Finally, Ceci closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and finally said, "The serious thing is that after selling the shares, I am a jobless gigolo, and I can only ask the great writer to support me."

Liya was stunned when she heard this. If she hadn't been holding a little ball Carl in her arms, she would have beaten Ceci. "Don't make such jokes at this time!"

"You said it so seriously, I thought something really went wrong, you almost scared me to death!"

At this point in the conversation, Carl was actually a little used to it. He always felt that his father also had magic, and it was a special ability that could turn the atmosphere to active at any time. This kind of talent should be very popular as a crosstalk actor.

"We will move in a few days. I have entrusted this house to a friend, who will sell it for us. As for where to move, I have selected several places and want to ask your opinion." Ceci took out a piece of paper from his pocket with several addresses written on it in pen.

"Oh..." Leah looked at these addresses and had some difficulty choosing. Here? Or here? The name of this place sounds good, and the house in this place looks beautiful and is her favorite style.

"I can't choose..." Carl, who was in her arms, felt a little sleepy after such a long time of tossing and turning. After all, he had just recovered from a serious illness. Looking at his tangled mother, Carl yawned.

Yawning Carl gave Leah inspiration "Cessi? Since it is a moving plan prepared for Carl, why don't we let him choose?"

"But he is still so young, do you expect him to suddenly open his vocal cords and say to you, Oh, beautiful Leah mother, I want to live in this place."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Which one do you mean? Carl suddenly learned to speak, or beautiful Leah mother?"

Looking at Cesi who continued to tease her, Leah stuffed Carl into his arms, and then grabbed the paper and tore it into long strips with her hands.

"Why don't we just let Carl draw one? You've already screened them, so they can't be too bad."

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Liya took the small note and waved it in front of Carl, saying in an expectant tone, "Come on, Carl. You choose where we're going to live in the future."

Carl looked at the notes in Liya's hand, and somehow realized that his choice might change his life.

He blinked his round eyes, stretched out his hand and hit the one closest to him. Liya immediately took that one out, opened it, and showed the note to Ceci next to her.

"It seems that our little Carl has made his choice, so Liya, let's pack up and move as soon as possible."

"Of course."

The moving started one after another. Liya hasn't been writing manuscripts these days. She is packing up her things at home and moving out quickly. Ceci bought a house in the place selected by Carl and is now going out to go through the process.

It was really boring. Although 0025 was there to chat with me occasionally, it was still very boring... But the good news was that it was already the beginning of January, and I could continue to tinker with the game system soon. Thinking of this, Carl felt much better.

After more than ten days, Ceci completed the house procedures, and the family of three was finally moving. Ceci and Leah held Carl and looked around the house. The furniture in the house had been almost cleared out. The large items were resold at a low price, and the small items that could be used were put into the car, and then the three of them got in the car together.

"We are finally moving." Leah sat in the car and continued to look at her former home. "There are still many of our memories here..."

Cessi heard his wife's concerns and comforted her, "What are you worried about? Leah, it's okay. We will start a new life in the new home and have more precious memories."

"For us, for our common children."


When Leah heard this, the restlessness and uneasiness in her heart were swept away. "Of course, as long as we are together."

The car started slowly, getting farther and farther away from the bustling downtown. Carl curled up in Leah's arms at ease and slowly fell asleep.

When Carl woke up, it was already dark. The surroundings gradually became quiet. Only the slight sound of insects could be heard. Carl did not make any noise or noise. When he woke up, he stayed quietly in Leah's arms.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally arrived near a street. Carl sat up and wanted to check the surrounding scenery. Leah realized that her child had woken up. "Oh, Carl, do you want to see the surrounding scenery?" Leah helped Carl up, and Carl finally saw the street clearly.

Although it is not as prosperous as the downtown area, it has a unique pastoral life, especially the small single-family houses here each come with a yard! Although the previousThe house also has a circle of greenery, but that little land is not enough for planting.

With the soul power of the bloodline of Chai Na and the liver king of Stardew Valley, the farming soul hidden deep in his heart suddenly rose up when he looked at this large piece of land.

The car was a little bumpy when it entered the inner circle of the street. Leah could only hold Carl tightly. The car stopped and started and finally arrived next to a house.

"We are at Leah Carl, our new home."

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