[Host, are you okay now? ]

Carl was awakened by 0025's voice. Last night, Karl had a high fever and had almost no ability to think. He fell asleep after the fever subsided. He remembered these processes vaguely.

Now the high fever almost took away all his strength, so that his body did not have the strength to open his eyes, so his thinking began to become clear.

"0025, when did you come back?" Karl asked.

[Host 0025 woke up again at 12:23 last night. At that time, the host was in a magic riot caused by the high fever, so he did not notice 0025. ] 0025 explained.

"Magic riot..." Karl thought carefully and finally extracted some useful things from the vague memory of last night, broken glass, mess on the ground, and worried parents.

"It shouldn't be... Logically speaking, I'm only eight months old. Can a baby like this cause a magic riot?"

0025 answered [Theoretically, it is almost impossible, but the host itself is not a baby, but a teenager in a baby's skin. ]

[0025 speculated that it was because the host had a high fever, and with mature thinking, he realized the danger and wanted to mobilize magic power to protect himself and counterattack, but because the magic power of the child's body was very scarce, rashly using it would only exhaust his strength faster, so that when he finally realized it, he didn't even have the strength to speak. ]

Listening to 0025's speculation, Carl nodded, which was considered to be an approval of this statement. The next second he thought of Ceci and Leah.

"Are mom and dad okay?" Carl asked anxiously. Now Carl had no strength to get up and check anything. 0025 saw him so anxiously.

[If it refers to Mr. and Mrs. Coster, they are in good health and are not injured. ]

"That's good..." Carl finally felt relieved when he heard this, but he soon had another question, "If that's the case, then why did I have strength later, and completely triggered a magic riot?"

"Am I a genius!" Carl thought naively, and 0025 immediately extinguished this naivety and added.

[Oh, if that's the case, it's because 0025 saw that the host was exhausted and was afraid that the host was in danger of life or became a dud because of this incident, so he exchanged energy tonic water and muscle recovery medicine for the host. ]

"So that's how it is. Thank you, 0025, for buying me... medicine!"

Before he finished thanking him, Carl suddenly realized something, "Was the money deducted from my account?"

In fact, this question was redundant, because if it wasn't deducted from his account, could it be that 0025 mined Bitcoin overnight to make up for it?

Sure enough, 0025 said [Yes, host. ]

"How much did it cost?"

[The host spent 2,000 gold on the medicine. ]

"Fortunately, you left me 1,000..."

[And 0025 helped the host manipulate the game system, deducting 600 gold from the operating fee. ]

"? Just tell me how much money I have left..."

[580 gold. ]

Karl almost couldn't breathe when he heard this, for no other reason, 580 diamonds were the amount he got from selling the Rose Fairy not long ago, in short, he had worked for nothing for the past few days.

[Think positively, host, at least you didn't become a dud or die directly because of the magic riot. ]

That's really great, I didn't die!

Although he complained a little in his heart, 0025 was right, and what it did was impeccable. If it weren't for it, he might have died early last night because of the magic riot caused by the high fever. In the end, Karl calmed down.

"Thank you 0025."

[You're welcome host, it is 0025's responsibility to assist the host throughout his life. ]

"But my money... It's winter now, can I only guard the land and hoe some snow yam to make a living?"

[If you feel bored, maybe the host can try to control magic. Although you are still a baby, after last night's magic riot, you have a little ability to control magic. ]

"Is that so?"

[Yes, host, you can try it yourself after you wake up, but 0025 wants to remind you not to overdraw. If there is another accident, the situation will be more difficult. ]

"Understood 0025, when will my body recover?" Carl was eager to try, and 0025 calculated and gave an exact number.

[About ten minutes. ]

"Thank you." Carl thanked him again. After all, 0025 really gave it too much help in this world. If it weren't for it, the accident last night would have been enough for him.Drink a pot.

[……] 0025 was a little stuck when it heard Carl's thanks, but it finally said [Host, no need to thank me, this is what 0025 should do. ]

After about ten minutes, Carl was finally able to open his eyes. He was startled by his parents who were guarding his bedside. Somehow, he suddenly thought of an emoticon package in his previous life.

Tang Seng and his disciples watched the king of the Black Chicken Kingdom who had come back to life. On the low-pixel picture, there were a few big words [You are awake]

"Oh, Carl, you finally woke up." Leah's voice was a little excited, and if you listen carefully, you can still hear some fatigue and hoarseness.

Carl wanted to flutter up and touch his mother's cheek, but he found that he was a little weak. "Okay, dear child, slow down, you need to rest now." Realizing that the child seemed to want to get close to her, Leah hugged Carl first.

"Cessi..." Feeling the warmth of the baby in her arms, Leah became more determined to move with Carl. But she wasn't sure if Ceci had really thought it through.

Seeing his hesitant wife, Ceci immediately took out a stack of documents and waved them in front of her. Leah looked at the documents with some doubts, "This is..."

"It's a share transfer agreement. Those old guys let them go very happily. I took the opportunity to raise the market price. Isn't that very financially savvy?"

Liya looked at him in surprise, her eyes full of disbelief, "You, but this is something you have fought for most of your life, and there are also things left by your father in it... I can't believe you will really give it up."

Karl poked his head in his mother's arms. Why did he understand all these letters, but he couldn't figure out what they were saying when they were connected together? What shares, why sell them?

"Don't say that, if dad is still alive, he will definitely support us to do this. Carl is so special that we will not be able to hide it sooner or later if we stay in such a crowded place."

Hearing this, Carl reluctantly understood that it was him, but he could actually control himself, but he couldn't tell his parents yet, and when he could tell them...

It is estimated that they have moved!

"But Leah, there is another very serious thing, I must tell you..." At this point, Ceci's originally gentle expression became serious, and Leah also became nervous. "What is it?"

And Carl in her arms also felt his mother's emotions, and shrank quietly, and the three people in the bedroom looked at each other.

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