"No, it's not like that."

Xia Muzhu shook her head, she put down her hand covering her mouth, and said with a sob:

"You spent so much effort to help me, and I treated you like that, I should apologize to you anyway."

"It's just, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Xia Muzhu raised her head, her blue eyes were shining with water and ripples, there was no blame in her tone, only deep regret and self-blame.

"At first I didn't want you to have too much psychological pressure, and I was afraid that if I told you about this, you would do something unnecessary, which would complicate things, so I thought about whether I could solve this matter directly in secret."

Lin Yu said truthfully:

"After the matter was exposed, I saw that your emotions were not very stable at that time, and I felt that you would not believe it even if I told you, maybe..."

"I will believe it!"

Xia Muzhu suddenly retorted in an excited tone.

Lin Yu looked at Xia Muzhu, who suddenly became excited, and was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Under Lin Yu's surprised gaze, Xia Muzhu quickly realized her own gaffe. She lowered her head in shame and whispered softly:

"I will believe it."

"I will believe whatever you say..."

"Even if I am angry, if you are willing to explain..."

"I will believe it..."

Listening to Xia Muzhu's soft explanation, Lin Yu's heart tightened.


Isn't it a bit too ambiguous?

'I will believe whatever you say. '

Why do I feel that this statement is close to a confession to some extent?

Lin Yu didn't know how to respond to Xia Muzhu's words, so he could only remain silent. In the short silence, Xia Muzhu seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his words, and hurriedly looked up and added:

"Because I know you are a good person!"

"Ha, haha."

Xia Muzhu made up for it, and Lin Yu also wanted to make the atmosphere less awkward, so he laughed dryly and said casually:


"If I had known that you trusted me so much, I wouldn't have done so many weird things, which is quite troublesome."


Xia Muzhu still didn't smile, just nodded lightly and didn't say anything else, looking a little disappointed.

The smile on Lin Yu's face also began to stiffen and loosen. Seeing that the atmosphere was about to fall into awkwardness again, Lin Yu pondered over what topic to find to ease the atmosphere, at least not like now, even fingers growing on the palm of the hand feel awkward!

At this moment, the door of the box was pushed open, and the waiter pushed the food cart full of delicacies into the box and began to serve the dishes, which invisibly eased the awkward atmosphere.

When the waiter left with the empty food cart, the round table was already full of dishes.

Lin Yu sat down and started eating. With something to do, he finally didn't feel so awkward anymore.

The two of them ate for a while and talked about cuisine. In the end, Xia Muzhu couldn't help but asked first:

"Lin Yu, is that thing Xiaoshan said true?"

"What thing?"

Lin Yu asked without understanding the question for a while.

"He said that I will be in danger in the future, and it's best..."

"Then don't meet you again."

"Is it true?"

When saying this, Xia Muzhu blinked frequently, as if to blink away the tears accumulated in his eyes and prevent them from gathering into tears and falling.


"Yes, there is such a thing."

"Sister Zhuzi, you'd better live your own life in the future. If you get too close to me, bad things may happen."

Even though he was reluctant, Lin Yu still said it hard, determined to break up this relationship.

Xia Muzhu didn't say anything. She stopped blinking and tried to stop the tears from flowing. Instead, she looked at Lin Yu with tears in her eyes. Until several tears fell on her face and fell on the table, she asked with a trembling voice:

"Are you not lying to me this time?"


"I want you to look into my eyes and say it!"

Xia Muzhu said, showing a rare tough side.

Looking at Xia Muzhu's tearful blue eyes, Lin Yu subconsciously recalled the scene of the collapse in the ending of the comic. He shook his head gently and said:


Something seemed to suddenly break in Xia Muzhu's eyes. She sniffed, like a gambler who had bet all her fortune but failed to win. She lowered her head deeply, covering her face with her hands, and sobbing sounded from between her fingers.

Lin Yu looked at the sad Xia Muzhu, wanting to comfort her but not knowing how to start, so he could only sit aside and watch.

Fortunately, Lin Yu did not hesitate.After a while, Xia Muzhu adjusted herself.

She raised her head, wiped the tears from her face, reached out to take the bag beside her and began to search.

After a while, she took out a bank card from her bag, took the bank card in her hand, wiped the tears from her face again, and then walked towards Lin Yu with the bank card.

"There is 100,000 yuan in this card. You can use it for school. If it is not enough in the future, you can come to me again."

Xia Muzhu walked to Lin Yu and said while forcibly stuffing the bank card into Lin Yu's hand.

"No, Sister Zhuzi, I really can't take this money."

Lin Yu refused again and again.

"Take it. You have helped me so much. This is just a little bit of my heart. You are not allowed to refuse!"

Xia Muzhu said, and the tears that had finally stopped began to roll down from the corners of her eyes one by one.

"I really can't take it, Sister Zhuzi, I'm not short of money. Although my parents are gone, I still have some savings."

Lin Yu refused in every possible way.

"Take the savings. You have savings now, what will you do when you go to college in the future?"

"What will you do after graduation?"

"You are alone, and if you have more money, your life will always be more secure in the future."

Xia Muzhu didn't allow Lin Yu to refuse at all, and stuffed the bank card to Lin Yu.

Seeing that he couldn't get out of it, Lin Yu could only use his previous excuse again, and said with a wry smile:

"How about this, Sister Zhuzi, you keep the money for me, and I'll come to you when I need it?"

"You know, I'm not a person who can save money. If you give me this money, I might squander it in a few seconds."

"Hold it for me first."

"But, but can we meet again?"

Xia Muzhu sobbed when she heard it. She no longer insisted on pulling Lin Yu's hand apart and stuffing the bank card into his palm, but held his hand and wrist tightly, and asked with a choked voice.


"I can contact Sister Zhuzi through Xia Yueshan."

Lin Yu paused, and finally gritted his teeth and said hard.

"Okay, okay."

Xia Muzhu nodded with a dim and lost look in her eyes, and finally stopped forcing Lin Yu to accept the bank card.

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