I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 528

Text Volume 889. The Fourth Ninja World War [54]

The chakra in the body was mobilized, and the power began to emerge continuously. This was a desire to use the power of Soul Killing Asura to enter the state of soul mode.

This is Mizuki's idea, because before, the dark Asura helped her enter the state of soul mode, according to the theory, it was to summon Russell's soul.

Russell is now in his own brain, so if you want her to be attached to your body, you should be able to enter the soul mode, right?

Russell seems to have sensed the intention of the water tree: "Do you want to summon me to fight for you?"

Mizuki did not deny: "Yes, I had entered the state of soul mode with Luo Yun's help before. And it was the first time I realized your existence. Is there any problem with this?"

If you can enter the soul mode, all the skills of the water tree will become perfect, and the strength will naturally be greatly improved.

This idea is very good, but there is a small problem. Russell warned Mizuki: "Using the power of Ashura, what will happen to this, you should be very clear in your mind, it will damage yourself and shorten your life. , It may be fatal!"

The forceful move must first hurt yourself, this water tree has known it for a long time, and he is naturally psychologically prepared.

Russell sensed Mizuki's determination, which made her feel a little puzzled, and it seemed a bit weird. He hesitated and said to Mizuki: "Why are you doing this? Is it just to win this war? If that's the case, you My own psychology should be very clear that this war has a destined result."

If it is according to the plot, there is indeed no need to make a move, because Wuxi Ming is the master of this world, and he is the hero who saves the world. Even if he sits and watches the battle, the ending is already doomed. .

But what about this question?Mizuki looked at Naruto’s back, then smiled indifferently, and said, “Because I don’t like it, follow the arrangements of fate! I think that in the three-dimensional world, I would not hide if it were not for escaping from the reality of society. Are you dead at home?"

"After coming to this world, I have experienced a lot of things instead, which not only allowed me to have friends and companions, but also made me more mature."

"I think you should be the same? If you follow your fate and just watch from the sidelines, what's the point of your Asuras becoming stronger?"

Russell heard what Mizuki said to himself, and was silent for a moment, as if he had already understood something: "Do you already know my plan?"

Mizuki nodded secretly: "Forget it, I guess you will occupy my body, if not for the chakra energy of this world?"

I don’t know if my guess is correct, but it should be true, right?If it wasn't for this, I really don't know what Russell wanted to do.

Russell here was also tight-lipped, and did not answer Mizuki's answer, but said to her: "If you want to gain my power, I can lend you a little temporarily."

After speaking, Mizuki's body burst into light, and the powerful Chakra instantly rushed to the sky.

Mizuki was originally a girl who resembled Hinata, but now her appearance and figure are close to those of an adult female, so she has entered into a state of soul mode at this time!

Getting ready to go, Russell reminded in Mizuki's mind: "At the peak of five minutes, starting from the sixth minute, the strength will gradually disappear. Depending on the intensity of the battle, up to eight to ten minutes, you can be more confident!

After speaking, I will not remind again.

Is there only a few minutes?But this is enough!

Mizuki stood up again, and Hinata on the side saw her change. At first, he felt strange, but the people around him were his sister after all, so he quickly relaxed.

At this time, Mizuki said to Hinata: "Stand a little farther away and watch your sister beat the bad guys!"

After all, he raised his fist and walked up.

But at the same time, the battle on the battlefield has already taken place.

During the time when Naruto had a dialogue between the fourth generation of Naruto and Uchiha, he had completed the fairy mode and Helix Maru. With the help of the second generation of Naruto, he successfully wounded the ground!

That's right, to deal with the soil of the ten-tailed people, you must have Xianshu!The attack by Toad Kat just now did not resolve the dirt, allowing Naruto to see the flaw, and this was the scene now.

However, although it was said that a breakthrough was found, it succeeded in angering the soil.On the one hand, the soil is used to heal the wounds with the jade for seeking Taoism, and on the other hand, the wood escape technique is used to grow a towering tree, and it is time to prepare for the next thing.

Seeing this tree growing, it was the time when the water tree completed its soul mode.

Involuntarily cursed in my heart: "This guy is crazy!"

It turned out that Uchiha took the soil and wanted to clear all the people directly. Four ten-tailed flowers were opened on the tree, and four tailed beast jade gathered together.

I didn't expect that my soul mode came out, and I didn't come to remember to show his power, so I would use it to escape first?This must not work!

The soul mode is similar to the fairy mode in some respects. The main thing is to perfect the skills to make it perfect.For example, the King Kong is not bad to become the real King Kong is not bad, it is no longer a single ignorance of physical attacks, and even various escape techniques can be effectively immune.

The Mizuki here directly stood up and walked in front of everyone. Naruto was stunned. Although there was a lot of change in body appearance, he recognized Mizuki and quickly said to her: " Mizuki? Why are you here? I ordered to leave here. It's dangerous!"

Mizuki glanced at him indifferently, then smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you can look at me!"

In this way, in full view, Mizuki raised his hands high, pointed a finger at a tail beast jade, and shouted, "Breathe in!!"

The two tail beast jade was absorbed and turned into two apple-sized balloons, tamed around the water tree.

I remember that Konoha collapsed a few years ago. Mizuki used the inhalation skills to capture the ninjutsu chakras released by the enemy. Although it was accidentally at the time, it was rarely used in subsequent battles. Very impressed.

Of course, if it’s the previous self, I really dare not say that I can absorb the tail beast jade, but because of Russell’s help and enter the soul mode, when my skills are in a perfect state, I can absorb this tail beast jade. It's not impossible.

There were still two tail beast jade left, and they were quickly inhaled by Mizuki using the same method to become his own qi, but Mizuki didn't intend to keep it at all, and said to Uchiha Daido: " This is your thing, I'll give it back to you! Snap finger magical power!!"

Text Volume 890. The Fourth Ninja World War [55]

The condensed aura of the tail beast jade, and the magical powers it produces, this power is not ordinary. You must know that this is a tail beast jade!What's more, the state of the soul mode, the magical powers used by the finger, the power is multiplied countless times.

So everyone can see clearly that Uchiha was directly hit with the soil, and then the whole person flew far away. It should be at least three or four kilometers away from the ground. Finally, there was a blast of tail beast jade explosion!

"What a big firework!" Seeing his masterpiece, Mizuki looked very satisfied, as if it was just a trivial thing.Here yelled in the direction of Hinata: "Hinata, have you seen it?"

The scene that happened just now was seen by everyone very real, and many people have even dropped their jaws.

The second generation of Hokage and the fourth generation of Hokage, their faces are full of astonishment, they seem to be looking at them, wanting to see the strength of Mizuki.But when it comes to the truly horrified person, it is undoubtedly Naruto.

His face was pale with fright, and he couldn't help but fill it in his mind. If he marries Shui Shu and returns home and accidentally provokes her, will he be shot into the sky like this? ?Thinking of the fact that it was frowned upon, my neck was shrinking.

To be handsome, you must be cool. Mizuki is not wasting time. After all, according to Russell, the peak period of five minutes will begin to decline.

Immediately, the ground was blown apart, but Mizuki's body jumped into the sky, flying directly into the sky and rushing towards the soil.

Don't look at being hit by the tail beast jade, but you will not forget that the current soil is already in the state of the ten-tailed man's strength, and the jade seeks to protect yourself, the tail beast jade must not kill him!

At this moment, the water tree had already flown into the sky, and when it approached the soil, it was just a punch, using all of its strength, and at the same time using its strange power.

However, bringing the soil seemed to be unwilling to show weakness, and a jade for the truth came straight over!

Seeking Daoyu, Mizuki knows that, ignoring any ninjutsu and escape, the only thing that works is Xianju. The soul mode at this time is exactly like the fairy mode.

Mizuki categorically shouted, "King Kong is not bad!!"

Because of the effect of the soul mode, King Kong is not bad not only limited to physical defense, but also immune to ninjutsu, unless the opponent is cracked by magic.

But the King Kong used by the water tree here is not bad, it is actually used to insist on seeking Dao Jade, and his fist collided with the seeking Dao Jade, and there was a brilliant spark in the collision, and it was accompanied by a strong explosion!

Fortunately, the King Kong in a suit is not bad, and it is already a perfect place. Mizuki has no injuries at all, and it is a counterattack with soil.

Facing Mizuki's fist, he frowned with the soil, but he reacted quickly and immediately used the tin rod in his hand to turn it into a spear-like weapon.

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