After sending Sif away, Carl went home. It was almost evening now. After dinner... I'll manage the game system a little bit. I haven't managed it much recently.

When he opened the door, Leah was already preparing dinner, and Cece was arranging a bouquet of roses. Leah liked roses, so Cece always gave them to her. Almost every time the last bouquet withered, he would bring home new ones.

"Can we have dinner? Dad..." Cece saw Carl go home and leave, and turned his eyes from the potted plants to his son. "Of course, Mom will be ready soon. It will take about ten minutes. How about washing your hands first?"

"Of course." Carl ran to the sink, washed his hands, and returned to the dining room. Leah was already finishing up, and Cece went to serve the dishes together.

A few side dishes were placed on the dining table. The staple food was the jam bread that Leah had learned not long ago. To be honest, even after so long, Carl was no longer used to British dishes. British food books are worthy of being called the world's thinnest books together with American history.

But the complaint was that British food was not Leah's cooking. Leah's mother's cooking was still delicious. Thinking of this, Carl took another bite of bread and finished the meal quickly.

Carl returned to his room, locked the door, and then turned on the game system. After clicking on the icon of the chicken that liked to quack, a well-managed farm area appeared in front of him.

Because he didn't know how to find copper and iron, Carl had never upgraded his tools until now. He had to rely on his own hands to water and open up the land. Pickaxes and hoes were all in the Stone Age, not to mention automatic sprinklers that required copper, iron, gold nuggets and battery packs. There was no shadow of this thing at all...

After watering a few rows of cauliflower, Carl collected the mature potatoes. Harvesting crops was much more convenient than watering and hoeing the land. In a short while, Carl had harvested more than 40 crops. He planted thirty-five potatoes, and because potatoes have a chance to appear in groups, he harvested a few more. This wave of sales will bring about a profit of about one thousand, which is just about the cat strip that was hit by Snape today. Looking at the fence in the metal frame that is not yet 5,000 gold, he wondered if he would never reach the 10,000 gold level until he died.

As expected, money comes and goes quickly. Just being hit once will make him bankrupt. How can I give a home to all the cats in the world?

Thinking of this, the landlord Carl gained a little more motivation. He cultivated several plots of land and planned to buy some seeds at the seed store. When checking the seed store, he found strawberry seeds in the column. The profit of strawberries is much higher than that of potatoes. In addition, it also has the ability to harvest in a cycle, which is another perpetual motion machine after cranberries. Because the game system is simplified, there are no specific festivals in the game. You can only buy specific items on some festivals, which can be randomly found in the store. In the past few years, I always got strawberries in the last few days. The reserved money needs to buy seasonal seeds, so there is no surplus to buy strawberry seeds.

It is really good news that I got strawberry seeds so early this time. Looking at the potatoes with different star ratings in the backpack, each crop will have a different star rating when harvested, and the value of gold and silver stars will double if they are sold in the receiving box... But if it is a seed store, it will not work. But if there are strawberry seeds for sale now, it is definitely a good deal to replace them all with strawberry seeds.

Thinking of this, Carl made up his mind and threw more than 40 potatoes into the seed vending machine in exchange for about 3,000 gold. Goodbye, my lost Venus potato...

The amount jumped to 8,000. Carl exchanged the money on hand for 80 strawberry seeds, reclaimed a piece of wasteland on the land, and then watered it. Looking at the moist land, Carl sighed that if he had more money, he could buy an accelerated fertilizer, so that the harvest speed could be faster, but now.

He looked at the amount in the amount that was almost cleared again and the stamina bar in the lower right corner that seemed to be fainting if it moved again. He shook his head helplessly. His body was already close to fatigue. Fortunately, it was night and he would go to bed immediately. However, he might continue to replenish two bottles of potions tomorrow. Sleeping normally is not like waking up in Stardew Valley with full stamina. Today's fatigue will be completely transferred to tomorrow.

After turning off the night light on the bed, Carl immediately fell into a sweet dream. The next morning, Carl turned over and forced himself to drink two bottles of medicine, and immediately recovered his spirit.

Hmm... Carl yawned and ate breakfast carelessly. Today is Friday, but the school is on holiday so there is no need to go to class. However, Leah had an author gathering today and left early in the morning, while Ceci went to the flower shop and is probably selling flowers now.Carl stuffed breakfast into his mouth, and then thought about Sever, Lily, and Penny. He just happened to flap the wings of a butterfly before Sever and Lily met. If the relationship between Lily and Sever was really blown away...

Then wouldn't the story behind it be half butterfly? No, absolutely not. As expected, they still have to repair their relationship. Sever is definitely not exclusive to wizards, so he can definitely play well with Lily, but what about Penny?

I can't ignore my first and best friend just because of Sever and Lily. I opened the favorability frame. Carl usually likes to check it, but since he was hit by Sever's half-heart favorability, he hasn't checked the favorability value for a whole day.

Let me see everyone's favorability towards me. Dad and Mom are still ten hearts.

Penny has seven hearts, and with three more hearts, I guess she can achieve the achievement of the best friend in Stardew Valley. However, the achievements in Stardew Valley are only used for collection, and the role in promoting the game is not small, almost non-existent.

Lily has three hearts, the Evans couple has two hearts each, and Sever... He would be satisfied if he had one heart. Carl opened Sever's favorability list indifferently and found that he actually had two hearts...

Eh!!! Hey hey hey! Have they reached the level of good friends? Great, Carl happily closed the favorability list and planned to eat the last sandwich.

Sever promised to come to him today, so he just had to wait patiently. Thinking of Sever's alcoholic father and paranoid mother, they probably wouldn't prepare breakfast for little Sever. Carl put down the last sandwich and left it to Sever...

When I saw him yesterday, he was almost dying. Tobias in the book was hateful enough, and now that he suddenly came to reality, his fists were harder. Carl couldn't understand why Irene wanted him and little Sever to be bullied. She was a wizard and if he wanted, she wouldn't be bullied by a Muggle.

In the end, Carl could only conclude that he valued Tobias more than Sver and himself, and perhaps also the most precious time in his life? But shouldn’t the person in front of him be more important?

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