"James, I have a very serious question for you...", it was the library, and the trainer James was still squatting here to wait for the precious Pokémon Lily Evans.

But he failed to squat and was captured by Carl, who was also a trainer. Carl forced him to sit on the chair and went to the other side, which gave him a sense of interrogation.

"Huh?", James was a little unhappy when he was interrupted, because Lily's attitude towards him had obviously softened a lot. His recent good student persona was very reliable. At least Lily would no longer think that he was lazy and didn't study hard, only knew how to bully classmates and play pranks.

"I still have to wait for Lily here. If he sees me reading seriously again, he will be super happy... Hehehe...", James smiled happily again when he thought of this.

Poor James, do I need to tell him that this is just a strategy Lily said?

Carl's thoughts drifted back to not long ago.

Because James was too noisy, Lily would praise him when he behaved a little better, and then poor James would be immersed in the praise and unable to extricate himself.

"James is not so noisy now, right? This is useful. Otherwise, if he keeps doing this, Gryffindor will become Gryffindor with fewer points." Lily's expression was a little tired. She really paid too much for Gryffindor's points.

Ah, no, now is not the time to think about this kind of thing, "James, I want to ask you a small question..."

Carl made a slight gesture with his hand. In fact, he wanted to say that he was asking for a friend, but he was afraid that James would ask him back the next second whether this friend was himself.

"Ask it." Carl's expression was a little solemn. He never had such an expression. This made James also moved by him to be serious. The two of them had a strange and discordant solemnity.

This solemnity disappeared when Carl asked his question, "The question is..."

"If, I mean if, if one day Sirius or Remus said he had a crush on you, what would you do?" Carl still maintained that serious expression, while James' expression next to him gradually collapsed. He blinked and opened his mouth. After a second or two of silence, a huge shout came from the library.


James' face was almost deformed. He didn't realize that he was in the library, and there was a Madam Pince staring at him. He raised his voice and continued to ask without hesitation, "Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about!"

James used dirty words directly. Usually, he would not easily use dirty words even when teasing people, which shows how shocked he was.

"So it's if..." Carl replied weakly, looking at James' face and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"James Potter, do you need me to ask you to leave?" Madam Pince appeared behind James at some point and pressed down James who stood up.

But considering James's good behavior in the past few days, she didn't kick him out immediately.

"Don't say ifs, how could such a thing happen..." James was about to reply, but suddenly he seemed to have figured something out, his expression became calm, and he even showed a subtle smile.

"It's indeed possible, Severus finally confessed to you, you scared me, I thought Sirius or Remus had a crush on me, I was scared to death." James looked like he had survived a disaster.

"...Why did you know, or did everyone know, except me." Carl's eyes were dead, with a hint of giving up the struggle.

"The last Quidditch match, the one between Gryffindor and Slytherin." James was talking about the Quidditch final not long ago.

"After you won, you came to congratulate me, I was happy to hug you, guess why I let go later?"

"It can't be because I don't want to, right?" In Quidditch matches, people are more excited when they win, and hugging is just the most common thing. Last time, Sirius directly threw James up.

"Because you want to hug Sirius and Remus next to you." Carl said.

"Wrong answer, that's not the reason at all. It's because Severus's knife eyes are really piercing. I'm afraid that if I hug him for a little longer, he will poison my lunch tomorrow." James was merciless. In fact, he understood that if Sirius or Carl dared to hug Lily and hugged her for so long, he would definitely pick up his wand and duel on the spot.

"Maybe you are the only one who doesn't know, ah... and Alice, she is a little slow..." James really began to analyze who would notice it.

"Actually, I'm curious, why can't you see it, Severus is cold to everyone, but he is only gentle to you and teases you. It's obvious that he likes you." James scratched his head and thought back toWhen he went to Severus to make up for his thesis, he almost froze himself to death.

Later, when he showed the thesis to him, he also found out all the major problems in it and criticized it harshly without any hesitation. It was really terrible. It was really unfair for such a person not to be a professor. He was under the pressure of Professor McGonagall at a young age.

"Don't ask, I would rather not see it in my life, at least it won't be embarrassing. I don't dare to look at Severus' face now..." Carl buried his whole face in the table, a little depressed.

"Carl, what are you doing here? You have to go to Potions class in the afternoon. Come with me." Severus suddenly appeared at some point. He half-wrapped Carl's shoulders with one hand and poked Carl's face with some intimacy.

These actions should have been done by Carl. He usually liked to poke and pull Severus when he had nothing to do. Now because of the embarrassment, he completely stopped, and Sever made up for it naturally.

Carl had no reason to refuse, right? After all, it was a normal action that he used to do frequently. It was nothing big.

He always felt that Sever had been more than a little gentle recently, and seemed to be using a conciliatory policy to counter his non-violent non-cooperation, which made it impossible for him to struggle, just like a person who can swim can survive under terrible waves, but it may be useless in the swamp. The more he struggles, the deeper he sinks.

"Well, James and I are discussing a very important issue, right, James." Carl looked at James with a look of help, and James, the old Deng, no, at most a young Deng.

He looked at Carl as if watching a play, raised his hands, and said innocently, "No way, didn't we just finish the discussion? I'm leaving, you guys go to class, otherwise you will be late."

"Hey..." Carl tried to call back James's few consciences.

I haven't forgotten the grudge of the last paper, and your pet hooks up with Lily every day, and now you want me to save you.

Hehe, no way, James made a face to Carl, and then thought so and swaggered out of the library.

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