I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 534

Seeing that Qiu Daoyu was about to explode, he moved in his heart: "Bow body shot!"

The explosion occurred at the location just now, but Mizuki had already left more than ten meters away, and it appeared again next to the fourth generation of Hokage.

Mizuki's mouth "cut": "Damn it, it was just a little bit, to screw his head off!"

The level of the six immortals is very strong, but it does not mean that they will not die.If it is really immortal, the legendary six immortals are no legends.

Fortunately, it was a success, because the goal was achieved.How to be clearer, what is going on?In fact, it was the two tailed beasts that Mizuki saw just now, the two tailed beasts pulled out of Madara's body with soil, were the last one and eight tails that Naruto had collected!

That's why he rushed to Madara directly, but in fact, he was buying some time for the earth to use his power. At this time, there was no longer a figure with earth.

Seeing that Dai Tu had long since disappeared, and seeing the smile on Mizuki's face, Madara knew immediately that he had been tricked!His face was suddenly ugly: "Damn little girl!"

Say you are a little girl?Humph, how many years have passed since I died.The water tree paid attention to this guy lazily, just exhaling a breath to regain stability.

At this time, the fourth generation of Hokage felt novel and said: "You are called Hyuga Mizuki? This instant technique is not bad!"

Handsome face, strong strength.The famous "golden flash" name in the Ninja World allows him to praise his speed, which is naturally a high praise.

You can ignore what Madara says, but the four generations of Naruto can’t do it. It’s even Naruto’s dad, the legendary Bofeng Water Gate. Mizuki said with a smile: "Of course! Five generations of Naruto all say my speed. It reminds her of your "golden glitter"!"

The water tree is the capital of pride, and the slingshot of the bow body has better points than the flying god of thunder. For example, there is no need to make a mark. Basically, it can be moved instantly wherever it can stand.

The fourth generation of Hokage listened to it, and then smiled and nodded: "Well, yes, the speed just now is faster than me!"

He said that the speed of water tree is faster than himself?That's right!Because just now when the fourth generation of Naruto, Kakashi and Gaara joined forces to deal with Uchiha Madara, his remaining arm was gone.

But when Mizuki made the move just now, not only was he not injured, but he also escaped safely. Can this speed be said to be unnecessary for him?

The Mizuki here was immediately stunned, because she really couldn't think that the legendary "Golden Glitter" would actually say that she is faster than his speed?I feel so embarrassed~!

But at this moment, a person fell from the sky. Mizuki looked at who this person was, and saw him appear next to Kakashi with a watermelon head. He knew who it was right away: "The King of Kai is here!"

A burst of excitement in my heart, the Emperor Kai is here!The plot of Kai VS Uchiha Madara!

It shouldn't be said that in the early stage, whether it is anime or animation, Kai's plot is not very rich, and every time he appears, he is a funny guy.

However, in the battle between Kai and Madara, it was definitely a comment on the Fengshen of World War I. At one time, there was a comment on the Internet saying that Kai was the man who almost kicked the finale!Even more, he was directly named the emperor by the majority of netizens!

Thinking that he was about to watch the battle of the Conferred God, Mizuki's heart was indelibly excited.But soon a basin of cold water poured in, and a bright lightning flashed in the sky, accompanied by a scream.

When Mizuki looked up at the sky, the Necromancer was covered in blood, and there was a lot of white smoke evaporating. It was not known whether it was electric or the white smoke that surrounded him.

The Necromancer stood in the air, not far from the water tree. He found the water tree standing on the ground and immediately said to the water tree, "You come and help!"

They had been fighting in the sky just now, although the movement caused was not small, but it felt like thunder, and it did not affect the following, so it was ignored for a while.

Looking at the battlefield to the sky now, the Necromancer and the Moonlight Cat are wrapped in black fog, and the two of them are struggling desperately.The resentful warrior just waved a soul shock wave, hitting the Dark Lord's body a little painlessly.Why does it seem that the four of them were hitting one by one, but they were all crushed and beaten?

Of course, in fact, strictly speaking, the Lord of Darkness is not without injury, because Mizuki clearly sees that the bone armor of the Lord of Darkness has many more scars than when it first appeared. Obviously, it was after the fierce battle just now. Cause.

However, the current King of Darkness still emits dark smoke all over his body, creating an inexplicable power, giving people a feeling of domineering. Perhaps this is what caused the King of Darkness to look like one can beat the four. Right?

Mizuki's face is a bit unpleasant, because the battle between Kai and Madara is about to take place, this most exciting sports plot, if you miss it, you will never have it!

But the fourth generation of Hokage here, looking at the few fighting in the sky, frowned and said: "I don't perceive it a bit, who are these above, but they all have an evil aura."

Ragnarok is a game, which is naturally different from Hokage.

This is a difficult thing to say. Mizuki has no way to answer, so he can only sigh helplessly: "I made an agreement with them, let me go first!"

There is no way, because it is difficult to explain, I can only give up watching Kay VS Spot.You have to deal with it first. On the other side, if they are still expanding their battle and really affect the world, it will be even more difficult for you to do it?

I can't see the most exciting plot, which makes Mizuki feel very bad. When I was about to leave, I saw that Emperor Kai opened the seventh door directly and launched a tentative attack on Uchiha Madara.

If you can stay for an extra minute or two, you can definitely see the plot you want to watch, but now there is no way.

Mizuki's mood became very bad, which made her face become cold, and she decided to use a lesson. This hateful king of darkness vented his breath and made him regret coming to this world!

Text Volume 899. The Fourth Ninja World War [64]

Finally, he is about to face the strongest king in another world. Russell said earlier that he evaluated the Dark King: "But the king of a small world."

But even if it is the king of a small world, for the current water tree, it is still a strong opponent that cannot be underestimated.I won’t say anything else, just the fact that one person can play against the four of them without losing the wind at all is enough to explain the horror of strength!

The battle here is happening right now. From just now, Mizuki saw the Wraith Warrior, using the psychic shock wave to attack, but only saw the Dark King, waving his wand in his hand, and his body was blocked by a burst of dark energy. The harm is minimal.

The Dark King backhand waved his magic wand again: "Soul-sucking!!"

A large amount of darkness rushed to the Wraith Warrior, making it feel a torment from the soul. If the Wraith Warrior was not powerful and had a "Dark Moment" skill, I wonder if it would severely damage the soul?

However, it seems that the King of Darkness is already satisfied with what he thought of. He took back the dark energy and sucked it into his body. He looked at him and said with a contented expression: "Your soul is much stronger than ordinary humans!"

It's deceiving too much!The resentful warrior shouted, and was about to attack again.But at this moment, the Necromancer drove the horse galloping towards the Dark Lord: "Charge!!"

Without fear, the Dark Lord waved his magic wand again: "Fire Pillar Attack!!"

A pillar of fire appeared in front of the Necromancer, charging over. Don’t think that this is an ordinary pillar of fire. In fact, if you hit this pillar, you will be attacked many times in a row. There will be a stalemate in the game. , And this is tantamount to experiencing a torture, and you can burn a layer of skin without dying!

However, the Necromancer must be fearless, only to hear him let out a low growl: "Overlord!!"

A "tyrant" appeared on his body, resisting the burning damage of the flame, the necromantic knight forcibly broke through the pillar of fire and approached the Lord of Darkness. The knight raised his spear and stabbed one after another: "Strike attack!!"

The attack effect of the Necromancer is the ability to be "near death", as long as he is stabbed, he will die!

Presumably the Lord of Darkness must also know, so when he saw that the pillar of fire did not stop him, he immediately flicked his cloak: "Move instantly!!"

Almost hit by the necromantic knight, he moved a few hundred meters away, and turned back to the necromantic knight, waved his magic wand and shouted, "Holy Spirit Summon!!"

Because of the hegemonic effect, the Necromancer can handle it.

Seeing the battle of these BOSS monsters, Mizuki observed very carefully. He has found that the performance of the Dark King and the game is very different. Both skills and abilities must be improved a lot.

The most troublesome thing is that unlike the game, the Lord of Darkness can be said to be extremely intelligent!The example is that in his fight with the Wraith Warrior and Necromancer just now, the judgment and casting of every skill almost reached the point of accuracy.

Every time you detect an opponent's attack, you will surely see the trick immediately.For example, facing the soul shock wave of the resentful warrior just now, it was offset by the "dark barrier" skill he raised.

However, Mizuki had a very good understanding of "Ragnarok" and found it at a glance, and found that the Dark Lord was not without flaws.His fighting skills and characteristics are still not separated from the setting of the game, and belong to the fighting style of the magic profession.

Of course, I have to mention that the Lord of Darkness is powerful enough to be able to release middle and low-level skills without chanting, just by directly waving the wand in his hand.

"A magic class?" Mizuki remembers clearly: "The magician in the fairyland legend, I am afraid that the archer series of professions, and the sage profession of the same magic system, unless the assassin profession's sneak attack, unless I can get close, but the Lord of Darkness also teleports. It seems not easy now!"

"Ragnarok" is a game with extremely unbalanced professions. In other words, different professions will have different characteristics and gameplay.The magician profession is a more popular profession, whether it is monster spawning or GVG (guild wars) is very useful!

Shuishu's Asura career is suitable for playing BOSS and treasure, not very suitable for PK career.But if the player has a good tactic, Ashura can actually be said to be invincible singled out!

Because of the equipment support situation, hitting a BOSS is a million-level damage. If it is any player, it is definitely only a second kill.

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