I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 514

Knowing this, Mizuki said to Naruto beside him: "No, this is not Madara wearing a mask, this is the real Madara Uchiha! Naruto, look at this person's eyes, he was reincarnated from the dirt. And I have seen it with white eyes. The chakra of this guy and the guy wearing the mask are not the chakra of the same person."

This is the brief explanation, the identity of the person in front of you is the legendary Uchiha Madara who fought against the "God of Ninja World"!

Of course, some people won't believe it. Temari is here to say: "Hasn't the headquarters already said it? Madara is leading Ren Zhuli to attack!"

Mizuki really knew the story of the plot, so he was able to figure out the reason, but the authorities were not clear about it, and they were a little confused.

What if this is Madara?So what happened to the other spot?

Three generations of Tokage Ohnogi had seen Uchiha Madara in his early years, and he knew clearly about his appearance: "But the person in front of me is indeed Uchiha Madara right! I played against him when I was young."

So who is the true identity of the person wearing the mask?

There is no doubt that Mizuki definitely knows, but it doesn't make much sense to say this now, because the body will meet with Daito soon, and there will be time to fight.

But the people here are all ninjas, and I guess they have already guessed that if this is the real Uchiha Madara, then the other Madara must be a person who is impersonating by name.

Mizuki carried a hand on his back and gestured to Gaara behind him: "Attack, catch them!"

Seeing the gesture, Gaara quietly controlled the sand and flew over to catch two people.But the speed of the sand is not fast enough, it is of course avoided by Wuhema.

Uchiha Madara came to the battlefield, and Mizuki sensed a murderous approach.It was a terrifying aura. Although Mizuki could hold it on his own, the expressions on the faces of the people around him showed that they were very nervous.

This is not a good phenomenon. In a battle that hasn't even started, the momentum is suppressed by the opponent, and the battle is basically no suspense.

It is estimated that even if there is suspense, it is impossible. After all, as the boss of "Naruto" second only to Kaguya Ji, it is definitely not a good tens of thousands of people standing here, and it can be used to compete with it!

Seeing Uchiha Madara's body moved, he stepped forward and gradually accelerated, rushing towards the coalition forces.However, I saw the people around me, all sweating nervously, and even praying.

Oh Yemu quickly said: "Don't look directly into his eyes!"

This kind of reminder is very weak. I don't know how many people have listened to it. Many people shouted to add a little momentum to themselves.

But to Mizuki, it was nothing more than a group of people jumping into the meat grinder, a slaughter that could be said to be one-sided!

Text Volume 868. The Fourth Ninja World War [33]

Seeing a group of people around him shouting and roaring, headlessly rushing towards Uchiha Madara, only to see Uchiha Madara alone, it was like entering the land of no one!

Facing the coalition ninja who had come under the siege, Uchiha Madara could just avoid it every time, and then went up with another punch or kick.

Mizuki's white eyes can clearly observe that this is Uchiha Madara's writing wheel eyes, which can see through everyone's movements.So when it comes to coping, it is naturally easy.

It’s not that you don’t need to look at the other person’s eyes. In fact, if you think about it, does Uchiha’s eyes need to use the power of the eyes?

It was almost a one-sided slaughter that made Gaara have the idea of ​​using ninjutsu, but was stopped by Temari at this time: "Wait a minute, Gaara, you and Tukage-sama, you should heal your wounds first."

The battle with the fourth-generation Fengying and the second-generation Shuiying just now has caused Gaara to wear a lot of chakras.

At the same time Temari also said to Naruto: "Naruto, don't use the shadow clone, switch to that mode."

The model Temari said should be the fairy model, right?Or is it the nine-tailed chakra pattern?

Mizuki also glanced at Naruto, and quickly said to him: "Your nine-tailed chakra is gone, just use the fairy mode? Time I will help you fight for it."

I originally came here with the shadow clone to wait for the plot. Isn't it the right time?!

"Can you do it?" Temari asked, and then said, "Let's go together!"

Of course there is no problem with this. Mizuki nodded to her, and then the two of them walked towards the battlefield in front.

Uchiha Madara on the battlefield is still killing and killing. The ordinary ninjas of the other coalition forces are just like cutting melons and vegetables. It can't be easier.

I don't know what the time was, an extra large sword appeared in his hand, and the ninja who rushed to fight him were hacked to death without exception.

A coalition ninja took the opportunity and threw a kunai with a detonation talisman.However, this little trick, for Fu Uchiha Madara, can only be said to be a dead end!

He grabbed Kuwu, took off the detonation talisman on it, and stuck his backhand on a coalition ninja, and threw it back again, hitting the coalition ninja who took the opportunity to attack.

After uttering a scream, the ninja, who didn't know his name, had already fallen to the ground.As for the ninja who was affixed with the detonation talisman, what was scared was to tear off the detonation talisman, but an explosion ended everything.

Let alone here, it's not that no one has figured out a solution. For example, there is a ninja who uses the earth escape technique to get into the ground, trying to catch Uchiha Madara from below so that his companions can succeed.But the result was not only that he lost his life, but also caused death and injury to his companions.

A tiger rushes into the flock, this is the feeling of giving water trees?

Unexpectedly, there is only one enemy, but you can kill the Quartet here. Temari takes out his weapon, opens the fan and blows the wind ninjutsu forward!

A very beautiful blow hit Uchiha Madara and made him fly out at once, but it seems that Uchiha Madara did not suffer any damage. After falling to the ground, he patted the shoulder casually, as if In bounced off insignificant dust.

This attitude is tantamount to a kind of sarcasm, which makes Temari very angry: "Cut, don't look down on people!"

Mizuki didn't make a move for the time being, because he didn't see the flaw, it was not a wise move to make a hasty move.Especially the strength of the enemy is absolutely at the top of the Ninja World, if there is no complete assurance, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is looking for death.

Sure enough, I saw it, Uchiha Madara began to seal, this mudra is: "Fire Dun: extinguish the fire!!"

Flames surge like a mountain whistling a tsunami. This is not only the scope of ninjutsu, but also the refined and refined chakras of the enemy, which doubles the power of ninjutsu.

The ninjas of the Ninja Allied Forces who know the water escape technique consciously stood up and used ninjutsu at Kieyin: "Water escape: water wall!!"

Facing the superb Uchiha Madara, the coalition must have multiple ninjas to perform water escape at the same time.The floods collided with the sea of ​​fire, and water and fire could not evaporate a large amount of water vapor.

I have to say that it is very powerful. Using the fire escape restrained by the water escape, it can actually compete with the water escape technique performed by multiple coalition ninjas.

The large amount of water vapor that evaporated made the battlefield filled with smoke, and people's sight was blocked.But Mizuki's eyes can clearly see that there is going to be a problem!

The water tree quickly formed a seal and slapped it on the ground: "Tu Escape: Diliubi!!!"

An earthen wall blocked her and Temari in front of her, but at this time, countless fireballs fell like cannonballs, bombarding them on the battlefield, causing a large number of coalition personnel to be killed and injured.

Fortunately, the reaction was timely enough to resist with the earth escape technique, and it happened to be hit by a fireball.But Mizuki's escape technique is really not good, but it is more or less to buy some time.

Quickly grabbed the Temari beside him and jumped to a relatively safe place.However, it was at this time that someone was yelling: "The enemy is coming!"

Then there were deafening shouts of killing, and the sound of swords colliding, but from time to time there would be repeated screams.

Mizuki's opponent Ju said: "You act by chance, I will go up and fight him!"

After putting down the Temari, Mizuki disappeared from the place in a flash, and then appeared on the battlefield.

Just in time to see Uchiha Madara’s crazy killing, after killing a ninja, he seized a knife, blocked a kunai and killed a coalition ninja.

When he raised the sword and saw that he was about to kill another person, Mizuki shot it in time, reaching out and grabbing the sword in Uchiha Madara's hand.

Uchiha Madara saw Mizuki, and noticed that she was catching the attack with her hand. While her eyes were a bit surprised, the speed of her hand was indeed dissatisfied.

He kicked the water tree with one foot, and it was in the middle of the water tree's abdomen. The damage was not bad enough to bear the damage. However, the power on the foot was very good. Let the water tree back two steps in a row to stabilize his body.

But this is only the case, after all, it is not very harmful to the water tree, it is just to remove the strength that the body bears.

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