I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 519

Because of the pain in the eyes, I couldn't open my eyes for a while. I had to take out the gauze to block the right eye. Blocking the sun would make my eyes feel better.

It happened that my stomach was a little hungry. I thought that I hadn't eaten anything in the morning, and then I drove out of the Thunder Country, and finally used the shadow clone to go to the second battlefield. It still consumes such a big battle.

If you don't take a break to eat something, I'm really afraid that in the next battle, you won't be hungry and faint.There is no way who would call oneself use physical exercises. If you can't keep your body in good shape, how can you fight when you are hungry?

Anyway, the main story of the current story is Gokage vs. Madara, Naruto vs. Daito, Itachi and Sasuke vs. Pharmacist. The plots of these three places are known, so I am not very worried.

Just pay attention to the time before the evening and arrive at the final battle, it should be fine.

Finding a relatively hidden place, leaning on the back of a rock, touching one of his own pockets, unexpectedly took out a pair of knives and forks and several cans from it.

Generally speaking, most of the rations for ninjas are mainly munition pills. It is great to add some jerky, which is convenient to carry and easy to store.

However, Mizuki is a person who knows how to enjoy. The vegetable country has the method of making canned food, large pieces of canned beef with sauce, canned fresh vegetables, canned fruit.

Usually Mizuki has two pockets with her, one for essential medicines and one for food, because according to her words: "delicious food is the best reward!"

First, open a can of canned beef, cut it into neat pieces with a knife, and then use a fork to put it into your mouth one by one, and enjoy the good time between wars.

But such a good time is really very short, and an uninvited guest broke in: "Miss Mizuki, you are really a person, it's hard to find!"

The person who came was the subordinate of the Wraith Warrior, the Ninja Niubi with the identity of a ninja.

Mizuki didn't catch a cold to this guy. Every time the special effect was killed in the game, it turned into a double-handed wood.If this is changed to this real world, it can be said to be an indestructible guy!

It is probably because of this reason that the resentful spirit warrior will let this guy contact him at all times, right?In order not to provoke the water tree when he is killed, he can turn into a wood and use a substitute technique to escape.

For example, in this situation, the water tree who is eating, picks up a stone on the ground, hits the guy directly, and turns his "bang" into wood. You can see a hole in the wood. , One can imagine how powerful the water tree is!

When I am eating and enjoying good food, I hate the most annoying things. It is simply running to spoil the food!Seeing the pierced wood, Mizuki snorted and said to the air: "I hate someone who runs out and bbs while I am enjoying food. I don't even have the mood to enjoy delicious food!"

Naruto Xi'an was overwhelmed with his current position, a little helplessly saluted, and said: "Miss Mizuki, I didn't want to disturb you on purpose, but my master has something to say to you!"

Hearing what he wanted to say, Mizuki glanced at him, thought about it and finally put it down, the newly picked up stone in his hand.

Said to this guy: "If you have something to say, if it is not something important, dare to ruin my mood of enjoying the food, and see if I will not chop all your wood!"

She doesn't have any hobbies, but she is one of the few who enjoy delicious food.Someone ruined his interest, it would be light if he didn't kill him.

Sinubi here is also helpless, but he still has to convey the words of his master: "My master already knows, you have met with the Dark Lord's men, and you want to know Miss Mizuki's attitude. Regarding the war that broke out in this world, my master thinks I should tell you a little bit of information?"

It can be felt that Xi Nubi has not finished speaking, but this should be testing herself.

Mizuki glanced at him, then let out another cold snort, and said, "Your news is pretty clever! It's a bit interesting!"

The tone is very tight, after all, as a ninja, his mouth can't be too big.

Without getting any useful information, Xi Nu was not frustrated and just said: "My master has already said that if the Lord of Darkness really has contact with you, he definitely wants to break the relationship between our two sides."

"We already have to know the news. The Lord of Darkness is about to come. In order to ensure the implementation of our plan, we decided to help that person and complete his so-called'Eye of the Moon' plan."

Moon Eye Project?Hearing this term, Mizuki immediately realized something.

He couldn't help but his face changed, and he said angrily to Naruto Ninja: "Didn't you promise me that you won't interfere in this world?"

Sinubi nodded, but he also said: "Yes, our initial condition is indeed correct. But my host said that this condition is based on the cooperation between our two sides. On the contrary, if we both Become an enemy, then we have to change our strategy."

I heard it, it turned out to be a threat to yourself?And if it sounds, it's more like suggesting that you want to force yourself to do certain things?

This makes Mizuki very uncomfortable, but people always have to be a little sensible, and this guy emphasized that the problems of cooperation and hostility have to be more thoughtful.


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Text Volume 876. The Fourth Ninja World War 41

Mizuki gritted his teeth spontaneously, and there was a little uncertainty in his eyes. It seemed that there was a murderous leak from time to time, and Xi Nubi had to be vigilant.

But fortunately, the emotion was controlled, suppressing the anger in his heart, Mizuki said to Xi Nubi: "Your master wants you to see me, shouldn't this be the only thing? He must have guessed it a long time ago The Dark Lord, will definitely come to stop our partnership, so that's why you are allowed to come to me? Huh, what a cunning guy!"

The water tree here understands very well that his current situation is very delicate, because he already knows that the resentful spirit warriors have ulterior plans.At the same time, he knew that the Lord of Darkness had ambitions, so he wanted to destroy this alliance.

They are all useful and want to use themselves and change their position to achieve their own interests.What a fucking bunch of guys!

The Mizuki who already understands this, naturally does not want to be led by their noses. Mizuki said to them: "I want to warn your master, don't let him use his brains, your secret plan, although it is strict I won’t reveal a trace of wind, but I also know your plot."

"If you really dare to disadvantage me and violate our pre-arranged conditions, it will be a big deal for us to get together! Let him remember it for me!"

After Niubi listened to Mizuki's words, he respectfully bowed first, and then began to answer: "Yes, my master already knows, knowing that the Dark Lord will definitely reveal something. But we can guarantee that this The plan is not for you, in fact you are in a storm yourself!"

What do you say?

This problem is actually very easy to explain, because the changes that the water tree can't see have actually already happened.Although these are all carried out in subtle ways, it has been shown that her eyes are evidence!

Mizuki asked: "How are you sure?"

At this time, Sinubi pointed to the eyes of the water tree and said: "Your eyes, the pupil of this left eye, the legendary flower of the other side, this is the flower that grows in the underworld, the flower that attracts death. You have opened this Just one eye, it means that you have been to the world of death. Naturally, you must have been to the Asura Field. Have you seen a few Asura adults?"

"Don't you understand Miss Mizuki now? In fact, whatever you do now, although it is based on your subjective will and judgment, it is already doomed."

When talking about this, Xi Nubi paused intentionally, took a look at the attitude of the water tree on her face, noticed that she was a little lost in thought, and then continued: "The Lord of Darkness may be telling you, some My master is planning something. But from a certain perspective, we are still on the same front. This is absolutely an ally relationship. On the contrary, this is the conspiracy of the Dark Lord!"

After Mizuki listened to Sinubi's words, he was already in deep thought.It's not that she can't hear this guy, there is suspicion induced by words

But there is one thing he is right, because the water tree is somewhat skeptical about the words of the Dark King.Of course, this is not in the trust of the other three guys, on the contrary, after knowing some information.

Although he knew the plans of these three guys, he had bad intentions towards him.But at least from the perspective of now, they have no intention to shoot themselves.

On the contrary, the Lord of Darkness is more hostile, just wanting to divide the relationship between her and the other three, which is even more disgusting.

But here again, because after knowing more information, one thing after another is connected: Ashura, Russell, one's own journey, the appearance of monsters in fairyland, and the signature on the mysterious contract.There is a feeling of being manipulated, which makes the water tree feel inexplicable fear.

At this time, Mizuki looked at Xi Nubi and expressed his meaning to him: "Your master and I, as well as two other guys, here I mean that the alliance still exists. But I don’t want anyone to intervene. This war is Belonging to this world, you can only do it in secret, this is already my bottom line!"

Surface his own attitude, and very resolute!

Because Mizuki is very clear about what this war means.

Regarding this question, Xi Nubi nodded clearly: "I understand. I will pass your words to my host. But I can't guarantee anything. After all, I can't make a decision for my host."

After speaking, he bowed respectfully again, and then disappeared from the place with a "swish".

Seeing the direction in which this guy disappeared, Mizuki managed to stay on the ground feebly, eating food every bite, although the delicacy was still delicious, but it felt like chewing wax.

At this time, the water tree was thinking, what is their plan, and why is there a plan for themselves?If you want to help yourself, why not tell yourself the truth?

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