After Christmas, it was January. This month was both Sever and Lily's birthday. Carl was now sneaking towards the school kitchen. This year's birthday was special, and Penny could not be counted on this year. As the only one among them with baking skills, she should take on the responsibility of making cakes.

Although these baking skills were half-forced on him by Penny, it should be enough to bake a simple small cake. Sever and Lily would definitely be very happy.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no class, Carl went into the kitchen and saw that there was no one outside the kitchen. Carl walked in and was about to sigh that his wit was enough to play Infernal Affairs, but he was attracted by an explosion. The kitchen, which should have been clean and tidy, was now smoked black.

Billowing black smoke came out from inside, accompanied by the smell of burnt flour and a smell of burnt caramel. It smelled quite bad and was very persecuting to the nose. Carl coughed twice and then fanned away some of the smoke with his hand.

"What's going on? Is it on fire?" Carl continued to fan his hands. An elf with big ears and a tattered cloth on his body hit the wall and screamed. He was different from those elves who shouted and said they were wrong. This little guy seemed to be scared and couldn't say a word except screaming.

"Stop, please can you stop?" Carl tried to stop the house elf from hitting the wall with his hand. The house elf saw Carl and seemed to see a savior. He immediately hugged Carl's calf. Carl suspected that there would be a large stain on his leg when he left.

"Doudou can't stop Mr. Potter. Doudou is useless. Doudou is a bad elf. Doudou is a bad guy! Doudou can't help..." The house elf was still incoherent. He hugged Carl's legs for a while and hit the wall again. Carl wanted to stop him, but was afraid that he would continue to go crazy because of this, so he had to give up.

But Carl extracted the key person from his words.

"Potter, where's James..." Carl looked up at the thick smoke in front of him. Now the smoke was about to dissipate slowly, and a face that looked like a ghost was revealed from the smoke.

Carl: "..."

What kind of dirty thing is this!!! It's too scary! You can't blame Carl, you will be scared if you see a black ghost in the black smoke!

"Clear water like a spring!" The frightened Carl cast a curse, and the water column condensed from the wand hit the face like a machine gun.

"Ah! Carl! What are you doing!" The voice was very familiar, and Carl recognized it as James' voice.

James was choked by Carl's clear spring curse and coughed. He had just been attacked by smoke, and now he was hit by a basin of cold water. James felt that he was really the most unlucky guy in the world.

The clean water half washed away the dust on James' face, revealing his true face. Finally, it was not so scary. Carl covered his injured heart, "I still want to ask you what you are doing. You are not in class and you go to watch the game! Isn't it Gryffindor's training match today? Studying explosions in the kitchen, how did you think of doing this!"

"Are you going to blow up Ravenclaw's Quidditch room through explosions and help Gryffindor win the championship without bloodshed?" This was of course Carl's joke. James would not do this. There must be other reasons.

But James didn't say anything for a long time. Seeing that Carl's eyes were a little erratic, he whistled in his mouth and tried to move his feet to the side, looking like a guilty thief.

Carl looked at James who wanted to escape, grabbed him, then smiled gently and asked the house elf Doudou next to him, "Tell me, what did he do?"

Doudou seemed to be frightened again when Carl said this, and was trembling and unable to answer. Carl looked at James and asked him again, "What did you force him to do, betray Hogwarts or attack the Ministry of Magic?"

"I don't admit it, I'm innocent!" Hearing such a big hat, James shook his head and rattled, "You know that house elves are like this, always like to make a fuss."

"Then how do you explain the black smoke?" Carl certainly knew the character of the house elves. Sometimes they would come to them when they wanted to cook for them. They clearly said that they didn't have to hit the wall, but they would still hit the wall after happily thanking them. In the end, Carl would rather find a small forest with no one and make a fire with a blazing flame and bake some bread, rather than bothering these little guys.

I always feel that I have to shorten my lifespan every time I come to the kitchen. I don’t know how big these elves are. I can’t kneel like this. It really makes Carl feel very stressed.

But this time I want to make a cake, set up a rack in the open spaceIt was obviously impossible to make a fire. It would take three minutes to burn the bread and roast the ham, but it would take at least half an hour to bake the cake. If the professor caught him, it would be fatal.

James looked around to make sure that there was really no one around, so he whispered to Carl, "It's useless if you bump into me. Don't tell anyone about this."

"Isn't Lily's birthday at the end of the month?" James scratched his head embarrassedly. Carl remembered that this guy had been sticking to Lily for the past few days and finally asked her birthday, but... Carl looked at the messy kitchen.

He walked over, carefully lifted a pot bottom that was almost burned through, and then gently pressed his finger against the center of the pot bottom. With a "bang", Carl easily pushed the pot through with his finger.

"Excuse me, is there any necessary connection between Lily's birthday and you burning through this pot?" Carl took out the hand that pierced the bottom of the pot and carefully put down the black pot, for fear that if he used too much force, the pot would fall apart directly, and then someone would ask him to pay for it.

It's too outrageous. How did he do it? Even if the kitchen exploded, it wouldn't explode like this, right?

"Didn't I buy a lot of chocolate?" James searched around the stove and finally found half of a chocolate frog that had not been completely melted in a corner. However, it was pitiful that it had lost a piece of its body and was kicking its legs dying, with a few drops of red strawberry jam on its body.

"...Oh, I understand. You are hiding in the kitchen alone to melt all the chocolate frogs because Sirius and I didn't help you eat them. You want to destroy the stolen goods, right!"

Although Carl's reasoning has nothing to do with Lily's birthday, it is the only reasoning that can convince him now. James's effort to blow up the kitchen is not to make a birthday cake for Lily, right?

"What? Why do you think of me like this? I just made a birthday cake for Lily!" James shouted unhappily like a poor little bullied.

Is it really because of the birthday cake? But the birthday is here, but where is the cake? Why is there no cake?

"I just melted the chocolate a little longer, and then..."

When James said this, the house elf next to him, who had been quiet, began to tremble again, his eyes staring at the wall next to him as if he was about to hit it again.

"Stop!" Carl stopped Doudou immediately, "I don't need you to do this now, trouble..." Carl swallowed back his honorific before he opened his mouth, because he was afraid that Doudou would be flattered by the trouble and continue to bang his head.

"Go over there and make a cup of black tea, and then bring it over. Don't add sugar and milk to my cup." After sending Doudou away, Carl continued, "Okay, let's continue to talk about what you did to the poor chocolate frog."

"I want to try to melt them first, and then make a chocolate glaze on my chiffon cake." James gestured with his hands, and Carl squinted his eyes, looking around for something that looked like a chiffon cake, and finally Carl found a black pancake.

Carl picked up the pancake, looked at it for a while, and then snapped his fingers, and the chiffon immediately made a crisp snap, as if Carl's hand had flicked a piece of iron sheet.

"Is this a chiffon cake? This can't even be called a "crazy" cake. James, you are a waste of talent for making cakes. You should go to the Ministry of Magic and specialize in defensive weapons. This is much better than making cakes."

"Don't laugh at me. Anyway, I was baking chiffon and melting chocolate at the same time. As a result, I didn't control the heat well twice. Not only did the chocolate burn, but even my chiffon was not saved." James was about to cry. Maybe in Carl's eyes, he really wanted to take the opportunity to destroy all the chocolate frogs.

But only he knew his own trump card. He was not a villager in iron wolf costume. He was really just a sunny and cheerful boy who simply wanted to make a cake to please his beloved girl.

"Anyway, if you give this thing to Lily, Lily will definitely hate it." Carl looked at the cake, and then looked at the chocolate liquid that burned through the bottom of the pot.

"Well, not only Lily will hate you, but Lily may also think that you hate him." Carl said seriously. James pursed his lips and put his hands together in a praying gesture. "Carl, please stop talking nonsense. Even if you can't help me, please be friendly to me."

"Who said I can't help you?" Carl raised his head in a proud manner. "I am the famous Chinese Chef in our village."

"But what is Chinese Chef?" James asked. Carl pushed James away. "No matter what it is, it's not important. What's important isYes, you should know that I am a good cook. "

Well... after being tortured by Penny for three years, it should be considered good. Although Carl was a little nervous, he decided to believe in himself.

"Then let's continue making cakes!" James shouted happily.

Doudou, who had just come back from making black tea, fainted on the floor when he heard James's violent words, and the two cups of black tea with the right temperature that he had just held were also spilled on the floor.

Friendly reminder, the life of a house elf is also a life.

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