"How dare you drag me down..." Carl rubbed the Galaxy Sword and flicked the blade with his fingers. The Galaxy Sword immediately made a series of crisp sounds.

It sounded like an indispensable prelude before chopping people.

"Sir, I have old people and young children, and a little sister in the middle. I can't die here today. Please be considerate of me and just treat me like a fart..." The stall owner put his hands together and made a praying look.

"As long as you can spare my breath, I thought I was going to die when I was targeted by this man. If you want to vent your anger, just hit him." But he suddenly realized that his life was still completely in Carl's hands, so he immediately added.

Carl was so cowardly that he was at a loss. He wanted to make things difficult for him, but it was like punching cotton.

But this guy is really good at making up stories. Carl always felt that it was not right to let him go, nor was it right to kill him or beat him half to death. After all, he was not a murderer. He was a legal citizen in the first half of his life.

Even these five robbers who wanted to kill people and rob goods...

Carl kicked one of the men's hands slightly, and there was still movement, but he was not dead.

He had no intention of killing anyone at all. He was very careful with the bomb just now. It was impossible to kill anyone. At most, he would half kill him.

But how should this group of people and the profiteer in front of him be dealt with?

Carl used a quick restraint to tie up the five men who were stunned by the explosion, and then turned to the stall owner just now, "These five people should be registered with the Ministry of Magic, right?"

In fact, most of the people who come to Knockturn Alley are probably or will soon be princes or princesses on the run from Azkaban, so there is a high probability.

"That's right, are you going to take them to the Ministry of Magic?" The stall owner looked at Carl with a strange look in his eyes. If he said that this person only used white magic, it would make sense if he was the kind of Auror who sticks to himself.

But which Auror who sticks to himself would wrap himself up so tightly to go to Flipside Alley.

Besides, to be honest, Carl's weapons are a little strange. His sword and the huge explosion just now are really better than black magic.

He is decent, but not completely decent.

"Why is it so troublesome? Just seize their wands and throw them on the street. They look so unique. Just put a label on them saying I am a wanted criminal and attract the Aurors. You will atone for your crime. Go ahead." Carl yawned. Although he didn't kill people, he couldn't let these people continue to wander around in society and harm society.

Although the Ministry of Magic is like a sieve, it is not bad at the moment. Throwing them on the street will attract more people to witness it. With so many people watching, there will probably be no big problems.

"Okay, okay." The stall owner nodded hurriedly. Seeing that Carl had no intention of beating him, he immediately turned around and planned to run away, fearing that Carl would change his mind and catch him back.

"Wait." Carl suddenly spoke, which scared the stall owner, "What's the matter, sir?"

"I need your help with something." Carl remembered his own embarrassment. Although he had strength and real money, he always ran into obstacles in Knockturn Alley without connections. He was either regarded as a fat sheep or as prey.

At first, he was a little naive and wanted someone to take over the whole thing, but after running around and being beaten by society, he began to think of ways.

If that's the case, it's better to find someone who can help him make connections first. He doesn't need that person to sell too expensive things. He just needs to sell a little bit of the corners to arouse the interest of others, and then let him guide others to find him.

Carl discovered good things that appeared automatically. Whether it was good or not, it seemed that other people didn't cherish it very much.

The only person he is familiar with seems to be the profiteer in front of him. Although this person is very sneaky and cunning, Carl obviously cannot find a better candidate in a short time.

"You should be very short of money, right?" Carl asked. In fact, it is easy to see that he is fine, after all, he looks like a fat sheep.

But this man dared to defraud a wanted criminal, which shows how short of money he is. He is almost walking on a tightrope to get money.

"What you said is that it is impossible for a person not to be short of money, especially for rats like us who live in Knockdown Alley." The stall owner said very self-deprecatingly, and his eyes full of profit-seeking also showed a little desolation in an instant.

"I'll give you a chance to make money, but it's a little dangerous. Do you want it?" Carl asked. The other party would most likely agree, and it didn't matter if he didn't agree.

After all, he couldn't beat him, so it was okay to force him to agree.

But he believed that the other partyHe would agree. After all, if he doesn't make money, he is a bastard. He can risk his life to defraud criminals. If he is driven by interests, how can he not do it?

"Make money, how much?" Obviously, the stall owner didn't pay any attention to the word "danger" at all. He was only focused on how much money he had. His eyes suddenly lit up, and his yellow pupils seemed to have turned into gold galleons at this moment.

How much money is needed...

Karl didn't say how much money he had, but fumbled in his pocket for a small cloth bag. It was originally the money he came to take today to keep his money. It was not more or less, a dozen gold galleons, but it was just enough for the stall owner at this moment.

Karl threw the cloth bag over, and the stall owner subconsciously weighed it. When he saw the dozen gold galleons in his pocket, his eyes lit up even more. This was the money he had the chance to get by cheating and deceiving at the risk of his life in Knockturn Alley.

"I'll go through fire and water for you. I may have been joking just now, but now I'm completely yours." The stall owner rubbed his hands and walked forward with some flattery. Although he said nice words, the little calculation in his eyes was not dispelled at all.

Carl didn't care whether he was really loyal or not. He just took out a small bag from his backpack, which contained about three or four small silver rings.

Carl made them look like pinky rings. Although they were just plain silver rings, the golden lines on them still surprised the stall owner.

"Sir, these are..." The stall owner, who had some research on alchemy, immediately realized that they were not ordinary rings.

"It's not a good thing to be able to block three or four evil curses. You sell them and try to spread the news that you met an alchemist master. If someone comes to me through you, you keep them steady. I will come to you in three days." Carl said.

The stall owner was a little embarrassed, "Isn't this a bit too difficult for me?"

Although Carl said it lightly, it was obvious that even the most basic alchemical products were good things, which meant that the person behind him had alchemical abilities.

"You can keep the money from the sale. No matter what method you use, as long as you can let everyone in Knockturn Alley know about this, it shouldn't be a difficult thing. After all, you have been in Knockturn Alley for so long, I believe you have your own unique way to spread the news." Carl said, not trusting the stall owner too much, but after all, these things can be made by yourself and are not so scarce, even if the stall owner runs away with the money, it is not a big problem.

When you show your alchemical abilities, even a fool knows what to do, right?

Carl's attitude was careless, but the conditions he offered were too tempting. The stall owner hesitated for only a second and hurriedly took the ring, and was frantically thinking about the next plan in his mind.

Maybe he had the idea of ​​running away with the money at the beginning, but it is obvious that Carl doesn't care about him donating money and running away. If he doesn't care, it means that he can give more.

The temptation of full meals is right in front of him, and the stall owner is a little sincere this time, "Don't worry, it will definitely be done!"

"That's great." Carl nodded. He didn't expect the stall owner to do things well, but he always had to try first. Everything is difficult at the beginning. He actually had some expectations.

"But don't you need the unbreakable spell? These are still very valuable no matter how you think about it. Even if other things don't count, you have to prevent me from running away with these, right?" The stall owner said tentatively.

"This? Let's not talk about whether you run away or not. It's not a big problem for me..." Carl glanced at the stall owner.

"Even if you really run away... I remember you were almost caught by these five people just now, right? They are not afraid of you running away, do you think I am afraid?" Carl's tone was still lazy and frivolous. As he spoke, he poked the five men who were tied up with his sword.

The ferocious men just now were like lambs to be slaughtered in Carl's hands. They had no power to fight back. As long as Carl raised his sword slightly, he could cut their arteries and let them die.

Although he knew that Carl probably didn't mean that, it didn't prevent Carl's actions from making him feel scared. His slightly indifferent attitude also made the stall owner see a kind of confidence.

Probably the kind of confidence of a strong man who has everything in his hands.

Indeed, this man also has this capital.

"Oh, sir, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Fuerli Vance. Although it may be useless to introduce myself, if you can't find anyone when you come to find me, you can more or less ask about it. After all, my reputation in the neighborhood is not good, and it is easy to find out."It was obvious that Fuerli did not want to make a quick buck this time. Although Carl did not know why he was so obsessed with money, it was a good thing for Carl, at least his work efficiency would double.

"Then do your best." After Carl finished explaining the matter, he left directly. After so many episodes, he had arranged the initial task. Now it was getting dark, and he should go home, otherwise his parents, Sif and his friends would be very worried.

Fuerli looked at the back of the black-robed man and weighed the weight of the gold galleon in his hand. He laughed happily, and he would naturally follow Carl's advice to throw the five tied people to the street. After all, he had offended them severely.

As for the seized wand.

It was another new income, and it was not a defective product, but a good product. It should be able to deceive a few people again, and there was no need to worry about being discovered.

This was the best, and the man just now.

Furrley felt that he had made a profit overall. Although he didn't get a fat sheep, this man's hand...

It was a goose that laid golden eggs.

This thing was much better than selling mutton.

Furrley took advantage of the darkening night and quietly walked along the small road to throw the five men into Diagon Alley. He watched them attract the attention of passers-by until they attracted the Aurors, and then he was willing to give up and leave. At least there would be no more big problems.

And he had more important things to do.

Furrley cleaned the blood stains on his body with a fresh cleaner, brewed his emotions in the corner for a long time, and then suddenly changed his face.

How to say it? He did something that Carl looked half jaw-dropping, and the snobbery and calculation on Furrley's face were all removed, and he became gentle.

Soft, harmless, gentle, these words can fully describe him.

He took the gold galleons and walked carefully into a potion shop. The owner of the potion shop seemed to know him. When he saw Fuerli, he immediately showed a kind smile.

"Hey, Fuerli, you are here. Do you need the same medicines as before today? Seeing your cute smile, I want to give you a discount, but unfortunately..." The woman looked at Fuerli with a smile, and Fuerli smiled back. His black hair and yellow pupils made him look like a harmless black cat.

"I know, ma'am, it's enough. If you give me a discount, I'm afraid you won't make any money. Thank you very much for taking care of me, my mother and my sister..." Fuerli handed over the money. The female owner took a look and the money seemed to be much more than before. She accepted it silently and exchanged it for the equivalent potion. The kind-hearted woman even added some things that should not be counted.

A few candies, some cookies, and three chocolates. "Take it back. Emily will like it. You should eat some too. It's hard for you, right? Your father passed away and your mother got into trouble. I'm sorry I can't help you more..."

"Thank you, that's enough." Fuerli took the things back. He didn't refuse, because he knew that he was totally unworthy at this moment.

"Goodbye, little guy. With your talent, it's a pity to drop out of school early..." The shopkeeper sighed silently as he looked at Fuerli's back.

Fuerli walked out of the store and headed towards his home. His sister had just returned from school, which made him very happy, but also a little powerless.

He had to face his sister, watching her wearing a patched robe that was even a man's style, but he had no way to deal with it.

However... if he could handle that person's affairs well, maybe things would change. Fuerli took the small cloth bag that the man gave him, lost in thought for a while, and then continued on his way.

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