I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 518

"That's the case." Dashemaru should soon understand what this means: "It's very smart~ What the prey expects of predators is to find other substitutes, so as to hope that the predators will let them go. horse."

"Sasuke, are you sure you want to do this?" Mizuki expressed his attitude towards this behavior: "You are a ninja anyway. If this is a confidential document, you will hand over your protected items. Give it to the enemy?"

But Sasuke's psychology here is clear, there is no other choice now.If he didn't respond to Mizuki's words, he made any answer, and threw the scroll in his hand towards the Oshemaru with a wave of his hand.If you think about it, as long as you give this scroll to Dashemaru, maybe they will be let go.

Unfortunately for Sasuke's behavior, Naruto was snatched from the scroll by the flying body.Several jumped down to Sasuke's side.

Seeing this situation, Sasuke shouted: "Naruto, what are you doing? Don't be nosy, don't you see the situation clearly?"

He responded with a fierce punch and saw blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.It looks like Naruto is really angry, even punches are so heavy!

Sasuke was startled: "Asshole, what do you want to do?"

Mizuki looked at Naruto next to him, panting constantly, did the emotions in his heart look strong?He said to Sasuke: "Although I forgot the secret code, why didn't you confirm my identity? I think you are a fake Sasuke, right?"

Right?Heh, does it look interesting?

This Sasuke is true or not, Mizuki's eyes are still there, but he can see clearly, and it certainly won't be false.But Naruto said, "You are such a stupid and timid bastard, you are definitely not the Sasuke I know! I don't care how powerful the guy in front of me is, but if you hand over the scroll like this, can you guarantee that he will let us go? ?"

With Naruto’s words, Mizuki nodded, and also said in agreement: "If I am your enemy, you can get the scroll if you kill it. Why do you want to let you go? Don’t you worry about it? "

Yes, I remember that in the third dimension, there seems to be a sentence: not afraid of thieves, but afraid of thieves thinking!

Da She Wan smiled, stretched out her long disgusting tongue and licked her mouth: "That's a good answer, you guessed it! The scroll, kill you all."

Sure enough, it was in line with the cold-blooded character of snake-like creatures, but if you wanted to come to the shadow-like guy like Oshemaru, he would definitely not take the Zhongnin exam for scrolls.It must be a conspiracy, this water tree already knows~ Oh, yes~ Besides, "Konoha collapse" should be counted?

Seeing Naruto's shot again, but being easily resolved by Oshemaru again, not only did it have no effect, but he added a bit of injury.

But despite this, he still has to fight.At this time, Mizuki quickly stopped him: "Naruto, don't mess around, you are not this guy's opponent."

Naruto glanced at Mizuki. He should know that he was not good enough. He could only clenched his teeth and showed an expression of indignation.

Mizuki could understand his feelings, but said to him: "We will join hands and attack together!"

Da She Maru looked at the talking water tree, and smiled coldly: "It's a lovely prey."

After all, the snake's tail flicked and slammed into the water tree's position!

ps: Book friends, I accidentally become a god. I recommend a free novel app with support, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes.Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhudu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

Text Volume 874. The Fourth Ninja World War 39

[New year is here, happy new year!

Want to kill Dashewan?Mizuki estimated it, it should be nothing.But as long as she performs normally and uses her hidden power in her body, she will always have the power of the first battle.

So she decided to give it a try!

Seeing the big snake pill manipulating the big snake, Mizuki hurriedly pushed Naruto away, and then quickly opened his eyes, and at the same time he whispered: "Bow body bullet shadow!!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, her figure appeared behind Da She Wan in the next second.The Chakra in his body quickly gathered on his fists and slammed into the face of Dashemaru.

If this is an ordinary ninja, there is probably no more drama.But Dashemaru was a shadow class at any rate, and had suffered a loss just now, so naturally it was already prepared.

As soon as his arm stretched out, a snake flew out, climbed up the water tree's fist, wrapped it around, and thought of her biting it.

Seeing this, everyone on the side sweated for her.But at this moment, Mizuki suddenly shouted angrily: "Explosive! Drink!"

At this moment, the blood of the water tree surged, and the white and clean skin of the whole body was filled with the color of blood.The chakra with thunder attributes unexpectedly flashed out one after another on her body.

"what is this?"

Before that, Naruto had seen Mizuki used this trick from the future, so he was a little surprised.

Sasuke is the same, frowning involuntarily.

In comparison, Musashino and Bubi should have seen it before, so they knew a little bit, and explained to the three of the seventh class: "Mizuki’s trick is to use her thundering attribute Chakra , To stimulate your own body cells. You should also know that she is specializing in strength, so after using this trick, the power of the fist will become more deadly! And this is also a prerequisite for using that trick, you must borrow This activates the power of the whole body~ But isn't this a good idea, it should be used as a hole card and used when it is not a last resort?"

The previous one is the explanation. It's just the last sentence. It sounds like a dialogue between two people?

Well, now let's return the perspective to the battle.

When the water tree exploded, the power released from the whole body directly broke the snake that entangled him, and then the momentum of the fist did not decrease, and it completely hit the Oshe Pill!

At this moment, looking at Da She Wan's body, he flew away in an instant.Perhaps with blessings, this time it was much more terrifying than the last punch.On the way out of the flight, he broke the obstructing giant tree, and finally fell to the ground, and was smashed out of a deep hole.

"What an amazing power!" The three people in Class 7 were already a little dumbfounded.

They don't think that in the face of such a terrifying punch, can the other party still survive?

But Mizuki didn't stop, on the contrary, he immediately rushed towards the place where the Oshe Maru fell, and slammed another fist toward this position.

Boom!Even the earth was shaken, as if an earthquake had occurred, and the strength of the fist was so strong that it didn't need to spend much time to describe.

"Did you kill the enemy?" Kozakura exclaimed. From her point of view, Mizuki's fist is going to kill the opponent, right?

But it is a pity here that the water tree is the authority.She clearly felt that when the fist went down, this guy was indeed killed, and the opponent was bloody.However, Mizuki had already noticed that his fist had hit the substitute technique.

"Yes, you are very powerful." The smoke was blown away by the wind, and the Oshe Maru stood not far away, looking at the water tree with interest: "If you were hit by you just now, it should be very troublesome. ?"

Mizuki was a little helpless, it seemed that it was not a level of strength, and he had been avoided by the opponent.If Oshe Maru were to attack her by taking advantage of the opportunity just now, it should have been done?

It's just that for Oshemaru, his goal here is Sasuke alone, because he wants to gain Uchiha's power.

"Damn it, how come?!" Naruto yelled in surprise, seeming to be a little unbelievable about this reality.

Obviously, I can see clearly, Mizuki's fist, it is clear that it hit!

It is a pity that only Mizuki knows that there is an absolute power gap between himself and Oshemaru. Even if this fist hits the opponent, the best result is only to injure the opponent.But can you kill him?Please, is this unrealistic?He came out of his mouth once, and resurrected with blood.

ps: Book friends, I accidentally become a god. I recommend a free novel app with support, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes.Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhudu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

Text Volume 875. The Fourth Ninja World War Forty

But what was in her mind, Shui Shu still didn't realize it, but her eyes had changed. This time it was not the problem with the left eye, but from her right eye!

Because after gaining the power of Asura, this is tantamount to gaining the physique of an immortal, which makes the eyes start to evolve.Just now, the shadow clone used Ashura's power to fight Madara. Now Mizuki's right eye is about to evolve to the perfection!

The reincarnation eye does not seem to be specifically stated in the official, but when it appears in the theater version, the status of this eye is equal to the reincarnation eye of the six immortals, and it is known as the eye of "destruction and creation".

Appearing in the related theatrical version, this eye is a breeze, the terrifying power of cutting the moon away.This is far more terrifying than Uchiha Madara's use of a full body of Susano to flatten a hill.

The power is awakening, which is definitely a good thing.But the process is really a bit painful. This is my own eyes, one of the most vulnerable organs in the human body. There will be severe pain during the evolution process, which is not something ordinary people can bear!

Mizuki covered his eyes and screamed inwardly, "It's really damn it, so why is it now?"

There is no other way but to stop rushing and find a place to sit and rest.

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