Leah nodded and agreed with Carl's statement. She wanted to punish the child who didn't eat lunch at home, but she didn't want to lose face in front of friends. Carl escaped and was not punished by the angry Leah.

"Come in quickly, it's cold outside. This..." Leah didn't know Snape's name, and she stopped talking suddenly.

"My name is Severus Snape, ma'am." Snape glanced at the gentle blonde woman, then lowered his head and spoke in a dull voice.

Leah raised her lips when she heard Snape introduce himself. "Dear little Snape, why don't you put on more clothes? Although it's spring, the weather is still very cold." Leah's voice was very low, mainly because she couldn't help feeling a little pity for the thin Snape. After all, she was also a mother, so she took down Carl's coat that was often hung in the entrance and put it on Snape.

"This is Carl's coat. Since you are his friend, I believe he won't mind... Don't catch a cold."

"Right? Carl." Carl nodded, and a smile rose on his lips. He said to Leah, "Of course, Mom. I don't want to be unable to play with my friend tomorrow just because he is sick."

Snape twisted the corner of his clothes with his hands. He felt the remaining warmth of his coat after being baked by the heater. He was not comfortable at all. He was one of the few young wizards who felt a little warmth since he was born. He was a young wizard, and his gentle Muggle mother was completely different from his family.

"I have baked flower cakes. Carl, come with me to get the cookies. Little Snape, how about you sit on the sofa in the living room first?"

"Yes, ma'am." Leah led Carl to the kitchen, and Snape sat on the sofa. After entering the kitchen, Leah asked Carl in a small voice.

"Is this really your friend, Carl?" Leah asked. After all, she saw that the atmosphere between her son and this friend was very awkward. According to Carl's usual behavior, he had a cute little face and a cute mouth that everyone liked. If he wanted to make friends with someone, he would definitely be able to quickly establish a good relationship with him in a very short time. This was almost exactly the same as his old father.

"Actually, I've only known him for one day..." Leah squinted her eyes and looked at Carl, her hands constantly taking biscuits. One day? "That shouldn't be the case. Penny and I only knew each other for one day. You almost became half-siblings that day, didn't you? Tell me the truth, Mr. Coster..."

Carl also stepped forward to take the cookie plate, but was ruthlessly intercepted by Leah. "Okay, Mom, it was actually half an hour ago... I accidentally knocked him down, and then I accidentally showed him some... um, very strange places?"

"Are you saying that you showed your magic in front of him? Why are you so careless, Carl? Didn't I tell you..." Leah suddenly got excited. She had always taught Carl not to show his abilities in other places. Carl had always been very obedient, but this time...

"Oh, actually, Mom, you don't have to worry, because Snape is also a little wizard? That's how he describes those of us who can do magic." Leah regained her composure. She understood why her son wanted to take a child he had just met for less than half an hour home and affectionately called him a friend. Was it the mutual attraction of the same kind?

"What, are you saying there are people like you in the world? They also have some special powers?" Leah asked. Carl didn't know how to tell Leah, "How should I say it? In fact, I met two people who can do magic today..."

"Besides Snape... Mom, do you remember the sister that Penny mentioned?" Leah nodded, "Remember, could it be her?"

"Yes, her name is Lily. At Penny's birthday party, Lily levitated a cake that was about to fall to the ground. I was so surprised that Lily also had special powers." Leah was shocked at this moment. She and Cece tried hard to cover up Carl's uniqueness for fear of disaster, and they were also afraid that he would be alone without other partners with abilities and would be lonely. As a result, he found two magical friends as soon as he went out today, and brought one of them home. Seeing him, she didn't have to worry about her son's interpersonal relationships, but... Leah was still very concerned about the scar on Snape's hand.

"Carl, what happened to Snape's arm? Do you know?" she asked her son. Of course, Carl knew, but he couldn't say, "Oh, I don't know. I just met Snape for less than half an hour, Mom..."

Seeing that Carl didn't know, Leah could only bring the flower cake to Carl, touched his head and told him, "Okay, take the cookies over, don't eat them all by yourself, someone"These little greedy cats."

Carl was somewhat dissatisfied with his mother's pat on the head and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Mom! I'm not a child anymore, you can't do this to me!"

Seeing this, Leah ravaged Carl's head unscrupulously, "But no matter what, I am your mother, right? Of course I can do that to you."

"Okay, okay..." Carl walked out of the kitchen with a messy little head helplessly, "Snape? How about eating cookies."

Snape was sitting on the sofa at this time. He didn't know what Carl and Leah were doing. It didn't take so long to get the cookies.

"Snape, Carl told me that he accidentally knocked you down. I have already severely criticized this guy." Leah pushed Carl forward as soon as she came out and let him sit with Snape, "And Carl also told me that you are all...little wizards? Is that right..."

Liya's smile was very contagious, and Snape nodded, "Yes. "Although Leah was a Muggle, she gave Snape a very good first impression. She was very gentle and kind. She didn't pay attention to her clothes and didn't show any disgust. She even put a coat on him. So Snape didn't mind talking to Leah for a few more words, especially since she had a wizard son.

"That's great. To be honest, I've been worried about something. I'm afraid that Carl can't really integrate into society because of his specialness..."

"Now I actually found that there are many other people like him in the world. This is great. My son won't be too lonely."

"Are your parents also wizards? Tell me more about wizards!" Leah said a lot of things in a row, and then she realized that she seemed to ask a lot of things that she shouldn't ask. She immediately stopped and said.

"Oh, am I talking too much? I'm sorry, little Snape, I'm just worried about Carl. If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

Snape paused and finally said what he knew. "In fact, there is a wizard city in the UK, and there are many special people like Carl and me... with abilities. "

Liya listened attentively. Carl knew it long ago, so he was not too curious and surprised like his mother. He would go to Hogwarts sooner or later. Hmm--Carl was very proud when he thought of this.

Snape felt uncomfortable under Leah's gaze, and his voice slowly lowered. Leah soon noticed his discomfort and then resumed listening carefully.

"They have a special bank, a special store, and a school for wizards, Hogwarts."

Liya asked immediately after hearing this, "Can Carl go? What should I do if I want Carl to go to Hogwarts? Do schools in the magic world also need to submit resumes?"

"In fact, ma'am. If you are a wizard, you will receive an invitation letter from Hogwarts when you are eleven years old, which will be sent by owl. "

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