Xia Aodi: Brother Lin Yu, help me!

Xia Aodi: I am blocked by Heizi and his gang in Box 8 of Shancheng Hotel!

Xia Aodi: Come quickly!

Lin Yu stopped eating and looked at the three messages that popped up on the top of his phone screen. He was confused.

Who is Heizi?

Lin Yu's mind was confused for a while, but after a little thought, he remembered that Heizi was the guy who bullied Xia Yueshan in school.

After thinking about who this person was, a question mark popped up in Lin Yu's head.

This bitch was beaten up in front of his parents, and he still dared to cause trouble for Xia Yueshan?

Lin Yu felt incredible. He should be avoiding Xia Yueshan when he saw him now, right?

Something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Lin Yu touched his chin and began to analyze.

First of all, it was very wrong that Heizi had the courage to do it.

He was beaten up by Xia Yueshan in a duel, and his father was beaten up by himself. After that, he asked the thugs of the Black Blood Gang to take good care of his father.

How dare he find someone to beat Xia Yueshan?

Isn't he afraid of being beaten again?

Or does he have a grudge against his father?

Secondly, Xia Yueshan said that he was blocked by Heizi in the hotel. The place where he was blocked was also very suspicious. The hotel is not a place that others cannot enter. Even if a junior high school student like Heizi dare not fight in the hotel, it should not be difficult to drag him out?

The place where he was blocked was a relatively private place like a box...

Could he be trying to trick himself into going to see Xia Muzhu?

After thinking about it, Lin Yu felt that this was very possible.

Picking up the phone, Lin Yu directly made a video call to Xia Yueshan, wanting to confirm the environment around him and see if he was lying.

After a long mobile phone ring, the video call was naturally hung up because no one answered.

Lin Yu called again, but still no one answered.

Looking at the call interface with no one answering, Lin Yu was more certain of his guess.

He didn't answer the phone because he was afraid of saying too much and making too many mistakes, which would lead to being exposed?

This guy is probably lying to me.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu put down his phone and continued to show off his food...



He is probably lying to me.

What about the remaining one or two?

Lin Yu recalled the day when he broke up with Xia Muzhu, and felt a mess in his heart.

Don't say it's one or two out of ten.

Even if there is one in ten thousand that he is really blocked by someone and needs me now?

Forget it.

I'd better go and take a look.

If he dares to lie to me, I'll let him bounce away!


...In fact, even if I find that it's Xia Muzhu waiting for me when I get there, it doesn't matter.

Some things should really be made clear in person.

Lin Yu turned his head to look at the pedestrians walking leisurely outside the window, and sighed softly in his heart.

It was indeed a bit unreasonable to ask Xia Yueshan, that little guy, to pass on the message.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Lin Yu got up and left the fast food restaurant, put on his helmet, rode his motorcycle, and went straight to the Shancheng Hotel mentioned by Xia Yueshan.

Arriving at Shancheng Hotel, Lin Yu shuttled through the lively restaurant and soon found the box with the eight-character label on the door.

Standing in front of the door of box No. 8, Lin Yu put his hand on the door handle and couldn't help but imagine the scene behind the door.

Would it be Xia Yueshan with a panicked look?

Or Xia Muzhu with a resentful face?

Or maybe that black guy who deserves a beating and his group of younger brothers?

Who knows?

Lin Yu let out a long breath.

Just open the door and take a look, and you will know?

The brown wooden door slowly opened inward, and the scene in the box also came into Lin Yu's eyes.

The spacious square room, with some simple tall vase flower decorations placed in the corner, a round table that can accommodate ten people, several chairs that have not been pulled apart, and Xia Yueshan, who is smiling cowardly and meanly at the table, and Xia Muzhu, who hastily stood up from his chair with a guilty look on his face as if he had done something wrong.


I said it!

Lin Yu gritted his teeth in anger. He hid his resentment in his heart after being tricked. While walking towards Xia Yueshan, he showed Xia Muzhu a gentle smile and greeted her:

"Long time no see, Sister Zhuzi."


While speaking, Lin Yu came to Xia Yueshan, raised his hand and slapped him on the face, then pulled his face like pulling dough, and the smile on his face could not help but be a little cruel.

"You, don't blame Xiaoshan, I told him to do this."

Xia Muzhu saw that her brother's mouth was almost pulled crooked, and she excused him with great distress.


"How can I blame him?"

"I just haven't seen him for a long time, and I miss him a little."

Lin Yu said with a smile:

"Look at your big face, how attractive it is."

As he said, Lin YuHe patted Xia Yueshan's face a few more times.

After venting his anger on Xia Yueshan's face, Lin Yu patted his face that was pinched until it turned red, and said with a fake smile:

"Okay, get out of here, I'm here, don't get in the way here!"

Xia Yueshan smiled and got out of there smoothly.

Xia Yueshan left, and the box returned to silence.

Lin Yu glanced at Xia Muzhu and found that she was not in a good state now.

Although the light makeup on her face was delicate and beautiful, it still couldn't cover up the haggardness in her expression, especially the swollen eye circles, which even thick concealer couldn't cover. It can be seen that she has shed a lot of tears in recent days.

What made Lin Yu even more upset was her eyes, which were aggrieved, apologetic, and full of some complex emotions that could not be expressed but could hit the heart directly, which made people feel distressed.

Lin Yu didn't dare to look at Xia Muzhu again for a while. He looked away, took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then forced a smile. He looked at her again and asked with a relaxed look:

"Sister Zhuzi, what's the matter with you calling me here this time?"

Xia Muzhu's eyes flashed with a trace of loneliness, as if she was disappointed with Lin Yu's appearance as if nothing had happened.

But she hid this emotion very well. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, drew a smile that was not so sincere, and said softly:

"I called you here this time to thank you and apologize to you."

Speaking of this, Xia Muzhu paused. She thought she could hide her emotions well, but she couldn't help choking when she said this.

"I'm sorry, I said some very excessive words to you that day."

After saying this, Xia Muzhu raised her hand to cover her mouth, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, instantly shattering her painstakingly maintained calmness.

"No need to apologize."

Lin Yu quickly comforted him:

"You did nothing wrong. If it were me, I would have slapped him in the face if I found out that my friend's rescue was just a scam he staged and acted. You have been very gentle to me, don't be sad."

"After all, I did deceive you."

Lin Yu comforted him in a soft voice.

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