I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 530

When Mizuki hit the soil again, she said to him at the same time: "How many people have you already killed, and how many more people will you kill? Do you dare to say that you killed so many people? Is it really for your Lin? ?"

Punch after punch, Mizuki's boxing skills were punched, and successive fists fell.

The physical skills with soil are not bad. Not only do they have to fight each other against the water tree, but there are also turns to attack the water tree, which makes the water tree a bit overwhelmed.

At this time he also said: "What do you understand? What is there to miss in this decadent world. If it wasn't for the damn ninja rules, how could Lin die?"

A skymarsh spear pierced Mizuki's body, and the moment Mizuki cleverly turned on its side, suddenly there was a spear of Taimaru with soil, and a circle with the help of centrifugal force, looked at and threw the soil out.

When he saw it, he threw the soil into the ground, and the water tree rushed down to hold him, punching and punching, but he was struck by a begging jade.

Not to mention the many changes of the jade for seeking Taoism. It turned into a big hand that grabbed the water tree and said coldly: "I entrusted Lin to Kakashi, but Lin died in his hands. You know the pain. ?"

The soil-carrying hands increased their strength sharply, as if they wanted to pinch the water tree to death?

But to compare strength with Mizuki, isn't this a joke?Mizuki categorically shouted: "The qi exploded!!"

A burst of qi was released from the whole body, and the big hand with soil was shaken away instantly.

At the same time, the figure flashed, and when it appeared again, it was already kicked with a blow, kicked on the abdomen with dirt, slammed him on the sacred tree, and rushed forward and punched again!

Mizuki said to him: "You should know that it was Lin's choice!"

When we met last time, Mizuki told him that Lin's death was due to a reason, but it was actually a conspiracy in Wuyin Village. Three tails were placed in Lin's body. Lin was willing to die in Kakashi to protect the village. Hands.

This should be something that brought the soil to know, why is he deadlocked again?

But at this time, Tai Tu replied: "Do you have someone you love? If it is the one you love, will you accept this reality if you die in front of you?"

When Mizuki heard this sentence, his face changed involuntarily.Because it reminded her of one thing, Mizuki asked Ibis before: "How did you break a person's psychology."

At that time, Ibis gave an example: "I know you love your sister very much. Suppose if I was going to torture you and threaten you with your sister's life, what would you do?"

Yes, now it’s very similar with soil. If Lin was replaced by Hinata, she died in front of her, and she was killed by her companions, by the people she entrusted, no matter what the reason, Surely you can't accept this reality, right?

With such a change in Mizuki's expression, he was immediately found a flaw in the soil, and the jade in his hand was turned into a spear from the sky.Fortunately, the physique is superb, and he used an empty-handed move to grab the blade, just grabbing it with his hands!

One person wants to stab, one person wants to block, two people are in such a stalemate.

Finally, Naruto and Sasuke arrived at this time, and the two of them launched a joint attack, and the goal was naturally to direct the soil!Of course, it is not stupid to bring soil. After looking at them, Qiu Daoyu formed a shield in front of him, and it was easily blocked.

Secretly "cut": "What a tough guy."

Well, no matter what, at this time, bringing the soil has the strength of the Six Dao Immortals, which can't be solved casually.

Mizuki also had counts in her heart, and hurriedly shouted to Naruto and Sasuke: "Leave it to me in the front! You guys flick right and left!"

Frontal Mizuki attacks, Sasuke on the left and Naruto on the right. There are three sides in total, and all of them have fairy skills. If you don't believe it, it can't hurt him at all?

Seeing this situation, Tai Tu didn't panic. He just said, "It's meaningless to fight for such a world."

Facing him, Mizuki said fearlessly: "I want to fight because I have faith in my heart, just as you are for Lin and want to create a world with her. In the same world, there are people I cherish. , So I want to protect this world!"

They said so, but in the confrontation between the two of them, there was a sentence like this: "You shouldn't give up in your heart? In fact, you still want to confirm your determination to never give in no matter what happens."

"I heard from Teacher Kakashi: Those who break the rules of the ninja world, we all call him trash. But people who don’t know how to value their companions are worse than the worst trash! Because I know Kakashi lost his father since childhood , So know that the person who asked him to say this sentence is definitely the one who freed him from the shadow of his father. Is this person you?"

"You are right. No one can accept that the person you love is killed by the person you have entrusted. But when Lin you love is entrusted to teacher Kakashi, Kakashi will definitely be very Cherish it. Because if it weren’t for someone who cherishes his companions, Teacher Kakashi wouldn’t remember this sentence, right?"

Mizuki knew very well that Senior Kakashi would often visit the cemetery, because sometimes when he was visiting the graves of his dead companions, he often met Kakashi.If it's not for a person with deep feelings, how can he do this?

It is precisely because of this that Mizuki believes, saying such a sentence, and changing a Kakashi's soil, must have such an idea in his heart?Although it may have been abandoned for a while, after experiencing such a battle, will you remember yourself again?

A person who is inspired to become Hokage, a person who has a crush on the one he loves.If you want to say why Mizuki is so affirmative, one is the understanding of the plot, so you know that bringing the soil will regain yourself.Secondly, I also felt his sincere love for Lin. If someone still has love in his heart, how could he lack love in the depths of his heart?

Mizuki, Sasuke and Naruto, the three of them attacked together and hit the dirt-carrying body together, only to see him use the jade to form a ball to protect him inside.

After resisting the attack of the three people, the backhand hit the water tree with Qiu Daoyu. Although it was caught by the water tree with one hand in time, the Qiu Daoyu gave out a bright light in her hand, followed by a "boom" explosion!

Text Volume 893. The Fourth Ninja World War [58]

The explosion happened so suddenly, it actually enveloped all three of them together. Fortunately, at the moment when the jade for seeking the truth shined, Mizuki and others responded quickly. Sasuke is Susano and Naruto is. There are Nine-tailed Chakras, and of course Mizuki is not bad with King Kong.

Fortunately, there was a timely response and their own protection. The few of them were not injured much, but they must have been somewhat embarrassed, and the water tree at this time obviously felt that his breath was weak.

Mizuki immediately reacted, five minutes has passed, and now he will be in a weakened state.Although the soul pattern still exists on the body, it is definitely not better than the peak period.

He cursed inwardly, damn: "Did you make a mistake, come so quickly?"

The cost of the battle just now was very high. The reason was the continuous hard resistance to the Daoyu and the attack of the Skymarsh Spear. According to Russell’s previous reminder, the soul mode began to decline soon.

After seeing the water tree rushing out of the black smoke of the explosion, his body softened a little unconsciously, but it did not fall down.Naruto asked a little worried: "Mizuki, are you okay?"

"Now is not the time to worry about me, you do your best to deal with this guy!"

After saying that the water tree does not leave Naruto, Jieyin immediately refined the chakra, trying to use a large amount of chakra supply to maintain his state a little longer.

When I saw her saying that, and seeing her behavior, Naruto understood it, and began to focus all his energy on dealing with the soil.

I won't mention Shuishu here for the time being, because Ming is the protagonist, and he is the real person who persuades the people with the dirt with his mouth.

Naruto and Sasuke faced Jitou, and also looked at them. Maybe it was the exchange with Mizuki just now, which seemed to have caused a lot of changes in the emotions of Jitou.

Tai Tu said to him: "Why are you stopping me? Only a few minutes later, this world will be over. Why are you fighting at all!"

Naruto's answer is more than Mizuki's. Mizuki is out of love for Hinata, because it is necessary to protect Hinata to protect the world.

But Naruto here just replied to Daido: "Because this is my own forbearance. I must do what I say, this is my forbearance!"

Do what you say?Keep talking about protecting your companions?

With a cold look: "You should be going to bed."

Naruto's answer was firm: "If you want to go to bed tomorrow, you have to dream by yourself!"

Sasuke and Naruto stood side by side, and he said to Naruto: "Our next move is to decide the outcome with him!"

The two of them combined the prestige and the nine-tailed mode, and it felt like nine-tailed armor.

Seeing the combination of two people, the soil with the power of the six immortals, of course, there is no fear, with the spear of the sky marsh in one hand and a shield in the other.

Facing the two of them, he said: "It doesn't help what you are doing now, don't you see the sky? The final moment is coming!"

Yes, if you give up, the final moment is about to come, but Naruto has said that he must do what he says is his forbearance.

This battle is not only to protect the world, but also to protect your companions.Naruto, who has been alone since childhood, knows that it is not easy to get companionship, and he cherishes his companions more than anyone else.

Naruto and Daito have similar dreams. They both hope to become Hokage in the future, but there is a difference between them, because Naruto knows how to cherish companions, and there is only one Lin who lives with Daito.

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