I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 513

The main body of Mizuki was near the country of Frost and Yuno, and encountered hundreds of Shiraze enemies, because he had the anger in his heart, facing these enemies alone, he rushed up.

The coalition ninjas behind them didn't react, and all they saw were the enemy's corpses and severed limbs.

What the shadow clone encountered was the Reincarnation Allied Forces, but the strength of these enemies was not good, and some were said to be the ones who died performing a C-level mission.

Temari is very helpless to this person, and it seems to be quite related, but for the funny character of this guy, it is really a bit weird.

But these are all trivial things. After all, there is nothing terrifying about such an enemy. As long as Mizuki dared to rush to hundreds of people, he could also sling these hundreds of people in various fancy ways.

To put it simply, it is like entering the land of no one. No matter what kind of attack, there is no need to say more about swords, guns and sticks. Even some ninjutsu is protected by armor, and it is almost impossible to cause any damage to the water tree.

All the ninjas of the coalition forces have experienced battles, and those who remain are definitely strong elites. Although there are many people who reincarnated from the dirty land, they may all be people they know.But it is easy to defeat them. Fortunately, the ninjas of the sealing class have to seal these people one by one.

When it comes to this, there is actually an episode.

It was Mizuki among these people who actually found out that he had died in the war in Konoha Village a few years ago!

Of course, because I have met my teacher and wanted to show up my companion again, I was somewhat psychologically prepared.But when we met, there was still some embarrassment.

"It's been a long time, Musashino, Fujiwara can't wait." Mizuki looked at the two of them, they still look the same as they were a few years ago, which is really nostalgic!

It has been four years since the two of them saw the water tree in front of them, right?When they first saw the water tree, they didn't even recognize it.

But from the eyes of the water tree, as well as the voice of speaking, she finally recognized: "Water tree? How come~ where is this place?"

Mizuki sighed helplessly, "You have been reincarnated from the dirty soil. It has been more than four years since you died."

After listening to the explanation, the two people finally understood a little bit.But for this situation, they seem to have no idea. Instead, they recounted the old with Mizuki: "Has it been four years? How is Konoha, how is it? Well, yes, Mizuki also grew up. It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, but it's a pity. If we are still alive, we will definitely become very handsome, right?"

These two guys were very rude when they lived. Now even if they are dead, there is no change at all?Regardless of the expression on Mizuki's face, they actually started talking again.

Musashino disdainfully said to Fujiwara, "Are you handsome? Why didn't I see it?"

Fujiwara could not wait for a cold snort: "Cut, the aesthetics of ugly people is of course ugly. Come, Mizuki, tell me, do you think I'm handsome?"

While talking about it, he put on a POSE, looking like he was too handsome.

The water trees that I see are all black, when is this, are they still making trouble?Going up with a fist, knocking on their foreheads, shouted: "Why can't you two stop? This is on the battlefield, the battlefield! Why haven't you grown up at all!"

Both of them still looked wronged and rubbed their knocked heads.

They are not immature, they should have not grown up logically. After all, they were only twelve or thirteen years old when they died. In other words, in the three-dimensional world, this age can celebrate Children's Day!(At least 14 years old)

But this is also the nature of their living treasures, right?His face was full of grievances and said: "When we died, we really didn't grow up?"

Faint, really a pair of live treasures!

At this time Temari came over and saw the dialogue between Mizuki and the two people. He couldn't help but smiled: "You laughed at me just now? Are they your former companions?"

Mizuki sighed and nodded helplessly: "Yes!"

When talking, Musashino and Fujiwara were not waiting. They also saw the sand hidden village on Temari's body, and frowned: "Sa hidden village?"

Konoha collapsed, and it was the sneak attack jointly launched by Shayin Village and Yinyin Village.So for Shayin Village, they don't have much favor.

However, at this time, Mizuki hurriedly stopped them and said to both of them: "It is not four years ago, and it was Dashemaru, the sandy hidden village designed and used. Now the five major countries have joined forces and everyone is already Comrades in arms."

Hearing Mizuki's words, they let the two of them eliminate some of the hostility.

This has been a few years ago, and now it is a whole new world, different from the previous hostility of various countries, everyone is gathered together because of the same goal.

Musashino and Fujiwara couldn't wait to see Mizuki. The three of them looked at each other for a while. Isn't it a bit embarrassing to meet like this?And you have to know the current world. I didn't expect the former enemies to become friends.

Mizuki sighed involuntarily: "Four years have passed because of your deaths, but I still can't let it go. But the past cannot be changed, but the future is created by those who survived."

"I have always thought about it again. If I could become stronger at that time, for example, with my current strength, maybe something could be changed? That's right. This idea has been with me for a long time. But until I After meeting with the teacher, I found out that this is not the case. Although I have become very strong, I am still unable to change what has happened."

Yes, the current water tree has become very powerful compared to the past self.But even if she becomes so strong, she still cannot change anything. This kind of helplessness can only be described as sadness?

Text Volume 867. The Fourth Ninja World War [32]

If you want to reminisce about the past, Mizuki and his companions should have a lot to say, right?But I didn't say the result because I was afraid of myself. If I talk too much to people I know, I may not be able to control my emotions.

I have already had an example of this before with my teacher.As a ninja, you can't be controlled by emotions.

Mizuki believed that his two companions must understand what he meant. The memories of the past have stayed in the past. Whether it is good or hurt, this kind of memory can no longer be changed.

Finally, under the gaze of Mizuki, the ninja of the sealing class sealed his two companions.

The Temari here pays attention to the expression of Mizuki. She glanced at the two people who were sealed, and said to Mizuki: "This is war, right? Let go of everything, even if it is the bondage with friends!"

I didn't know how to answer, and chose to respond with silence.

It takes a little effort to get the Allied Forces of Dirty Reincarnation, apart from sending people to stay behind and handling the aftermath, the next step is to enter a new plot.

Because Naruto participated in the battle and successfully distinguished the enemy, the predicament of the first unit has been resolved.The fighting scene of the second unit has been eased, and it has regrouped, and it is ready to join the third and fifth units, and then it is to defeat the enemy in one go!

The fourth unit quickly received an order from the headquarters: "The fourth unit will reinforce other units and will attack the enemy's lair!"

Tuying also said about this: "Our enemy is not someone who reincarnated from the dirty soil, but Madara!"

Fengying Gaara also agreed: "Yes, if you don't defeat him, the war can't end."

They said that Madara should be soil, because soil is borrowed from Uchiha Madara’s name.But now the real Uchiha Madara is about to start appearing!

Everyone is discussing who will be left to deal with the seal of reincarnation of the dirty soil, and then they are preparing to join the large army.

But at this moment, the water tree perceives the existence of some kind of chakra, and it is an outrageous chakra power!

Such a powerful Chakra was not only perceived by Mizuki, but the Sensing Ninja in the fourth unit was also aware of it, and pointed to a place and said in panic, "Over there!"

Mizuki has already seen it, the one who walked out first, the guy with bandages all over, is this the second generation of Tu Ying?

Seeing that the person here is actually the second generation Tuyingwu, the third generation Tuying seems to understand something: "Did he complete the split in that situation?"

This is the original secret technique of the second generation of Earth Shadow, not a clone of the ordinary shadow clone technique, but a genuine body, just separated from the original body.But the power will also diminish, this is also no way.

But the terrible Chakra that he perceives does not seem to be this guy.After all, according to the words of the third generation of earth shadows, this second generation of earth shadows used to split, and the power should be reduced accordingly, so this powerful chakra should not be the second generation of earth shadows.

There is no need to sell anything at all, because Mizuki knows that this kind of chakra can make him feel scared. There is no doubt that it is an incredible enemy!

Under the gaze of everyone, another person came out. This familiar face almost made the three generations of Tuying drop his jaw!He said, "This~ this is, are you here? Uchiha Madara!"

Everyone was shocked. Naruto said here: "This guy is Uchiha Madara? Is the face under the mask like this?"

Mizuki stared at Uchiha Madara, and he was sure he was Uchiha Madara. Although the three-dimensional world looks like anime and manga, it is somewhat different from the real person, but he can still be recognized. This guy is Uchiha. Madara, the real Uchiha Madara!

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