, making them stunned.

However, it can be seen that they don't have any trust, so before they rushed to kill the water tree, they were fighting themselves again. This is what it is and what!

Mizuki frowned. It seemed that the second unit was really messed up. He turned and walked into Hinata and said to her, "Why are you here alone? Where is Toa and Shino? Are they not with you? ?"

But before he finished speaking, a figure rushed over and stabbed himself in the heart.

Seeing the karma on his chest, Mizuki's complexion sank, but he didn't expect that the face he saw when he looked up was his sister, who gave him a grinning smile.

No, this is definitely not Hinata!

Mizuki was angry, and the love for his sister and Hinata's pampering had never been increased.I didn't expect that someone would cheat themselves with the appearance of Hinata today. This is absolutely unforgivable!

I didn't care who this guy was, Mizuki hugged this guy who turned into Hinata in his arms, and then began to work hard gradually, the strength in his hands getting stronger and stronger.

Hinata did not react, and was still attacking desperately, but whether it was with his fists or the kunai on his hands, the damage to Mizuki was almost ineffective.

Instead, they get a tighter embrace, which is a death embrace!As for the power of the water tree, there is no need to mention this.

As the power of the water tree grew, and when the embrace became tighter, Hinata seemed to perceive something, and finally started a futile struggle.

Unfortunately, it is still the result of how she fights and makes trouble, only to be strangled to death!

Text Volume 866. The Fourth Ninja World War [31]

"Bai Jue? Huh, looking for death!"

Seeing the corpse on the ground, from Hinata's appearance, it turned into Bai Jue.

Mizuki has the heart to kill!

However, this situation is disappearing, because the appearance of Naruto found the enemy from our army, and the battle quickly showed a favorable development for our army.

It can even be said: This is a victorious Libra, and it has begun to lean towards the coalition forces!

Of course, the enemy is very tenacious, and the third unit came news that they had just defeated the enemy who had reincarnated from the filthy soil, and then they encountered thousands of Baijue attacks.

At the same time, I got news that the coalition forces reincarnated from the dirty soil also appeared. The coalition forces who reincarnated from the dirty soil were not as strong as the ninjas who were reincarnated from the dirty soil before. The main purpose was to make up the numbers.

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