I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 533

"What a scary guy!"

"what is this?"

"Damn it, what's going on?"

With the advent of the Lord of Darkness, the space is distorted, and everyone can see clearly. Just looking at the Lord of Darkness casts a shadow on people's hearts, and they can't help but feel despair and timidity.

Seeing the advent of the Dark King, it seemed to appear on top of Uchiha Madara's head. Even though their mouths did not move, Mizuki could clearly perceive that they were communicating!

This extremely abnormal phenomenon made Mizuki's complexion even more ugly, but fortunately at this moment, a knight's spear cut through the sky.

It turned out that the necromantic knight launched a surprise attack. If this blow can hit the Dark Lord, it will launch the "near death" ability.To be clear is the ability to kill enemies in seconds!

But who is the Lord of Darkness?One of the most powerful BOSS, the strength is stronger than the Necromancer, I saw him wave the skeleton wand in his hand, forming a side in the sky: "Fire wall!!"

The knight's spear hit the top of the wall of flames. I don't know whether it was caused by the attack of the necromantic knight or the effect of the wall of flames. Anyway, I saw an explosion in the air.

Blocking the Necro Knight's attack, the Dark Lord looked at Uchiha Madara and said to him, "What do you think of my proposal?"

Uchiha Madara sneered, and then replied: "There is no problem, our purpose does not conflict."

After speaking, he got a little blood, and Jieyin used: "Psychic art!!"

At this moment, from the soil-carrying body, the Outer Golem was summoned. This is to catch the tail beast, ready!

Text Volume 897. The Fourth Ninja World War [62]

Mizuki looked in the direction of the battlefield, and saw that the sky and the ground were fighting.

The necromancer rides into the air, uses the knight's "charge" skill, and at the same time raises the knight's spear to shoot out.The Dark King was also unambiguous, just coldly snorted and waved the skeleton wand, releasing endless darkness from his black clothes.

Above the ground are Nine-Tailed Beasts and Uchiha Madara, which are already bound by the chains of the outside golem, and are constantly pulling them in.What is about to happen should be self-evident.

The first time Mizuki wanted to help, but the soil around him was no longer good, because he was desperately fighting against him because he was going to snatch his eyes.

This is really anxious, it is really impossible to get involved, if you want to force a shot, I am afraid it will hurt the soil.

I was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, but brought the soil and said to Mizuki: "You are called Mizuki? Use your medical ninjutsu to goug my eyes away!"

After hearing this, Mizuki was taken aback, but immediately realized that this was indeed the best way.

But if you want to go out of his eyes, how does it sound like a plot at first, that is, the battle of the gods and bridges, and the section where you bring your eyes to Kakashi as a gift.

This made Mizuki's complexion not so good. He turned his head to look at Kakashi, and he saw that there were some memories on his face.

Yes, what happened back then left Kakashi with a deep impression, and it is still unforgettable, right?

The fourth generation of Hokage saw Mizuki looking at Kakashi, as well as Kakashi’s expression, and understood some things, so he turned to Mizuki and said, "Now is not the time to hesitate. Own consciousness, take his eyes off immediately!"

With the approval of the four generations of Hokage, Mizuki dared to prepare.After all, Tai Tu was his disciple, and even Kakashi's companion, she would not dare to do anything without their consent.

Mizuki nodded clearly, and a medical Chakra appeared on his hand, and started walking towards the soil to take his eyes.

But before I had time to do it, I sensed something wrong, as if it came from the sky. Looking back, Gaara came with Naruto and Sakura.

It only takes a glance at Mizuki to understand. Needless to say, this is Naruto's tail beast being taken away, so Gaara hurriedly brought him over.Because in the fourth generation of Hokage, there are still half of the nine-tailed Chakra in the body, only he can save Naruto!

Jiedu also saw Naruto who was dying, but he immediately recovered and asked Mizuki to immediately act: "Take my eyes out!"

Be sure of your own mind. When you see the fourth generation of Hokage, you need to know the situation, and immediately Kieyin refines your chakra, and injects the nine-tailed half of your body into Naruto's body.

I think it should be no problem. I have to take out the eyes of reincarnation, but at this moment, Mizuki found absolutely abnormal: "What are you doing!"

It turned out that after Naruto's arrival, he was also noticed.I heard that it was Niuwei who was taken away by Madara, and half of the four-generation Hokage's body was needed to survive.

Hearing such news, he parted half of his body and stretched out from the ground to cut off half of the nine tails.Mizuki wanted to stop him, but he was definitely attached to the body with the soil. If he attacked forcibly, it would cause accidental injuries. This was really annoying.

Of course, Mizuki also reacted at this time, really can't wait any longer, the start is to get the reincarnation eye, because only to get the reincarnation eye, Uchiha Madara's eyes cannot be formed!

But just when Mizuki's hand was about to touch the eyes of reincarnation with soil, he sensed an invisible guy, and suddenly appeared and bound himself.

Mizuki looked behind him, although he couldn't see who it was, he could see Chakra.I don’t know what happened, but I saw Uchiha Madara descend from the sky: "Hell on the edge of the tomb!!"

"It's dangerous, you want to take away my reincarnation eye?" Uchiha Madara said coldly: "No, your movements are too slow!"

It's really bad, if you can do it early, maybe it can really stop it.

But now there is no way, the water tree only feels that his body is as heavy as being filled with lead.

Saying how heavy her body is, this is actually not very accurate, because if it is based on the power of the water tree, there is really nothing to hold her down, even a mountain can move!

Through the observation of Mizuki's eyes, she found that it was the guy behind her who was restraining herself with Chakra, which made her unable to use her strength.

Mizuki was thinking of a way to crack it, and started closing his eyes to mobilize Chakra, preparing to conflict with his control.

At this time, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha brought the soil, and the two people were also having a conversation. The reason was that Madara wanted to recall and obtain another reincarnation eye, and the remaining half of the nine tails.

Unexpectedly, with the soil at this time, relying on his willpower to control his body, he would never be able to return to Madara's side.In order to clarify a problem, Daito said to Madara: "What am I to you?"

What kind of?What can be considered is nothing more than a tool to be used.

Mizuki ignored these things, forced Chakra with all his strength, and gathered into a torrent, breaking through the control of the guy behind him.

However, in the process of breaking through, there was an ominous premonition in my heart. It came from the breath of the sky, the king of darkness and the necromantic knight, as well as the wraith warrior, the moon night cat, and the necromancer. From the perception, you can clearly realize that the aura of the Dark Lord is changing!

Biting his own teeth secretly, the Uchiha spot in front of him has not been resolved. The appearance of the king of darkness is even more anomalous. God knows what impact it will have on this world.


An explosion sounded by Mizuki's side, somehow seeing the fourth generation of Hokage, Kakashi and Gaara were both injured, and when they came back to look at the earth, only saw him walking towards Uchiha Madara.

What happened at this time?Before figuring out what was going on, he saw a hand with dirt inserted into Uchiha Madara's chest, and pulled out the chakras of Ichi and Yao.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mizuki's mouth. She understood what happened next, and immediately mobilized Chakra to conflict.And at the same time, directly rushed towards Uchiha Madara!

The edge of the tomb prison was cracked. Uchiha Madara's face had a surprised expression, but he had seen Mizuki rushing towards him, and he raised his hand and shot to ask for Daoyu.

Because Shuishu's soul mode had already disappeared at this time, naturally he did not dare to insist on Qiu Daoyu's attack, and avoided the moment he collided with Qiu Daoyu.

Text Volume 898. The Fourth Ninja World War [63]

Avoiding Qiudaoyu's attack, Mizuki appeared in front of Madara instantly, strangling his neck with one hand and pressing his Tianling Gai with the other.The speed is almost completed in an instant!

Uchiha Madara's heart cried out, "So fast!"

But the reaction was really good, his thoughts moved, and he asked Daoyu to smash it.

Seeing Qiu Daoyu shining in front of him, Uchiha Madara is not afraid of Qiu Daoyu. This thing can't hurt him, but Mizuki without soul mode can't.

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