I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 521

This war is about to enter the final stage. Mizuki followed the large forces of the coalition forces to act together. It was here that he encountered an episode.

Because all the units of the coalition had the same goal, the units began to gather together, and soon they found several familiar figures: Sakura, Shino, Ka, Hinata, and Neji.

The third and fourth units they were in were two units that were relatively close to each other, and now they are also rushing to the final battlefield.

After seeing them, Mizuki quickly stepped forward to say hello to them: "Sakura! Shino! Toa! Hinata! Neji!"

Seeing that it was the arrival of Mizuki, all of them were happy. In other words, they were all Konoha's companions. It was naturally a joy to see each other well on the battlefield.

Several people also wanted to say hello to Mizuki, and Hinata here even said, "Sister, why are you here? We just got the order and are now rushing to support Naruto. Are you too?"

This is a natural thing. Mizuki nodded and replied, "Who do you think is not?"

Every ninja in the coalition forces got the same order.

Mizuki glanced at Hinata and didn't see her injured, which made people feel relieved.He turned his gaze to Neji, nodded to him and said, "Thank you, take care of Hinata."

I didn’t expect that Mizuki would want to thank himself. This made Ning Ci stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and replied: “It’s nothing. The person who protects the clan is the duty of dividing the family. And I promised. If you don’t protect her, you can’t spare me, right?”

The first half of the sentence is a bit different, but after listening to the second half, it makes people laugh.

But at this moment Mizuki suddenly remembered that Neji would die in the next battle!

For the things that Jiraiya died, he didn't do anything to help, and for the things Uchiha Itachi died, he didn't have any chance.But Ning Ci, although he hated the Zong family before, made Mizuki have a little opinion of him.

But this view has long since disappeared. In fact, in subsequent contacts, Mizuki thought he was a very good person.how to say?If you were in the three-dimensional world, you were born into a wealthy family like Ning Ci, looks handsome and a little brainy, and has good strength, a little bit cold and arrogant but not pretentious, don't you know how many women will love you?

Thinking of this, Mizuki looked at Ning Ci again, found a reason and said to him: "Are you hurt?"

It is inevitable that there will be injuries in the war. This should be said to be a normal thing. Moreover, Mizuki’s teacher is Tsunade, who naturally knows some medical ninjutsu. At a glance, I can see that Neji has injuries on his body. A strange thing.

However, Ning Ci's injuries were very minor. The main reason was the injuries caused by the excessive use of his eyes during the battle, and there were not enough conditions to withdraw from the battle.So he didn't care very much and said, "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Mizuki cursed this guy in his heart: "Stupid!"

Seeing this guy, he thought it was himself, caring about his injury?I don’t know if this is caring about your life!

The helpless Mizuki sighed and said helplessly to Ning Ci: "This time, I don't think you should participate in this battle."

Didn't expect Mizuki to say this to himself?Ning Ci was taken aback in surprise, before asking for a long time: "Why?"

why?Of course I don't want you to die!Mizuki wanted to make such complaints.

But if you really say to Neji, "I don't want to see you die!"

Because if you say that, it might become embarrassing, right?If this were the case, Mizuki told Neji this way, it was really not difficult to imagine what his companions would think.

Mizuki didn't know what to say about this problem, so he simply took Hinata to tell the matter: "I want you to take Hinata away!"

Konoha’s companions knew about Mizuki’s care for Hinata from the time he was young. It’s understandable that he wanted Hinata to leave the battlefield because he was worried about Hinata.

Hearing Mizuki's request to him, Ning Ci couldn't help thinking. After all, they both grew up together, and Mizuki's love for his sister was naturally the clearest.

But when he saw Neji and thought about agreeing, Hinata stood up and replied: "Sister, thank you for your concern about me, but I don't want to leave like this, I want to fight for Naruto-kun , A force to do my best!"

I'll go. What are you talking about?At this crucial point, Mizuki hurriedly said: "Sister, stop making trouble. The level of this battle is not what you can expect."

Mizuki knew very well that in this battle, the ninja allied forces were all invincible. Even the next Mizuki would already consider using his hole cards!

This is definitely not a joke!

But that’s what I said, but Hinata’s face was full of enlightened expressions: "I can understand my sister’s concern, but I will never shrink from this battle. Naruto-kun is still fighting hard, I You have to work hard!"

Fainted, Mizuki is about to cry, isn't this harmful?

"You!" Mizuki wanted to say something, and tried to prevent Hinata from letting her and Neji leave.

But at this moment, a voice stopped them, and it turned out that Hyuga Nizu appeared.

The first unit, the fourth unit, the fifth unit, and successive units have merged with the large units, and are now rushing to the battlefield with all their strength, but they did not expect to meet here.

At the same time, I saw Shikamaru and Ino, one after another had already rushed, and with the confluence of all coalition forces, everyone was moving in the same direction.Under the general trend, trying to dissuade Hinata from withdrawing is basically nowhere.

He sighed helplessly, and could only sigh: "Be careful to protect yourself!"

Then with a sad look, she glanced at Ning Ci next to her, because she knew there was a tragedy that she wanted to stop but couldn't stop it.


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Text Volume 879. The Fourth Ninja World War Forty-Four

It was on the way that Mizuki followed the ninja coalition forces, the battle between Naruto and Uchiha to take the soil has begun, and once they obtained a considerable advantage, for example, with the help of Kirabi, they successfully solved the threat of Liudaojinzhuli .

Later, it was recognized by the tail beasts, which is bound to be a considerable help for future Naruto.

But these are all things to do, because Naruto is still fighting Uchiha with the soil.Because Uchiha Itachi successfully used Izanami to release Yakushidou's control over the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

Tai Tu has decided to start the "Eyes of the Moon" project in advance, but it will take a while. The shock that Mizuki sensed just now was the terrifying power released when the Outer Golem evolved into ten tails!

Of course, Naruto tried to stop it. With the help of Kakashi and Kay who rushed over, he tried to destroy the head of Tentails with divine might, but it was a pity that he failed under the interference of the soil.

But in this fight, Kakashi discovered the secret of Uchiha's belt soil, one is why it can penetrate objects, and the other is to discover the true face of Uchiha's belt soil.

In order to retaliate, Uchiha wears a mask and claims to be Uchiha Madara.No one knew Uchiha's dirt under the mask, but after breaking the mask, Kakashi recognized that he was carrying dirt.

Because he entrusted his favorite person to Kakashi, but he saw with his own eyes that Kakashi killed his favorite person. This unspeakable pain became Uchiha’s demon with the soil, making him feel The world is full of hatred.Hope to use the Moon Eye Project to create a world that belongs only to him and Lin!

When Kakashi met Daitu, he knew that the enemy in front of him was his former partner. This shock was absolutely huge.Even in the face of an attack with soil, he didn't know whether he had to react or be protected by Naruto.

But at this time, the bigger enemy Uchiha Madara appeared.The two of them joined forces to control Ten Tails. The original evenly matched scene seemed to be a little shaken, especially in front of the mighty Ten Tails!

The ninja coalition forces who were rushing to support Naruto, including Mizuki saw it, the ten-tailed beast jade pierced the sky, smashing the mountain.

"What a terrifying power, this feeling is so terrible!"

Originally, I sensed the power of Ten Tails, but I didn't expect to be so terrible.

Mizuki's eyes had already seen the eight tails and nine tails on the battlefield, and the ten-tailed beast jade just now was resisted by the two tailed beasts. Unexpectedly, the power was still so terrifying!

Needless to say this, because at this time, they saw that Naruto and Kakashi attempted to sneak attack and collect Yao into the writing wheel eye space, and then when they approached the enemy, they suddenly released Yao.

But the jaw-dropping scene was that the eight-tailed beast jade was bounced away by the ten-tailed jade at random, like a tiny piece of dust.

In this way, Yao was knocked into the air, and then he saw Naruto and Kakashi, they also seemed to be swattered.The strength of the ten tails has been demonstrated to the fullest.

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