I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 529

Mizuki's face changed slightly, but he still remained calm, and said with a sneer: "My body is the strongest shield, and my fist is the strongest spear. I want to see how your spear is!"

This spear is completely dark, and should be a product of the same substance as Qiu Dao Jade.The ability of his own hand to insist on seeking Taoist jade shows that his defense is trustworthy, and this spear is not enough to penetrate his body.

A fist was hit with soil, but the same water tree was stabbed in the body, and both of them were blown away by the other's power.But the injuries seem to be minor, at least not fatal.

Because the water tree has no ability to fly, after the rising power disappeared, her body was affected by gravity, and she began to fall rapidly.

This process is a bit scary, but Mizuki didn't care about it at all. Instead, he adjusted his body in the air, re-accumulated energy to adjust the angle, pinched a finger gesture with one hand, and ejected the two tail beasts towards the soil: " Flick the magical power!!"

Originally there were four tail beast jade in total. One was previously played, and two were used here. The last tail beast jade was kicked by the water tree with a whirlpool kick.

The scenes of successive battles and explosions are gorgeous enough, should they be handsome enough?

In the end, the water tree used its bow and slingshot to return to the ground very steadily, and then looked up at the sky because of the explosion, illuminating the same night sky as during the day.

"How about it, are you killed?"

Everyone looked at the sky, guessing what the result would be.

But Mizuki just glanced at it, and then said with a curl of his lips: "Che, is he really a guy who can't be killed?"

The power of the tail beast jade that I originally thought is good, can it hurt the soil?But it ignored that in the current state of the soil, only the natural energy of Xianshu was effective.

Bring the earth to volley above the battlefield, coldly looking at the water trees below and the people in the place.His complexion was very calm, which gave Mizuki a bad feeling.

At this moment, his hands clasping soil together, he actually released the ten tails from his body. I don't know what his plans are, but when he saw the ten tails growing up, it became a sacred tree that went straight to the sky.

Mizuki immediately realized something: "Unlimited monthly reading!!!"

Fortunately, it is a tree now, and it should take a while.But this is not possible, it makes people a little bit relaxed.Because when it is a tree, when it grows quickly, the rhizome is spreading out quickly.

Anyone who is caught by the rhizome will instantly suck up the chakra, turning the person into a skeleton, which should also include vitality.

The water tree here doesn't know what to do, because she is the closest person and is definitely the one to be killed first.But I don’t know if it was a coincidence. At this moment, Russell couldn’t conceal his excitement, and he actually heard from Water Tree’s brain: “It’s great, great, this is great!”

Russell’s voice, Mizuki was shocked, and asked quickly: "What's so great, what's so happy about this? You have to be touched, but you will be sucked up!"

As soon as Mizuki's words fell, Russell's voice came, still with unconcealed excitement, she replied: "You stop and try to find out."

What do you mean?

The water tree that had escaped, subconsciously stopped, but found that the rhizome of the sacred tree did not dare to approach him at all, but moved around it instead!

What is happening?Mizuki asked puzzledly: "What happened? They won't chase me?"

The answer to the question is very simple. Russell said to Mizuki: "You should be clear about the background story of the sacred tree? This is actually what I want!"

Text Volume 891. The Fourth Ninja World War [56]

After inquiring about Russell, Mizuki understood her plan. In fact, at an early stage, Luo Hao told Mizuki that there is a chakra in this world.

According to the official Hokage, Chakra mainly uses physical energy and spiritual energy, but as the root of everything, it all comes from this sacred tree.What Russell wants is this sacred tree in order to directly obtain all the energy of this world!

Of course, that’s what I said, because Mizuki’s previous guesses were not wrong. Russell really needed some means to descend into this world. For example, hell blood Asura Rakya wanted blood, and the soul-killing Asura Rakshasa. To kill people to obtain souls, the great dark Asura Luo Yu needs someone to believe in.

After knowing Russell's true intentions, the cold sweat of Mizuki definitely came out.This guy is really bold enough to actually want to swallow the sacred tree directly?You must know the background of this sacred tree, but there is also a god!

However, Russell didn't care about this kind of worry. She said very easily: "Don't worry, I have arranged it. As long as I follow my instructions for a while, I promise to succeed in one fell swoop!"

Mizuki didn't know exactly what kind of arrangements Russell had made, not to mention when she had set up a plan.But from the current situation, I can only help her.

When I came back to my senses, I saw corpses all over the floor, all ninjas sucked up by the sacred tree. These people's death pretences were extremely miserable, and without exception, they turned into mummy skeletons.

Back to a relatively safe distance, just to see Naruto being rescued, asked him: "You have nothing to do, right?"

Naruto was almost taken away just now. Fortunately, he was rescued by the three generations of Naruto in time. However, seeing the tragic death of countless ninja coalition forces, he didn't know whether he hated the enemy or his incompetence, and bit his teeth.

Seeing this, Mizuki was also helpless. He wanted to say something soothing, but he didn't know how to say it.At this time, Shuishu quickly noticed that many people around him had some negative emotions.

Because in front of such a powerful enemy, their individual strengths seem too weak, and they are not opponents of such a powerful enemy at all.So some people appeared, afraid and cowardly, just want to live!

Regarding the cowardice born of these people, Mizuki looked at him with disdain: "You think that if you don't resist and don't do anything, the enemy will let yourself go, can you seek vitality? Huh, the weak. thinking!"

The history of the three-dimensional world has made Mizuki deeply aware that the more you face a powerful enemy, and fight to the death with a weapon, the more likely it is to survive than to surrender.

For example, during the Battle of Changping during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, what was the result of the surrender of hundreds of thousands of Zhao troops?Slaughtered!What was the result of the surrender in the recent incident, the defense of Nanjing in the War of Resistance Against Japan?Still slaughtered!

On the contrary, many people who know they are defeated and still fight to the death with the enemy and show their courage will not only be able to bear the name of a "hero", but will also be respected by the enemy.

Mizuki's character is straightforward. He stood up to face the enemy alone, and said to the people around him: "Giving the hope of survival to the enemy is worse than earning the courage to live. Hmph, I disdain and don't think about it. The weak are enterprising, even if I am alone, I will continue to fight!"

After talking about the people around him blocking him, Mizuki rushed up alone.

Seeing Mizuki rushing by alone, he took the soil and pointed at her with a spear in one hand, and then saw Qiu Daoyu behind him, just like Mizuki hit.

Because there is a King Kong that does not damage the body, and is not afraid of seeking Daoyu's attack, at most it will hurt a little.Of course, Mizuki didn't want to be stopped, and dexterously used a "Z"-shaped position to avoid the jade that shot at her one after another, and approached to bring the soil in an instant.

Luck let out a stern drink, lifted the power of the whole body and punched, but the reaction with the soil was not slow. When he saw Qiu Daoyu being avoided, he had already moved the spear in his hand and blocked it in front of him, cleverly blocking it. Fist of water tree.

This spear is very hard, and Mizuki frowned: "How can it be so hard? I remember that in the original work, wouldn't it break? Is it because I am not strong enough?"

It turns out that this spear has a name. According to legend, it is the weapon of the six immortals: the spear of the sky marsh!You can add the user's mind, in other words, the stronger the user's will, the stronger the power of the Skymarsh Spear.

The reason why the plot is broken is that the soil-carrying mentality at that time has been shaken by Naruto's mouth, so it was broken.But now the fighting spirit with soil is very strong. Although the spear of the natural marsh has been hit by the water tree, it is still unmoved for this reason.

After successfully blocking with the Heavenly Marsh Spear with the soil, the backhand hit Mizuki's chest with a counterattack. Although it is said that there is no damage to the protection of the King Kong, but I also feel a little bored. This is a heavy blow and was hit like this. The power of flying.

It fell to the ground in one fell swoop, and a hole was still smashed in the ground, but the water tree did not give up, just climbed up from the place where it fell, and jumped up again: "The tiger climbs the mountain hard!!"

In addition, the tiger with the soul state climbed the mountain hard, and when it hit, there was a clear tiger roar, and it was between the heaven and the earth, and everyone present was awakened by this tiger roar.

The reason is that while the water tree and the soil are fighting, the first generation of Hokage is calling on everyone not to give up.But in the face of such a powerful enemy, many people have developed cowardice, because in their opinion, such an enemy is not their opponent at all.

What's more, you have to know that it takes a quarter of an hour to defeat an enemy like soil, and now you can't even get close, how can you fight this war?

Very few people responded, and some even said, "You are a person who reincarnated from the dirty soil. After all, you are a person from the past. You are already dead. But everyone is a living person!"

But at this moment, Mizuki's punch sent a tiger roar!Just as one sentence said: "Critter Tiger Roaring Valley, all beasts are shaking!"

Everyone was awakened by this sound. Everyone saw Mizuki's fist hitting the dirt-carrying body with one blow. Although it was successfully blocked with the Heavenly Marsh Spear, the force of this fist still smashed He flew into the air and hit the sacred tree behind.

Mizuki didn't mean to stop in the slightest, and continued to rush to the front of the soil, raising his fists and hitting it randomly. A heavy punch on the face of the soil, he was vomiting blood!

Text Volume 892. The Fourth Ninja World War [57]

Everyone was shocked when they saw such a scene.If they still have a little conscience, they will be ashamed of their weakness, right?

But where they didn't know, another battle was still taking place in the battle between water trees and soil.The two people are having a conversation in their hearts!

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