Leah clasped her hands together in front of her chest, and said excitedly, "Did you hear that? Carl, you can go to magic school!"

Carl looked at his excited mother, "Mom, it's me who's going, not you, why are you so excited? I haven't even started to get excited yet..."

"How could you possibly understand? Mom was obsessed with fairy tales when she was a student, and then she became obsessed with all kinds of literature. After meeting your dad, she started her own creation with his encouragement." Leah talked about her love with Cece with a passionate expression. Carl was used to it, but he was afraid that Snape was not used to it. "Oh, don't worry, my mom is like this sometimes, she is very... girly?" Carl tried his best to use a word that was close to his mother's state, and Snape nodded and agreed.

"I still remember that my first book was a novel about a magical girl and a thief based on your father and me. Your father doesn't know it yet. I published that book under a special pen name..."

"Although the sales were terrible, I still miss it very much..." Leah held her face, the love in her eyes was not concealed. Carl sweated a little on his head beside him, "Mom! Does your father know that you are like this? Your poor husband was used as material for writing by you."

"Oh, I'm off topic. Anyway, my son can become a wizard and go to the magic academy! It's great. My novel will be published soon..."

"Mom...you just said the material, right..." Carl stared at his mother, and Leah waved her hand, not daring to look directly at her son. "Oh, I didn't. I'm happy for you from the bottom of my heart that you go to the magic academy, my dear child."

"Forget it, Snape, how about we eat cookies together? Don't mind my mother, she's a little jumpy..." Carl took a cookie and gave it to Snape.

"It's okay." Snape took it and then took another bite of the biscuit. Although he had just drunk energy tonic water, Snape was not very hungry. He glanced at Carl and said, "She is a great mother and the biscuits are very delicious."

The three of them ate biscuits, and Snape talked about Hogwarts and the magical world of Diagon Alley in detail. Leah was still not satisfied, but Snape reminded Leah that the things in the magical world should not be disclosed to irrelevant Muggles, that is, ordinary people. Leah nodded. That was natural. Even if she was taking materials, she couldn't quote them, right?

When the biscuits were about to be eaten by the three people, the doorbell rang. Leah looked at the clock and knew that Cece was probably back.

She immediately flew to the door like a bird and opened it for her husband. As soon as Ceci entered the door, he immediately hugged his wife, "Liya, good afternoon." Leah also hugged Ceci back, "Good afternoon, thank you for your hard work."

"You too." The two stayed in the entrance for a long time before coming to the living room. As soon as they entered the living room, Ceci immediately found a stranger in the living room.

"Who is this?" As soon as Ceci asked Carl, he immediately said, "It's my friend, Dad. His name is Severus Snape." Ceci nodded, and Leah immediately said, "And he has special magical abilities like Carl!"

Ceci was a little surprised, "Is that so? There are other people who know these things... I thought only Carl..."

Lia stretched out a finger and shook it a few times, "Little Sever just told me a lot about the magic world." That's right. After the conversation just now, the socially compulsive Leah quickly changed the name of Little Snape to Little Sever, and then corrected Sever not to call him Madam, but Aunt Leah. In fact, it should be Sister, but she was stopped by her son's sharp eyes.

"Can you believe it? There are wizard schools in the world!" Leah told her husband everything Sever had just said about the magic world. She got her husband's surprised expression.

Ceci listened to his wife patiently. When he heard that Carl could go to wizard school, he fell into a brief contemplation. It was indeed a good thing. Although Carl could now use magic flexibly to do some things, he could do very little after all. If he could go to wizard school to learn some skills, it would be very good for him, but he couldn't fall behind in the ordinary human society.

Sever felt a little uncomfortable after Ceci came back. He didn't know why, but Carl probably knew that Sever, who was abused by Tobias's family, was probably fundamentally afraid of a role like his father.

"It's okay, Snape." Carl stepped forward and gently took Sever's hand, giving him a comforting smile. "Dad is a good man, don't worry."

Looking at the smile on Carl's mouth, Sever somehow felt relieved, nodded, and resumed his just.

After chatting for a few more words, Sifu was about to leave. Leah insisted that he leave with his coat on, and found a small package with some flower biscuits in it, asking him to go home to eat. Sifu refused several times but failed to resist the enthusiastic Leah.

"Karl, go and see little Sifu off." Leah asked Carl, and Carl naturally agreed, "Of course, Mom."

The two little guys walked for a while and came to the road next to a big tree. Carl stared at the tree for a while. He passed by it several times, but he didn't pay much attention every time. Now, there is a 98% probability that this tree is the place where Lily and Sifu met.

But now that he has this butterfly, can the snake king still meet his little lily normally? I won't get into trouble, right? I performed the cake floating technique for the little lily, and then bumped into the snake king, fanning the fate line in the middle to pieces.

"Let's stop here." Sever suddenly said, and then he pushed the biscuits and coat in his hand to Carl. "This is for Aunt Leah. I couldn't refuse it just now."

"There are no houses nearby." Carl wanted to send Snape home, but Snape was a little hesitant and didn't want Carl to see his residence.

"I can walk the rest of the way by myself." Sever was about to leave, and Carl grabbed his wrist. "Don't be like this, why do you suddenly leave and don't even take the biscuits? I thought we were already friends... Sever." Carl considered his words and finally called out Sever's Christian name.

Sever was stunned in place. Just when he was silent and Carl thought he was angry, he suddenly said "Carl..."

Carl carefully distinguished what Sever said, and then realized that Sever also called his name, which meant that he was not angry, right! "I thought you were angry?"

"Why because you called me by my Christian name? I think if you regard me as a friend, you should understand that I will not be angry."

Carl listened to Severus' words. As expected of the snake king, he was already sarcastic at such a young age. Did he mean that he felt that he did not regard him as a friend? What a joke, he was definitely the person in the world who wanted to be friends with Severus Snape the most.

"It's just that you look too unapproachable, Sev... It's not my fault, and you rejected my friendship cookie..."

"I need to reiterate that it was probably Aunt Leah's friendship cookie."

"That's my mother! So it should be considered half of Carl's friendship cookie."

"Of course, if you want, that's of course."

The two debated for a few more sentences, and the two little wizards became friends completely. Carl stuffed the cookie and his coat into Sev's arms and then ran in the opposite direction, saying goodbye to Sev while running, "Bye, Sev, come see me tomorrow!"

Only Sev was left standing. He glanced at the setting sunset and the running boy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Sev walked slowly into his home in Spider's End Alley. A wine bottle fell at his feet through the window. He heard Tobias's roar and Irene's low crying.

The smile on his face was now covered by emptiness and numbness. He gently pushed open the creaking door and saw Tobias being violent towards Irene again after getting drunk.

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