"James, you are such a sinful man... Oh, you are a boy at most now." Carl touched the fainted Doudou's head and used magic to restore the ceramic quilt that fell on the ground.

"Hahaha... Anyway, let's restore this place to its original state first." James knew he was in the wrong, so he took out his wand and cleaned it with Carl.

After cleaning the kitchen, Carl looked at the fainted Doudou and felt that it was really embarrassing for the house elf to let James make cakes here.

Moreover, looking at James over there, he seriously suspected that if he continued to leave him here to make trouble, the kitchen would put up a sign saying James and dogs are not allowed to enter before the library.

"James, I think we should find another place. The kitchen and the elves are too pitiful. No matter which one, they can't stand your trouble." Sighing, Carl said helplessly. James was indeed a little guilty. "If there is another place that can be used, it would be great. We can't go to the woods to find an open space to make a fire, right?"

"That's right." Carl put his hand on his chin and pretended to think.

A more suitable place to bake cakes, his brain worked quickly and got a more reliable place, that is, the Room of Requirement.

"Come with me, James." Carl waved his hand slightly, and then found some materials in the kitchen. James nodded and followed Carl. The two little wizards trotted all the way to the eighth floor.

Carl stopped and walked on the eighth floor, and finally found the special wall. Carl put his hand on it and touched it a little. It was probably here.

The next step is to walk three times and silently recite the place you need.

James looked at Carl in confusion. From his perspective, Carl inexplicably pulled him to the eighth floor, and he was touching the wall while walking on the eighth floor.

But soon he was so surprised that he couldn't speak. After Carl walked past the wall, a door suddenly appeared on the empty wall. James' eyes widened. He occasionally came to the eighth floor, but he had never seen such a scene.

Curious baby James immediately stuck to the door, his eyes almost shining with excitement, "What is behind this door! I have never seen it before!"

But soon James' eyes flashed with cunning again. After all, this place is so hidden. If Mrs. Norris finds him when he is wandering at night, he will run here and Filch will never catch him! What a great place!

In fact, this is the first time that Carl has seen the Room of Requirement. If he hadn't found a place to make cakes today, Carl would have almost forgotten this magical room. After all, it has been too long, and the brain will inevitably start to forget some details.

"Let's go in." Carl pushed open the door, and inside was a small kitchen, which was similar in structure to Carl's kitchen, and looked familiar to Carl.

However, the room that was familiar to Carl was a little strange to James, "This place is a bit strange, is this a kitchen? It's a little different from the decoration of my house, and it's also different from the one in school." James moved left and right, looking at the knife and fork with a somewhat novel shape.

"Anyway, I'm the one with better baking skills between the two of us, so you have to listen to me from now on." After sorting out the ingredients, Carl said to James, although Carl's skills were not much better.

But people need to be compared. When compared with James, Carl immediately became a super chef, at least he wouldn't blow up the Room of Requirement.

"Okay." James had no objection, he knew himself very well, and since Carl looked so confident, it should be twice as effective with his help.


No way.

After working for most of the day, the two little wizards only got some flat and deflated pancakes, which were still a bit hard.

Looking at the four or five pancakes on the table, James pointed at them and said to Carl, "It looks like you are not much better, who gave you the confidence just now!"

"You can't say that!" Carl picked up a pancake, then brushed the cream that James had just beaten on it, picked up the others, stacked them up, and finally drizzled a chocolate coating on them.

"Look, James, at least it looks like a chocolate cake!" Carl gestured with his hands, trying to convince James that it was okay even if it only looked like one.

"You can only believe this yourself." James was full of black lines. Carl, who was reliable just now, had expired in his eyes.

James continued to look at the cake expressionlessly, but the pancake version, and then tried to use a fork to split a little bit off, but James' fork was horizontal on the cake, one, two, three times, and never broke the defense of the pancake.


"How can you say this? Although it is slightly better than mine, it is definitely not a cake! It is at best a bread disguised as a cake! "

Carl found a silver knife from the tableware beside him, and said, "Why don't we try to cut it with this thing?"

Carl and James worked together and finally cut the cake. After dividing the not-so-big cake equally, the two looked at each other in bewilderment.

Who will take the first bite? This is a question. "James, you are a great warrior, the golden boy of Gryffindor. You are simply the ultimate Gryffindor born for adventure. I believe you will definitely try this cake first." Carl put one high hat after another on James' head, and then pushed the cake to him, trying to trick James into being the guinea pig first.

"Carl, my dear friend, you are a good boy recognized by the professors of our class. As an excellent and smart perfect Ravenclaw, I think you must have both dedication and fearless adventurous spirit. "

"I won't take your credit. Come on, I believe you too." Although James was impulsive and liked to be praised, the strange pancake in front of him was enough to calm him down. He immediately returned the cake.



The two people in the room fell silent at the same time. They were unwilling to be the first to try it.

"Otherwise, let's give these cakes to Sirius to try." James took the plate, his brain worked quickly, and finally locked the victim to Sirius.

"Hmm... I think this is a good idea. We should share the cakes we made with our friends, even though they are pancake versions." Carl agreed, thinking there was no problem at all.


"What on earth are you two thinking..." Sirius was originally basking in the sun by the Black Lake, and then he saw two guys with cunning smiles, holding a small plate of cake, coming towards him and asking him to eat the cake.

"Come on, Sirius, this is what Carl and I made for you! "James showed his standard starry eyes to confuse Sirius, and Carl also nodded solemnly, indicating that this thing was not very sharp.

"...Then I'll try it." Sirius always felt that they had a conspiracy, but he decided to try it a little, running on the principle of believing in friendship.

Siris picked up the fork prepared by Carl and James for him, and when he was about to divide the cake, Carl and James stopped Sirius first.

"What?" Sirius was full of confusion. Carl and James pointed to a small piece of cake that had been divided out next to him, and they said in unison, "Sirius eat this!"

"Why?" Sirius felt that these two guys were a bit like the black-hearted stepmother who gave Snow White a poisoned apple in the fairy tale that Lily told him last time.

"Oh, this piece! "Will James tell Sirius that this cake can't be forked out with a fork? Of course not.

Sirius looked at James, who opened and closed his mouth, forked a small piece of cake, made a gesture of putting the cake into his mouth, and then put it into James' mouth at lightning speed, "Then you try it yourself first!"

"Cough cough cough!" James was choked by the cake and chewed it reflexively. It was a sudden reversal, but Carl was very accustomed to it. After all, he was not eating it. He immediately asked James, "How is it, James! How does it taste?"

James' mouth paused slightly after chewing, and his expression froze for a moment. Just when Carl thought that the cake had turned over as expected, James suddenly shouted in surprise, "My Merlin, this is too delicious!"

"Really? "Carl looked incredulous, and Sirius was also surprised. This cake was really delicious. It wasn't that Carl and James wanted to play a trick on themselves.

"Yes, yes, you try it. It's just that the cake base is a little hard." James was still smiling. He used a fork to pry the cake hard, and then gave Carl and Sirius a piece each.

"If you don't eat it, I'll eat it all." James' expression didn't seem fake. Sirius and Carl took the fork doubtfully and put the cake into their mouths.

It's hard to describe. This was Carl's first thought. The super hard cake base tasted extremely bad. There was no milk flavor in it, but there was a hint of egg smell. But if it was just like this, you could still eat it with a little patience. The most important point was!

The cream in the cake was actually salty! It was actually salty! It was still the kind of terribly salty taste, and it felt bitter after taking a bite!

"James! You put salt instead of sugar when you beat the cream! How much did you put?Too little!" Carl swallowed the cake with difficulty, sticking out his tongue and yelling at James!

Sirius's expression turned red and white, can this thing be described as delicious?! What a joke!

"How dare you say that? The cake base you made is hard and fishy. Are you a good cook? Even a dog won't believe this!" James saw that his two friends were fooled into eating the cake, so he didn't pretend anymore, sticking out his tongue and showing a painful expression.

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