"Do you want to hear what you are saying?" Carl was shocked by the rogueness of this person.

"Don't say that, sir, you must save me." The stall owner almost stuck to Carl. He hid behind Carl and almost pushed Carl forward like a human shield.

Carl now felt that the fierce and ferocious man in the lead was staring at him with ill intentions.

But he felt that even if he clarified his relationship with the profiteer at this moment, he could not escape easily, because Carl was very familiar with the look of the man opposite him who was looking at the fat sheep.

Well, he was stared at again. Did he really look so weak? So that no matter what cats and dogs wanted to come over and step on him.

"Hey, kid, you are in the same group with this guy, right?" The man stepped forward, and his action made the flesh on his face tremble, looking extremely oppressive.

Carl looked a little numb because he had beaten up many people in a row, but the group of people in front of him should be more troublesome, at least the group of people he just beat up were all profiteers.

And the group of people in front of him...

They should have had blood on their hands, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Carl gave 0025 some permissions and asked him to give him cyber drugs directly if he saw something wrong.

At least he won't die, as long as they don't use the killing curse or something like that...

"You look like a rich man, I won't make it difficult for you, as long as you hand over all the money on you, and then take off the valuable clothes for us..." The man squinted at Carl. His eyes were originally small, and they became even smaller when he squinted.

After the meat was piled up, the eyes disappeared directly. Carl didn't think these people would leave after robbing the money. Just look at their eyes sticking to him, which were full of scrutiny of the goods.

"Sorry, I didn't bring any money with me, and I don't know this person. If you have a conflict with him, that's your business. I won't stop you from seeking revenge. Please let me go." This was Carl's last defense. If it didn't work, he would have to start fighting.

Carl was answered with a curse with green light. Carl dodged it immediately with a shake of his body. Years of experience in the mines have formed a conditioned reflex for him. Although his muscle memory is still blank, the curse is obviously not good enough and not fast enough. Carl's current skills are enough to deal with it.

Carl had no time to take care of the profiteer behind him, but Carl's action still made him stagger a little, and he barely avoided the curse.

Carl's good skills startled the people on the opposite side. Originally, only the big man in the lead held the magic wand, but at this moment, everyone picked up their own magic wands. Five magic wands with green light were aimed at Carl together, which looked particularly creepy.

This meant that they had to fight. Carl pulled out his wand helplessly. He and the new wand were not compatible at first, but after playing half of Knockturn Alley alone, they had more or less developed a tacit understanding.

At this moment, the white wand in his hand was emitting red light, but the red light originally represented attack, but it made the big men on the opposite side laugh, "Hahahahaha, I thought he was some tough guy, and I wanted to have a big fight, but I didn't expect him to be a guy who couldn't even cast a curse."

"That's easy, I advise you not to act rashly, your spell? Can you kill me by fainting, or can you eliminate him by eliminating your weapon?" said a sly and slender man next to the big man. He compared his wand comically, and made a fainting gesture with a little insult, and finally pretended to make a grimace, which made the other four laugh.

"No, sir, the guys on the other side are real desperate criminals, unlike a small vendor like me. Are you really only going to use ordinary magic?!", and the profiteer next to him was obviously stunned when he saw the red wand in Carl's hand.

"If it doesn't work, use your knife..."

He dragged this man into the water because he thought that this man didn't seem to be a vicious person, and he was extremely skilled in spells. He must be proficient in other spells, and he could probably save his life. Even if he was beaten half to death by him, it would be a profit to save his life.

As a result, this man could only use white magic in a desperate situation. A feeling of God's will to kill me suddenly filled his brain. If he died...

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't want to die, shield yourself next to me. Wait for me to deal with these five people and then deal with you!!!", Carl kicked the stall owner away, and his violent words continued to make the five gangsters over there laugh.

They approached Carl while laughing, and their handsThe wand on the man flashed green again, and five evil curses were cast at Carl almost at the same time. Carl dodged three of them and blocked two of them with a protective spell.

The magic level of these five people is actually not as good as Carl's, but relying on the strength of the numbers, Carl also had a hard time parrying.

Although there was a potion below, Carl always felt that it was not a solution, and the profiteer next to him didn't dare to step forward at all when he saw the brilliant fight next to him, let alone help Carl.

After a few rounds, both Carl and the five men on the opposite side had a hard time parrying, but Carl still had potions to replenish his physical strength, so Carl still had the upper hand.

But this is not a solution. Now so much time has passed. You know, he came out today without telling anyone.

Carl needs a quick way to solve everything now.

Suddenly, Carl's brain flashed, and he suddenly thought of a relatively good way, that is, he needed to gather them together...

Carl looked at the scattered five people and thought silently.

"Damn it! Why not use evil spells...", and the leading man was panting. He felt that Carl's physical strength was endless. After a few rounds, their spirits seemed a little tired, but Carl's spirit seemed endless.

The man moved his head, and he instantly exchanged glances with the four companions next to him, and then began to smile triumphantly at Carl.

Carl was confused by their laughter, and then he saw the leading man suddenly rushed up with a silver knife, and the wands in the hands of the four men next to him were emitting more and more dazzling green light.

He understood that this group of people wanted to rely on the four people to drag him with spells, and the leading man took the opportunity to deal with him physically.

Sure enough, Carl's original clever movement was blocked by the man with a knife, and facing the more fierce attack of the other four people, the narrow dodge area made him neither advance nor retreat.

"So sometimes, using some rough means can solve the problem." The man laughed fiercely, and pounced with a sharp knife to attack Carl.

Carl's wand was still using the all-protection to block the magic attacks of the three people next to him.

Just when others expected the sharp knife to fall on Carl's wrist and cut his tendons so that he could not cast the spell, a crisp metal collision sound broke their dream.

"Yes, I think so too. I think sometimes, rough means can solve some problems." Carl's strength is not great. Although the man was surprised that Carl took out a knife from somewhere, he was still very confident in his body.

Especially Carl's body looked thin and short. He put all the weight of his body on his wrist and tried to cut Carl.

But the Galaxy Sword was an undoubted divine weapon. Before the contest between Carl and the man was decided, the Galaxy Sword and the Silver Knife had already decided the winner. With a crisp sound, Carl cut off the man's silver knife.

The man's body missed because of the broken knife and fell to the ground. Carl quickly dodged the direction where the man fell and successfully made the man eat the mud.

Without words, Carl cast two silent coma spells in succession and quickly. The big man who fell to the ground was immediately hit by the coma spell.

The man was not prepared at all, without any defense, he immediately flew to the wall behind him, and after a dull collision, accompanied by several strong screams, the four people who were not hit were also stunned.

"Boss!", they shouted in panic, and the four of them hurriedly helped the leader up. The physical fitness of the desperado was of course excellent.

Although his head was almost bloody, they still stood up quickly, with a fierce look on their faces, and they were obviously angry.

"You wait...", the man's face was fierce, but the pain made him unable to get up for the time being, but he would be able to stand up and fight again after a while.

Carl knew that if he got up, it would be another difficult battle, but he had another way. He drove this group of people together for this.

No need to wait, Carl still didn't say anything but began to wave his wand, and one of the men over there looked at Carl's actions and subconsciously cast a universal protection.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, someone came to hand him a pillow. Seeing this, Carl immediately took out something similar to a ring from the interlayer of his black robe, injected some magic power into it, and then immediately threw it to the five men. However, none of the men noticed Carl's actions because their attention was on Carl casting a spell.'s hand.

Carl pretended to faint and was immediately supported by the man's all-protection.

As a result, the seemingly fierce spell was strangely soft when it hit the all-protection, almost equivalent to nothing. Several big men looked at Carl's actions in confusion.

"What is he doing..." The man in the lead knew that this was not Carl's real strength. He looked at the light shield in front of him with some doubts, always feeling that he was being tricked.

There was something wrong there, but he couldn't tell where it was.

Carl next to him was counting down silently in his heart, and when the man finished the last word, Carl's countdown just ended.

With a loud bang, the strong explosion shattered the all-protection. Carl continued to swing his wand and rubbed several layers of protection, but without exception, the shock wave still shattered several layers of defense shields.

It was not until Carl cast the fifth all-protection that the aftermath of the explosion gradually became smaller and reached a controllable range.

Although there was an overabundance of all protection, the aftermath of the impact still made Carl's body tremble, and because of the flying smoke produced by the explosion, Carl also covered his mouth and nose.

With a few scattered screams and a strange smell similar to barbecue lingering in the air, the alley was temporarily calm.

"Of course, it is to prevent the protection from being broken by all protection. The explosion was too big." Carl waved away the smoke and jumped forward. As he walked forward, he explained the man's problem.

But it was obvious that the man probably couldn't hear it.

This was just the most common ruby ​​ring alchemy failure. Carl accumulated the almost unusable waste left by the explosion and melted it into a stable ability ring.

But after injecting energy, it will still explode due to instability. Look at it now, it exploded miserably.

Carl took a small leap forward and looked at the five men who were severely burned and fainted by the explosion. After Carl was sure that they were really fainted, he slowly began to give his acceptance speech, "Alas, it's really pitiful. Don't you know that the times have changed now? When fighting, you must not only be careful of spells, but also be careful to see if the ring under your feet is a bomb."

Carl said with a slightly regretful tone. As he turned back slowly, he slowly said to the shop owner who was about to run away, "Are you right? This dear profiteer? Hahaha..."

The stall owner who was about to run away just now smiled, stopped immediately, and began to nod hurriedly, "Yes, yes, sir, what you said makes so much sense! My God, I have never heard such a reasonable thing in my life."

The man standing in front of him now used spells to fight against five evil men who cast evil spells with ease, not to mention the sword in his hand.

In addition to the unidentified object with mass destruction just now.

Even though the five people on the opposite side had been blown to pieces and were dying, his black robe was still brand new, without even a drop of blood on it.

Although his tone was a little careless and joking, the stall owner didn't dare to think he was joking with him because of the sneer behind him.

Especially since he had just harmed him a little.

The man's laughter originally had a singing tone, which seemed even more weird in this scene. He could almost guess the expression under the man's black robe, which should be careless and a little cold.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the stall owner was already nervous. He was almost sweating profusely. Now he just hoped that this man would beat him half to death, but not completely to death.

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