I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 522

The more powerful this kind of strength is, the more people will feel scared.

At this moment, Mizuki also realized something immediately, and said to Ino who was beside him: "Quickly, use the heart-turning technique, the enemy will use the big move just now!"

Turning around with Ino's heart, helping to pinpoint the location with his white eyes, pointing to the Uchiha belt soil!

Just at the very moment, the tail beast jade spit out again from the mouth of the ten tails. This time there was no resistance from the eight tails and nine tails. The power was maximized, and all the mountains were crushed. The place where the explosion exploded was like a nuclear weapon. In the last days, a burning mushroom cloud rose, and the earth was overturned and flew up.

Fortunately, the Ninja coalition finally arrived. Although it was with the help of Mizuki, Ino's heart-turning technique only interfered with the opponent for less than two seconds.Although the control time was not long, fortunately, the tail beast jade was missed.

Such a terrifying power was just a bit, and Naruto and the others were instantly killed on the spot!

After Mizuki arrived, he immediately killed Naruto's side and asked him: "Naruto, are you okay?"

Seeing Mizuki's concerned eyes, Naruto showed a rare smile and replied: "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

This guy can actually laugh?It seems to be really fine.

But now is not the time to laugh. Mizuki nodded to him and said, "On my way, I met a large coalition army and followed the large army, so I came a little late. How about? Did I miss anything?"

Taking a look at the surrounding environment, I have already guessed how the battle has been experienced.

Especially the big guy in front of him, judging from the tail behind, he counted ten tails in total, and Mizuki's face changed: "Ten tails? Ten tails?"

Tailed beasts are counted by their tails. One tail is one tail, and nine tails are nine tails. If they have ten tails, they are naturally ten tails.

Naruto also nodded and replied: "Yes, the enemies are Uchiha Daido and Uchiha Madara, the monster they summoned."

He already knew the identity of the other party, Kakashi's former companion, but Uchiha Madara did not expect to arrive first.It seems that like the plot, the Five Shadows is defeated!

Mizuki is very worried about Tsunade's safety, but knowing that Sasuke will rush to the battlefield in the future, the fellow Osaimaru will also be resurrected, knowing that Tsunade should be fine, at least he will not die, right?

The water tree here focused its attention on the enemy in front of him. At this time, the coalition forces had arrived on the battlefield, and jointly used the technique of fog hiding to obscure the opponent's vision.

More and more coalition forces are coming, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth troops are all here!

Tens of thousands of coalition forces dealt with Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Daido, and Toyo. This battle will be a matter of concern. The key to the survival of the entire Ninja world is a battle, and everyone will inevitably fight for their lives.

But even if she saw such a lineup, Mizuki didn't feel much at ease, because she knew how strong the enemy was, and even if the power of the world was assembled now, she might not be able to defeat the enemy.

Of course, the fighting momentum is up, and Mizuki will not attack this momentum, but will be affected, and he will be more excited about the next battle.

She could prepare for this battle for a long time, and all the cards at the bottom of the box were kept, and now she finally had a chance to come in handy.


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Text Volume 880. The Fourth Ninja World War Forty-Five

In order to better understand the enemy's intelligence, Mizuki sensed that Kakashi was conveying information to the coalition headquarters, and Naruto needed some time here.

Naruto said to the enemy in front of him: "How about it is not a mob now? What you see is the art of ninja alliance!"

I don’t know what kind of dialogue this guy and the enemy had before, but I actually boasted here: "This is the super powerful, the best and strongest ninjutsu in the history of ninjas! It’s more than your unlimited monthly reading. Much stronger, let me remember!"

Uchiha took soil and Uchiha Madara and saw Naruto's boasting.

Uchiha Madara couldn't help but sneered: "Ninja Allied Forces? You can really be far-fetched!"

Naruto replied, "So what? We will stop you!"

I don't know if they want to implement the plan that will bring disaster to the world, but now that the entire coalition is standing here, it will definitely not allow them to easily succeed.

Looking at Naruto with cold eyes, and the ninja allied forces behind him, Uchiha's face with soil was very cold, and he retorted to Naruto: "Wrong, even if you successfully stop us, it still has no meaning, you Why don't you understand?"

"All this will fall apart after the war is over. Some of you will repeat our mistakes. Whatever struggle in this world is doomed to fail! There is no hope in this world!"

The words that brought the soil were introduced to the ears of the water tree, although there was a little sneer, thinking that the soil was only because of Lin's death, and he lost all hope in this world.

But if you want to say whether it makes sense, you might think about it.Because the three-dimensional world is not without examples, the most direct is World War II!

In World War II, in order to defeat fascism, the Allied forces united after several years of war and paid the lives of hundreds of millions of people, and finally won victory.As a result, the war has not yet ended, and problems have emerged within the Allied forces, laying the groundwork for the Cold War in future generations.

The cold war is not a hot war, but the production of terrifying nuclear weapons, like sausages, is afraid that the deterrent power of this terrorist weapon will exceed that of any war in the past, right?

So Mizuki's mentality is to understand that even though there is a bit of world-weariness in the words with soil, there is no reason, at least there is nothing wrong in this point.

But don’t ignore Naruto here. He said to Uchiha, "No matter what you say, I firmly believe that hope must exist!"

What Daido said was not without reason, but it didn't fit Naruto's character.

War and peace are nothing more than artificial initiation. However, Naruto has a charm that can bring everyone together. He has grown from the original Konoha village, a prankster, to a hero who rescued Konoha village from Penn’s hands. .

Now for this world war, he will surely become a hero to save the world!

He has the same place as Taito, but there are more differences.The same is when companions and friends die, he will feel sad and cry.The difference is that he will persevere, instead of lamenting God's injustice and pitying others.

If you want to say why, make such a difference?It should be because Naruto has been alone since he was a child, growing up from nothing to now standing by countless companions and friends.On the other hand, I have loved a person from the beginning to the end. After the wholehearted injection, the death of the loved one is already disheartened.

Naruto will have friends to accompany him from beginning to end, but he has already died with the one he loves, and he will never have any feelings again.

The argument between the two people will not have any results, because at this time Uchiha Madara said: "Will there be any point in arguing about this issue during the fight? Why not hurry up and make a decision!"

Nearly, the headquarters is making a battle plan!

Naruto said to them: "When there are differences of opinion, the minority should obey the majority, right? What do you think?"

This sentence sounds like it should be said to Dai Tu.

Mizuki focused his gaze on the soil-carrying body, and saw him open his mouth and said, "This is a good idea, then ~ kill all of you."

After a long time, I still have to do it.

But that doesn't matter, since it's about to fight, just do it.

At exactly this time, the combat plan of the coalition headquarters was issued, because knowing that the enemy's eyes are a problem, we need to find a way to block the opponent's vision.

This is the ninja handed over to Yunyin Village. They also use ninjutsu at Kie Yin: "Lei Dun: Lei Guangzhu!!"

The strong light was too dazzling, making the other person unable to open their eyes.

At the same time, as the captain of the first unit, Darui used his own ninjutsu: "Lan Dun: Rejoice and lock down!"

Lan Dun is the blood heir of thunder and water. From his hands, he uses multiple powerful lasers that vaporize from water to penetrate the opponent, and has a good inducement effect.

To seize such a great opportunity, in order to add strength, the ninja from Sandyak Village went into battle: "Wind Dun: Airflow Flurry!!"

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