I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 520

And why did the Lord of Darkness choose to tell himself the plot of this plan?Does he want to let himself find any problems?

It was at this moment that Mizuki's mind suddenly remembered that the Necromancer had said before that he was willing to support the "Moon Eye" plan.

Obviously, there is no need to say more about the plan of this "Eye of the Moon".Uchiha Madara wanted to use this to control everyone in the world to achieve peace, but in fact it was absolutely used as a condition for the resurrection of Otsuki Teruya.

To be honest, no matter what you think about this conspiracy, it is very much like another game that Mizuki has played in the three-dimensional world: "StarCraft"

In "StarCraft 2", the sequel to "StarCraft 1", there is also a storytelling.The Zerg queen was transformed into a human by the artifact, but in fact the artifact is a container, which collects all the psychic energy and becomes a condition for the resurrection of a certain god.

How similar it is!One is to collect chakras, the other is to collect psionics; one is to resurrect the ancestors of chakras, and the other is to resurrect a god.

They support this "Eyes of the Moon" project, is it the same as this?Do they also want to use this method to bring a certain existence back to life?

Thinking about it this way, the warning from the Dark Lord and the signature on the contract can be immediately linked.What made Mizuki even more frightened was that she had a very clear mind about what kind of existence Ashura was.

In order for Asura to become stronger, they dare to use any means, but is the end of this plan really Russell's handwriting?


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ps: Book friends, I accidentally become a god. I recommend a free novel app with support, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes.Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhudu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

Text Volume 877. The Fourth Ninja World War 42

The water tree here seems to be aware of the problem, but now I am not completely sure. If this is the case, what will be in front of me?

Just when thinking about all the possibilities, there was a loud noise in the sky, and I saw something passing by, and then I saw the direction of Thunder Country, with a mountain peak being flattened by the top!

Sensing the power of terror, Mizuki couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's such a terrifying power. I'm afraid it's me now. Even with the Ashura Bahuang Fist, I might not be able to do it? This is Uchi. Wave spot!"

As his own strength grows stronger, he has already reached the Advanced Second Rank, thinking that his strength should be at the top.That's why I dared to fight Uchiha Madara before, but in fact it proved that the second turn of Mizuki may not be hot yet, maybe the time to reach it is too short?

Seeing the flattened mountain, Mizuki immediately realized something: "It looks like it is time for Uchiha Madara to show his true power. In this way, Uchiha Itachi should use Izanami to control Yakushi's pocket. The filthy soil is about to be reincarnated."

At the same time, it should be possible to think that the battle between Naruto and Uchiha will soon enter a new stage.Because of the emergence of Uchiha Madara, the entire battle will become coalition vs. Uchiha, Madara, and Togo.

Mizuki's mouth "cut": "It seems we need to hurry up."

Put the last piece of beef in the can into your mouth, rest to restore your strength, and start to rush to the final battlefield!

But not long after Mizuki's front feet left, a figure came from behind and appeared in the place where she was resting just now, looking at Mizuki's leaving back.

However, at this moment, the water tree did not notice the existence of this guy. There is no doubt that this person's strength should be stronger than the water tree, and the worst is also at a considerable level.

It wasn't until the back of the water tree disappeared at the end of the field of vision that the figure disappeared again.Then he appeared in another place and came to a hidden dark place.

This is the previous water tree, an abandoned mine that I came to, Bafengte is also in this place. After seeing the presence of the visitor, he said: "How is it? Did you see her?"

The figure's head moved slightly, but there was no sound.

Bafengt took a cold look at this man, and then continued: "Are you aware of it? What is their plan?"

The figure moved for a while, it should have realized something, and made a slightly hoarse voice: "She should know it too? Then why is she indifferent? There is no sign of it."

"Does this still need to be asked? It's not that she doesn't want to do anything, but she can't change it at all." Bafeng snorted, then he remembered something, and then said: "Did you remember the Millennium War? Why did it happen? If it could have been prevented, how could it happen?"

The Thousand-Year War is an ancient event, and even players who play the game "Ragnarok", if they did not deliberately understand this history, they may not know what happened.

In fact, in this game, every city and every boss has its own background story, which is very similar to the storyline of World of Warcraft, which may be the common of every old game. Right?

Here is a brief introduction to the Thousand-Year War. The origin is the last war between the Protoss and the Giants at the end of the Norse mythology "Twilight of the Gods". In the end, the two sides failed miserably and the world was destroyed.The tree of the world is burning, and the world of nine layers is turbulent.

The game "Legend of Ragnarok" is also called: ro, which is the abbreviation and name of (r), rk is derived from Norse mythology, translated as: Twilight of the Gods!

Baphomet is a large-scale Christian legend, and it has nothing to do with Odin's.Odin was killed by the giant wolf Griffin, but why should Baphomet be the initiator of the Millennium War?

The reason is that in the three-dimensional real world, when European Christianity invaded Northern Europe, it wanted to change the faith of the local people.So I fabricated the story of the death of the Nordic gods and Bafengt, and later asked Odin to leave a last word before his death: in the future, there will be more wise gods to rule the world.In this way, the introduction of God was intended to convince the Nordic people.

This is the game "Legend of Ragnarok". Baphomet was the initiator of the Millennium War and was transplanted into the game system based on "Nordic mythology".

If you speak more bluntly, this may be why Baphomet said: "It's not that I don't want to do anything, but it cannot be changed at all."

Understandably killed by the plot, right?

The figure also sighed and said helplessly: "Aren't you going to do something? If things happen, you are also in this world. Are you afraid that you will be affected too? Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Baphomet glanced at this figure, looking like an old god, and replied unmovedly: "No, I don't want to fight anymore. This war is not related to me and there is no reason to get involved."

While they were talking, suddenly a big earthquake trembled.

At the same time, looking in a certain direction at a glance, I perceive a very powerful force fluctuation, so that it is amplified and transmitted infinitely.

This vision made Baphomet's eyes shrink, followed by a cold smile, and said: "It seems that a good show is about to be staged. We better be a bystander!"

The powerful force spread to all directions, and of course the water tree at this time was clearly felt.

Mizuki couldn't help feeling frightened: "So strong and terrifying, it seems that it has surpassed Uchiha Madara? No, it should be more troublesome. This should be the power of Togo!"

The ten tails of the nine-tailed beasts are absolutely powerful, because the body of the ten tails is Kaguya, the existence of the legendary ancestor of Chakra.

There is no doubt that this is the most powerful enemy, and belongs to the entire Naruto story, the last big boss-level existence.

However, the more he perceives the strength of the enemy, the more it proves the cruelty of this war.At least judging from the results of the subsequent war, the Ninja Coalition had many sacrifices in order to fight this war!

This war!

Because I am in this war, I already have a deep understanding.

As a result, the speed of the feet is even faster, and the use of bows and bullets one after another will consume Chakra very much, but now it can't take so much.

At the same time, she had already observed the direction she was moving forward, and saw that the Golem of Outer Dao was changing. Is this planning to launch the Moon Eye Project?


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ps: Book friends, I accidentally become a god. I recommend a free novel app with support, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes.Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhudu (long press for three seconds to copy), book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

Text Volume 878. The Fourth Ninja World War Forty-three

The Outer Golem turned into ten tails. This was the beginning of the Moon Eye project. It didn't need to say more about what it meant. It would definitely not be a good thing anyway.

This is bad news, but fortunately, there is good news. Just as the story is known, Uchiha Madara and Gokage are fighting at the same time, Uchiha Itachi uses Izanami to control the pharmacist's pocket to release the control of the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Mizuki encountered a team of hundreds of people in the middle of the journey. From their mouths, they learned information: "The ninjas reincarnated from the dirty soil have all gone to heaven. Now they have received orders from the headquarters to ask us to support Naruto. people!"

Not only this unit, in fact all the coalition forces, have received this order at the same time, and everyone is rushing to support Naruto.

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