I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 532

Mizuki knows what they mean, because Russell, who is in his mind, has already said: "They are all people who are willing to surrender to me, and now they are all your helpers. My request is very simple. The nine-tailed beasts, give me all their power!"

Russell's request is very simple, but Mizuki knows that Naruto's body will die if he loses the nine tails!Do you want to kill the protagonist of this world?

Unimaginable things, never heard of, who will kill the protagonist?What's more, growing up together since childhood, Mizuki and Naruto have a very good relationship.

At this time, the water tree was still hesitating and hesitating, but Russell's voice came in his mind: "Have you forgotten what you just said? Or do you want me to remind it?"

Mizuki's face was suddenly pale with fright. Can you mention this kind of thing twice as a joke?Isn't it obvious to force yourself?

Because knowing that you are now, you can never irritate Russell. Mizuki is very humble, knowing reason and moving affection and saying: "No, I'm just thinking about the chance of success!"

"You are in my mind, you should be able to read the plot data in my brain. Soon after this, another human will collect it for us, and then we will profit from it. Wouldn’t it be easier? ?"

"And there is news that a dark king may be coming. If we expose ourselves too early, once we are detected and preempted by the dark king, it will be more prone to bad things, right?"

It is undoubtedly feasible for Russell to read the memory of the water tree in the mind of the water tree.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, he agreed with what Mizuki said: "What you said is correct. In your memory, regarding the plot afterwards, Uchiha Madara will win the beast. It will indeed be the best mobile phone meeting. As for the King of Darkness~ Humph! A king of a small world, dare to fight with me?"

Of course, Mizuki is not stupid at all, Russell is temporarily stabilized, but she herself is actually more dangerous.Because this is proof that she really has the ability to look up her own memory, and it's because she didn't know it.

But anyway, anyway, at least to stabilize Russell, you can preserve the world as much as possible, and consider what to do next, there should be no problem.

Mizuki said to the necromantic knights, "I call you here to join forces with you. If my guess is correct, the Lord of Darkness will definitely intervene. You must be wary of the Lord of Darkness, as for other things. Will handle it!"

Here is her own consideration, because Water Tree does not want them to participate too much in this world, and also does not want the Lord of Darkness to participate.

It happened to know that they and the Dark King had some problems that they could not deal with, and the objections were all monsters of "Ragnarok", so I just let them solve it.

A few of them, you look at me, I look at you for a while, there is not much nonsense, just a simple nod, and then disappeared in place.

Seeing that they disappeared, Mizuki would act immediately, rushing in the direction Naruto had left.Because just after Naruto left, the coalition forces and the tail beast also passed by.

There are not a few people left here, and it is meaningless to stay here.

But just as he was about to leave, a person's voice called Mizuki. It turned out to be the soil lying on the ground: "The one from Hyuga's house, can I ask you a question?"

Mizuki looked back at Daito, and glanced at the fourth generation of Hokage and Kakashi by the way, and saw that they had already taken back Kuunai, which should have untied some knots.

At this moment, he nodded and replied: "Knowing everything is silent."

Dai Tu asked Mizuki, "Why do you follow Naruto? Why do you stand by his side?"

It's a little strange why he asked like this?But seeing Kakashi and the fourth generation of Hokage next to them, thinking about what happened before, I can probably guess what happened.

After thinking about it in my heart, there was a thinking expression on his face, and somehow he replied: "Naruto, is it funny? I was born in the Hyuga clan, and my family education is very strict. But my personality is not restrained and often There is no less trouble and trouble."

"Naruto was the same at that time? Because he lost his parents since he was a child and was alone, he hopes to get everyone's attention." When he said this, Mizuki took a peek at the four generations of Hokage and found that he had nothing to say before continuing. Said: "Always mischievous, and not studying well, but dreaming of becoming Hokage."

"But this is also the highlight of Naruto? Because he wants his companions so much, he knows that each companion is hard-won. He cherishes his companions more than anyone else."

"Even though he likes to say big things very much sometimes, I can see his determination and will every time he says,'I must become Hokage'. It may be because of this, so whenever he encounters difficulties Everyone will help him involuntarily, right?"

I don’t know if I’m satisfied with this answer.But when saying these words, Mizuki himself fell into some memories somewhat.

Text Volume 896. The Fourth Ninja World War [61]

At this moment, I heard a roar of explosion in a direction not far away, and accompanied by light shining, Mizuki probably judged that Naruto used a spiral shuriken, right?

Seeing the light in the distance, Mizuki subconsciously recalled the plot. She remembered Uchiha Madara, didn't she seem to be sealed?

The development of the matter was unexpected, because just as Mizuki recalled the plot, I suddenly heard the fourth generation of Hokage say: "What are you doing?"

At this time, the water tree immediately reacted and saw the seal of the hands with soil. This seal is a little familiar: "Outside Dao: The art of reincarnation!!"

Knowing what the technique was, Mizuki was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly recalled that this was the technique that Penn had used and saved the entire villagers killed by him in Konoha Village.

This technique was originally out of good intentions, wanting to redeem my sins.But unfortunately it became an opportunity for Uchiha Madara to resurrect!

The moment Mizuki reacted, he immediately went up to stop him: "Stop! Don't!"

But it was too late, and there was definitely a control zone at this time.

The change came so quickly. When Mizuki rushed over, there was no time to stop it. In this way, Uchiha Madara was already resurrected?

Here is not only Mizuki, but also Kakashi and the fourth generation of Hokage, who incomprehensibly asked: "What did you do?"

Mizuki gritted his teeth, looked at the weak soil, and said to help him: "This technique, it should be spot, is resurrected!"

Is it God's will?

The problem now is that there is a little trouble, and I absolutely want to capture the eyes of reincarnation with soil. Fortunately, there are three people such as Mizuki here, and he can't do anything for the time being.

But a few people can't help it, because Jue is attached to the body of the soil, if you want to attack Jue, it will definitely hurt the soil.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, there were successive explosions in the distance, and some people shouted and screamed.

Using perception to extend the past to observe, it was Uchiha Madara who had been resurrected, facing the ninja coalition slashing and killing, several tail beasts rushed up, and the roar continued for a while.

Mizuki faithfully relayed what happened outside to the fourth generation of Naruto and Kakashi: "Uchiha Madara is resurrected, and the Ninja Alliance is not his opponent. Now several tail beasts are teaming up to deal with Madara!"

When the voice just fell, I happened to see a Morizuru teaming up with Gaara to seal Uchiha Madara using the desert-level burial seal technique.

It was said that it was sealed, but it was incomplete, because when it was sealed, Madara Uchiha actually turned on Susanoh, which means that the seal did not come into contact with Madara's body.So that it won't take a while to break the seal with the help of Suzuo Noh!

It seems that there is going to be a big battle. Naruto has already joined the battle and launched an attack together with the tail beasts. The nine tail beasts flicked and beat at the same time, actually smashing Uchiha Madara’s Susao Noh, and making him Suffer not minor injuries.

But Uchiha Madara didn't die, he just lost an arm, and instead became the capital that was overturned.Because at this moment, Bai Jue appeared and sent a reincarnation eye. By the way, he borrowed Bai Jue's hand to repair his broken arm.

One eye is restored, making Uchiha Madara's strength considerably improved. It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Madara to get a second eye!

These were the original plots, and the water tree was mentally prepared, but something unexpected soon occurred, a vision appeared between the heavens and the earth, a crack was opened in the sky, and a lot of darkness emerged.

Mizuki was dumbfounded, because she didn't remember that there was such a plot in the original work, right?However, after careful observation, finally through the darkness in the crack, a huge figure appeared from it.

When he saw this dark figure, Mizuki's face changed on the spot, and he exclaimed, "The King of Darkness!"

The Dark King is one of the most powerful BOSS in the early days of the game "Ragnarok", and the boss of the later copy "Infinite Tower" is also the prototype of this guy.

The four generations of Hokage and Kakashi here have not yet realized what it is, and I don't know what Mizuki's "King of Darkness" means when he cried out.

Mizuki said with a solemn expression: "This guy has something to do with me. I once performed a spirit removal mission. I thought it was okay, but I didn't expect it to be mixed in now."

Because it is a matter of great importance, and this matter is not easy to explain, so here is a reason for Mizuki's nonsense, just to allow them to have a psychological preparation.

The Dark King walked out of the void. The outside group was black clothes and white armour. This armour was a rugged, dry bone. The helmet was a skeleton with horns. Holding a skeleton wand, the visual impact was not small. .

The moment he arrived, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, and the eyes of the water tree clearly saw that because of the forcing of an unknown force, the structure of this world seemed to be disintegrating, and it was beginning to gradually collapse!

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