Just when Carl was thinking about this, the doorbell suddenly rang. It was probably Sev? Carl opened the door and found that it was Lily, and only Lily. Penny didn't follow. Carl didn't see Penny and asked Lily, "Oh Lily, you came to play with me, where is Penny?"

"Oh, Penny is responsible for cleaning up our toys today, but I couldn't wait to come first. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night last night!"

"After all, this is the first time I have a common topic with others about special abilities! How about we try to do something with magic together?" Lily jumped into the house. She was indeed a lively little girl, less calm than her sister Lily.

"Oh, that's great. My parents are not here. What can we do together?" Carl thought with his chin in his hand, and a smile appeared on his lips. "This is good news. If they were here, they would definitely stop us."

Lily stuck out her tongue in cooperation with Carl. "It's because my parents will definitely stop me from using magic to fool around, so I came to you, right?"

"This is definitely a good idea." The two little guys high-fived, reached a consensus, and sat on the sofa, planning to do something interesting.

Just when Carl was thinking about how to do something, he suddenly remembered that he had to repair the world line. Thinking of this, he quickly put on a mysterious attitude and said with a smile, "Lily, guess what I encountered when I came out of your house yesterday?"

Lily thought about it, she really couldn't think of anything. After all, there were too few strange things in this town. What could be worth Carl asking herself like this? Since she couldn't guess, Lily asked Carl.

"I can't guess, but I think you will tell me even if I can't guess." Lily said firmly.

"That's right! I bumped into someone on the street last night." Carl cleared his throat and announced. Lily felt a little bored. "Is that all? It doesn't look special." She collapsed on the sofa like a deflated ball.

"That's not enough for me to tell you." Lily pricked up her ears again after hearing this. "The person I knocked down was a boy with magic who was about our age!"

Lily jumped up from the sofa, and then fell heavily. She shouted in surprise, "A boy with magic like us! Really? If so, we have three people."

"Of course, Lily, but calm down first. My sofa is fragile and can't stand your tossing..." Carl held down the excited Lily, and Lily surrounded Carl, "What's his name and where does he live? How did you find out that he also has magic? This is amazing."

Lily was like a little bird, chirping around Carl, with sparkling light in her eyes. With her face that was beautiful even though she hadn't grown up, it was simply heart-melting.

Carl covered his chest and sighed silently in his heart, James taught me to understand you, it's really very cute, who can refuse a cute, lively and kind little lily? Anyway, he couldn't refuse.

"His name is Severus Snape, where he lives... I don't know, as for how I found out that he also has magic... It's very complicated and I can't explain it well..."

Carl was vague about two of the three questions, but in order not to disappoint Lily too much, he immediately added, "But yesterday I invited him to come to my house to play today, and..."

"He told me more about magic, and said that there are many people like us in the world, oh... People like us who have magic are called wizards..." Lily was a little disappointed at first when she saw that Carl didn't say much, but when she heard more about magic and the news that he was back today, her green eyes suddenly brightened up.

"Really? That means I'm a little witch, I think I have to keep a black cat?" Just when Lily wanted to ask more about the time, the doorbell rang again. Was it Penny this time? Calculating the time, the toys should have been put away by now.

Carl and Lily went to open the door together, only to see that the person who came had long black hair, a hooked nose, black eyes hidden in the messy hair, and in his hand, in addition to the coat he took from Carl's house last time, he also held a book.

"Ah, Sev, you're here!" Carl was very happy to see Sev just coming and invited him in, while Sev silently looked at the new face. If it was Penny who was scrutinized by Sev's eyes, she would probably explode directly, but Lily was a little nervous and didn't have any special reaction, but greeted him enthusiastically.

"Hello, are you the other boy with magic that Carl mentioned?" Lily was very enthusiastic and her smile was very contagious, but the excessive enthusiasm scared Sev a little, and he took a step back."Yes." Sever said. When he entered the room just now, he carefully observed Lily and found that she was also a wizard. He was a little surprised. Have wizards appeared in pairs these days?

"You told Carl a lot about the magic world, right? Can you tell me about it?" Lily continued to move forward, while Sever retreated step by step and was about to retreat to the door frame.

"Ahem, sir and madam, why don't we go in and talk? It's cold outside, isn't it?" Carl tried to rescue Sever and stopped Lily who wanted to move forward, so he got a grateful look from Sever.

The three little ones came to the sofa, and Carl pointed at the book and asked, "What is this, Sever?" Lily didn't notice it just now, but now she saw it and hurriedly wanted to get closer to see it.

Sever opened the yellowed pages of the book, and Carl saw the Hogwarts logo on it with his sharp eyes. The book about the magic world was so old, it should be Irene's, but why was Sever taken out?

Sever probably saw Carl's confusion and showed him the cover of the book. It was spelled in English "A History of Hogwarts". This should be the book about Hogwarts in the original book.

Lily didn't know about Hogwarts and asked immediately, "What is this, Hogwarts..." She read the words on it, and Carl explained beside her, "It's the magic school we will go to in the future. As for this book..."

Sever continued Carl's words, "It's a book about the history of Hogwarts. There is a lot of information about Hogwarts."

"Magic school? That means we can go to a school full of wizards, right? That's amazing." Lily applauded, with undisguised excitement in her eyes, and Carl also seemed very happy.

Sever was surrounded by two companions and continued to turn the pages, pointing to four different school emblems, "We will be divided into four different colleges, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin."

"Is there any difference?" Lily continued to ask.

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