It has been eight years since I came here. It is now the end of February, and Carl's birthday will be in about two months. He has grown up a little over the years. Carl inherited Ceci's appearance, black hair, high nose, thin lips, and a strong sense of facial contour. It can be expected that the father and son will look more and more alike in the years to come. As for Leah's mother, Ceci only inherited her blue eyes.

Leah has complained more than once that Ceci has filled Carl's genes with her own mold, leaving only a pair of eyes for her.

Although the lifestyle of children is a bit boring for Carl, the good news is that Carl will be nine years old after his birthday, and he will be able to go to Hogwarts in a few years. Isn't it really very exciting?

Not only will I be able to see the characters in the book up close, the most important point is, of course, that is Hogwarts, who doesn't want to go to Hogwarts? There are only two kinds of people in the world, those who like the magic world, and those who don't know there is a magic world! There is no third possibility!

Carl grew up in this small town, earning some money by playing the game system all year round while going to school obediently. Although the game system made money, he did not save any money. Because of the mismatch between his soul and body, he occasionally felt tired. With 0025's reminder, he realized that the feeling of fatigue in his childhood was not just because he was a child, but because his body could not carry his soul that was close to adulthood.

Although this feeling of rejection became smaller as he grew older, Carl could not do something or fall down because of fatigue while walking on the road. He could only keep some energy tonic water and muscle recovery medicine in the system space. For this reason, he almost worked hard to farm to make himself look less frail.

0025 was dormant most of the time. Only on his birthday every year would he suddenly appear to report the progress, and then enter the dormant period.

As for his parents, Leah occasionally contributed to magazines and published some children's literature, while Ceci opened a flower shop in the town. Although the house and shares he sold were enough for his family to live on the interest for a lifetime in this low-consumption town, it was a bit strange for someone who had been busy for half his life to suddenly be idle.

However, because of Carl's special nature, in addition to going to school normally, his parents occasionally had to tell him not to express his differences outside, but of course he could do so at home.

At this time, Carl was at home, to be precise, in the attic at home. Leah and Ceci turned the attic on the third floor into a library, mainly collecting some famous books and books written by Leah. The famous books in this world are somewhat different from those in the real world, but they are all great works, so Carl likes to come here very much.

"Karl!" Suddenly a girl's voice came from downstairs. Oh, his friends came to play with him. Karl put down the books, and with a thought, the books floated back to the bookshelf. After several years of trial and error, he had become quite proficient in controlling some of his magic power, and he would hardly encounter the situation he had when he was a child, such as blowing up all the glass in the baby's room.

Karl went downstairs and opened the door. A blonde girl with shallow eyes and a pretty face stood outside the house. "Why are you here, Penny?" Penny pinched her waist and said forcefully, "Can't I come?"

"Of course, come in, but I remember today is your birthday. Why aren't you with your parents? And your sister?" Karl hurriedly greeted Penny to come in. Leah and Cece were not there. They should have gone to the flower shop together at this time. Oh, even after more than ten years, you are still so greasy. You are really hateful [not really].

Speaking of Penny, Carl met Penny half a year ago. At that time, the little girl was reading a picture book in the corner. She couldn't distinguish some pronunciations. Carl helped her, and the two became familiar with each other.

In fact, if it was just because of the picture book, Carl would not care too much about a little girl. The special thing about Penny is that after getting close to her and knowing her name, her information lit up on his favorability column. Initially, there were two hearts. In the game setting, this is already considered a good friend. And Penny is the only character lying in the favorability column besides Ceci and Leah.

To be honest, Carl wanted to make friends with her at the beginning because Penny was "special" enough, so he wanted to study her. However, after getting along with her, Carl found that although Penny was a little strong, she occasionally had a sensitive and soft side. She was a very cute girl. Through these aspects, he really wanted to become a friend of this little girl.

Penny's favorability also increased very quickly. She almost came to him.He raised his favorability by half a heart at a time, and now his favorability is firmly at 6.

As for other things about Penny, he knew that Penny's family also lived on this street, although their family lived at the east end and the other at the west end, which was a bit far away. In addition, Penny had a younger sister. She often talked about her sister to Carl, but she was very resistant to Carl meeting her sister, and she didn't tell him her sister's name, or invite Carl to her home. Carl didn't know why, but he didn't want to pry into the little girl's privacy. This was not what a gentleman should do.

"I don't want to mention them. That's why I came to you..." When mentioning her sister and parents, Penny was discouraged and aggrieved for a moment, and her tone was trembling, as if she was about to cry.

"What's wrong with you? Good girl, don't cry." Carl was a little flustered. He had never seen the strong Penny cry. Penny was aggrieved and said in an accusatory tone.

"They forgot my birthday! God knows why. Usually they prefer my sister, but today they forgot my birthday and only cared about doing something with her. I asked them and they were still evasive!"

"They just don't care about me! I am obviously their daughter, but just because I am not as pretty as their little daughter and I am not special..." Penny, who was about to say something, suddenly shut up. Carl was still listening to his good friend's confession patiently. Seeing her suddenly stop, he was a little puzzled. "Nothing special?"

Penny looked at her puzzled friend and could only swallow her grievances. She said shyly, "Nothing... Anyway, I understand that they don't love me..."

"Don't think so, Penny. No parents will not love their children. Is there any misunderstanding?" Carl comforted Penny. If his friends were treated unfairly or abused at home, she would definitely seek justice for her.

But Penny usually had nothing wrong. Her clothes were clean, her shoes were exquisite, she was arrogant, and her spirit was lively and playful.

Her parents raised her well and seemed to have a rich material life. Although they might be partial to the younger daughter, they didn't dislike the older daughter, so there must be some misunderstanding.

"Do you want me to accompany you home and ask them what happened?"

"But... but..." Penny continued to be embarrassed, and Carl saw the embarrassment and continued.

"Hey, I'm here to help you find a place, my good girl. If your parents really forgot your birthday, I will definitely help you get justice."

Carl's voice was ups and downs. He imitated Cece's usual clever and funny tone. It can be said that a tiger father will have a dog son, and a ghost master will have a good apprentice. Sure enough, Penny was amused by him.

"Okay, okay, you are really good, then let's go."

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