I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 515


Maybe I didn't expect that this beautiful, teenage girl in front of me could actually hold herself twice?You know that many people here can't even take one of their own tricks.

Thinking about it, he has already noticed that the strength of the water tree must be good, at least it is much better than this group of young people!

The Mizuki here has seen how strong Uchiha Madara is, so naturally there is no need to explain.But she had no fear, and looked directly at the person in front of her: "The legendary Uchiha Madara? Come on, let me see it!"

Text Volume 869. The Fourth Ninja World War [34]

Without much exchange of words, the battle between the two broke out instantly!

This is a battle of pure physical skills. The hands first touched each other, and the powerful force from the opponent made his fists numb.

Mizuki's situation is better. After all, strength is her specialty, and the collision of this punch is occupied or not.On the contrary, it was Uchiha Madara, who was unclear about the bottom of the water tree, was shocked by this fist for several steps!

"What a strong power!" Uchiha Madara couldn't help but frowned. It should have been unexpected that the teenage girl in front of her would have such a powerful force, right?

But he didn't come to remember to think too much, because his writing wheel noticed that Mizuki's legs and feet kicked.

Protecting his body with both hands, making a defensive posture, blocking a kick from the water tree, instantly the whole person flew more than ten meters away.

Uchiha Madara's writing wheel stared at Mizuki, as if he wanted to see her through.But soon he noticed that a lot of sand came to him.

Sand is of course Gaara's weapon. He was treated by a medical ninja, but his eyes never left the battlefield. He had tried to shoot before, but was persuaded by Temari.

Now that I saw an opportunity, I was sure that I was not in a serious condition, and helped Mizuki: "I'll help you stop him!"

The sand forms rolling waves. If this is a narrow environment, it is a very good choice.

But the terrain here is not very good. It is an open field environment. The enemy can move freely, and the speed of action is faster than the sand. This is a bit terrible.

Of course, even when Sand was chasing him, Mizuki took the opportunity to launch two sneak attacks on Uchiha Madara.Once it was a punch from the top down, and once it was a sneak attack by rushing into his back with extreme speed.

The punch from the top down was dodged by Madara Uchiha with an somersault, but when he attacked his back with extreme speed, what he saw was the birth of a skeleton: "Suzano!"

Madara Uchiha's writing wheel eyes have become a kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

Mizuki frowned, because his fist hit Suzuo Nohu's face and was easily blocked.

When I saw this Suzuo Nenghu, I had no choice but to withdraw a little distance, and take a look at Naruto who was condensing Chakra and entering the fairy mode: "Isn't it alright?"

Naruto meditated on the ground and replied without opening his eyes: "Come on, give me some more time."

Here you can see the ninjas of the company army, all kinds of knot seals use fire escape, water escape, and what no suffering and detonation talisman are, but in front of the absolutely defensive Susao Nohu, they are basically the same as tickling.

Uchiha Madara stood still and didn't move, but Susano Nogu had more weapons in his hands, and he slashed and killed on the battlefield, and countless ninjas became dead under the sword.

Knowing that his fist might have no effect on Suzuo Nenghu, Mizuki no longer rushed forward without thinking, but was just observing with his eyes.

At this time, her left eye changed again, and the flowers of the other shore reflected in the pupils, and Suzuo Nohu looked in the eye. It was in the field of vision of this eye: "Suzu Nohu's chakra arrangement?"

That's right, I originally thought that I could see ordinary ninjutsu. This ability is already very BUG, ​​at least it has a copying power similar to that of Sharonyan.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems to be more powerful than imagined. I didn't expect that the Chakra array of Suzuo Nenghu could be seen so clearly.

Of course, it is precisely because it is very clear that the water tree is clearly discovered. The arrangement of the chakras of Suzuo can obviously be countless times more complicated than conventional ninjutsu!

Mizuki is watching carefully. At this time, Gaara controls the sandstorm and entangles Suzuo Nohu's body. Isn't this what I wanted to use sandstorm for funeral, will Suzuo Nohu be strangled?

It's a pity that in front of Uchiha Madara, who is almost equal to the gods, this is also a bit too pediatric. A soft sneer will control Susano, four more Taito weapons, and then one chopped in four directions!

Because of a stronger attack, after the change in form, Mizuki found that the chakras arranged by Susanou had also increased in complexity.

This kind of chakra change is a bit familiar. In retrospect, Mizuki is a bit like: "The shape change of chakra?!"

That's right, because just before the battle with the teacher, this eye also saw the Phoenix Phoenix, and recorded the chakra arrangement at that time.

Although there are not small differences, the changes in the form of Chakras still share the same place.

When Mizuki was thinking about the relationship here, Naruto had already completed the change of the fairy model, and had already taken out a wind escape spiral pill.

Seeing that he was finally finished, Mizuki nodded to him: "I will leave it to you next!"

Gaara controls the sand, and Earth Shadow helps him reduce the weight of the sand, so that Gaara has a better control over the sand.

A large amount of sand rushed towards Uchiha Madara and his Susano, but it seemed to have no effect, and it was completely blocked by Susano.

However, Gaara here has experience. I used to play against Sasuke's Susao Nogu, knowing that if I attack from the outside, it will definitely be useless.However, in the state of incomplete body, the operator standing on the ground is still at risk of being attacked from underfoot.

Gaara grasped this flaw, controlled the sand to attack from under Uchiha Madara's feet, and threw Uchiha Madara out of Susano.

Naruto, who had been waiting for a long time, threw the spiral shuriken over.There is no need to say how strong the power is, even the Raikage, which is comparable to the strength of the tail beast, will also suffer serious damage.

But for such a blow, Mizuki doesn't have much optimism. Although the details of the plot have been forgotten, Uchiha Madara will fight and slap Gokage, so naturally he won't be here. Was defeated here.

Sure enough, I saw it, and the shuriken that Naruto threw in the past disappeared out of thin air.As for the reason for what happened~?Mizuki has seen Uchiha Madara’s eyes!

"Reincarnation Eye!"

The Eye of Reincarnation has Chakra's absorption ability, and Penn's Hungry Ghost Dao has this ability, so Uchiha Madara can absorb the spiral shuriken, which is not surprising.

When Mizuki saw the eyes of reincarnation, the first time she remembered Payne, she did not have a good impression of Payne, but she would have a little sympathy, right?

Naruto here also saw it. He didn't have Mizuki's understanding of the plot, and his face was full of horror: "Why are this guy's eyes turned into reincarnation eyes?"

Text Volume 870. The Fourth Ninja World War [35]

Samsara Eyes were originally Uchiha Madara’s eyes, but I don’t know when to use the Penn transplanted to them.

Of course, the water tree who knows the plot is very clear, but this is not a point, because what will happen next is the point!

Uchiha Madara came to a high place and resumed Susano, and Yukiyin Susano was also in Yuki. When Mizuki saw this Yuki, his psychological aura suddenly rose.

A strong sense of uneasiness, the heart is like a bunny beating, a lot of pressure falls from above.Mizuki raised his head subconsciously, his expression changed: "This damn guy!"

At the same time, someone noticed that there was a huge meteorite on top of the coalition forces!

This kind of displayed terrifying strength gives people the feeling that strength is not in the same dimension, just like the level difference between gods and ants.

There are already people who are desperate, their faces are as gray as death, and some of the weapons in their hands have been given away, and some people already seem to see, and the god of death smiles at him.

Don't say that everyone's will is not firm, in fact, when seeing a meteorite in the sky, Mizuki's psychological side is also a bit awkward.But fortunately, this is the shadow clone, even if it is dead, it has no effect on the body.

The atmosphere will be contagious. Gaara was suppressed and said, "Is this the power of God?"

The ninjas of the coalition are so afraid that many people think that they are bound to die.

Mizuki is ready and plans to return to the ontology at any time so that the information here can be passed on to her ontology.

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