"Parseltongue... Is it because of the translator?" Carl murmured softly, and the hissing sound began to slow down.

He urgently switched out of the system interface, swiped up and down, and found something different in the translator. A magical language called Parseltongue was squeezed into Chinese, English and Japanese.

Oh my god...

I sat up in shock from my dying illness. The heir of Slytherin turned out to be me...

But fortunately no one saw it. Let's close the Chamber of Secrets first, and then think about other things.

Carl uttered Parseltongue again to close the Chamber of Secrets, and then tried to switch the language several times, and finally found the English that he should have spoken.

"Ah, this is fine..."


Carl sat in the common room of Ravenclaw. On the surface, he seemed to be testing the latest spell taught by Professor Flitwick.

But in fact, he was thinking about how to reveal the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets to old Dumbledore, how to quietly lead Dumbledore to discover the Chamber of Secrets, and then stop the basilisk with his feet...

But at this time, 0025, who almost never appeared on his own initiative, took the initiative to find Carl.

[Host, don't you consider directly fooling the basilisk? Anyway, you are also half a pseudo-Slytherin heir. ], 0025's voice echoed in his mind.

It sounds very tempting. I have to say that Carl is still very greedy for the Chamber of Secrets, because its location is secret enough. The remaining three giants have been looking for the Chamber of Secrets left by Slytherin for most of their lives.

He can help Carl do many things if he is hidden enough, such as...

Carl looked at the dragon egg in the system backpack. He still didn't have a good place to raise it, but if he could enter the Chamber of Secrets, he could raise a dragon in it.

The place is big enough. Not to mention that the dragon eggs produced by the system are small enough, the dragon raised can't be much bigger.

Even if it was a real dragon, it would probably be enough to use the Chamber of Secrets, because the size of the basilisk is very large. If you want to raise a basilisk, the Chamber of Secrets cannot be small.

But Carl thought for a moment and rejected 0025's proposal.

[You also said that I am the heir of the pseudo-Slytherin, or half of it. The basilisk has not eaten for more than 20 years. If I don't kill me, it will just swallow me?]

Carl's worry is not unreasonable. Blood relationship is a very important condition in the Harry Potter worldview.

God knows whether the basilisk recognizes the Parseltongue or the blood relationship of Slytherin. If he does not recognize his half-hearted Parseltongue, then no one will know that he is cold in the Chamber of Secrets...


[There is also a Myrtle in it. This time she hid in the toilet and cried. Can you guarantee that she will not see it every time...]

[In short...], Carl's hand rubbed back and forth on the wand. When he was irritable, he liked to do these little movements to relieve it.

And 0025 knew that Carl was hesitating, because a person who has a firm viewpoint does not need to be irritable, and the comparison between the two is more conducive to the survival of the host.

[The Unbreakable Curse, as long as the Unbreakable Curse is used to make an agreement with Myrtle, maybe this is a bit difficult. ]

[But the Confusion Curse may also work. I can help the host to accurately use the data, and then enter the secret room. Even if the basilisk in the secret room does not recognize the host's Parseltongue, the host can still...], 0025 analyzed for Carl bit by bit, trying to maximize the benefits.

[Bring in a rooster, if it doesn't work, just kill the basilisk directly...], Carl added what 0025 wanted to say.

This plan is feasible, Carl is a little tempted, try to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, if it doesn't work, he will throw the rooster away, as long as he is not caught by the tail, there will be no problem.

But there are no conditions for good implementation at present, such as where should he find a rooster and make sure it can crow at the right time.

Stealing Hagrid's... Although it is also a solution, he can't guarantee that the roosters will be safely returned. If the roosters are missing, Hagrid, who loves animals, will definitely find it.

Carl decided to try to find a suitable rooster and train it after returning home for Christmas, and make sure to fight monsters next time.


Another afternoon training, this time it is the last secret training for Alice to take the Seeker test. James is the main instructor, and Carl and Sirius are assisting in the exam. Everything went very smoothly.

It was already dark. Looking at Alice who was flying freely in the sky and was reluctant to come down, Carl sighed sincerely, "Alice, I think it's almost time. Who else can be the Ravenclaw Seeker this time!"

"Hurry down and come downLet's go back."

Alice happily circled in the sky again, then descended to the ground. Although she was still a little shy, she clenched her fists.

"Although it was different from the plan, I am very confident in myself." She showed a confident smile she had never had before.

"Alice can fly so well, and the biggest contributor should be me." James straightened his chest, then patted Sirius next to him, and said happily, "Right Sirius, but do you also consider joining James's flight training class, we can play Quidditch together."

"Let's work together..." James put his hands on his waist at the same time, sliding back and forth. After a circle, he pointed one of his fingers to the sky and shouted, "Invincible! "

Abnormal, although everyone is used to James like this, it's embarrassing or not. Carl thinks his toes should be his strongest part at present. After all, it has built many buildings because of James's "funding".

Mickey's house is conservative. Carl is afraid that one day he will directly deduct a whole set of dream mansions.

Sirius slapped James' hand away and shook his head helplessly, "Forget it. Alice graduated from Ravenclaw's Seeker, so there is a chance to try, but we are all veterans who have been playing for three or four years..."

"The training mode is almost complete, and it's not good for me to force it in. "

James nodded in agreement, then narcissistically held his chin and made a cool pose, "After all, not everyone is as gifted as me. I am really super perfect, hehehe..."

Sirius stepped back with some disgust. He really couldn't stand James' behavior, so the smart Sirius decided to dampen James's spirit from somewhere else.

He decisively took out a dozen love letters from his arms, then unfolded the love letters like a fan and shook them in front of James.

Sirius's tone was up and down like singing, and it was obviously provocative. These two people have been arguing with each other for a long time, and Alice and Carl are not surprised. "But Mr. James, who is so perfect, is still not as popular as me? What a pity?"

Now it was James' turn to be disgusted. He took a step back, and then looked at Sirius with some words, "Do you carry so many love letters with you? So disgusting, Sirius, you are so narcissistic! "

Sirius shook his head and put on a sly smile, "You are wrong, James. I didn't bring these on purpose. Someone stuffed them into my pocket this morning."

"It's just enough for one morning. After all, I am super popular. It's not like someone who can't even catch up with Lily~"

He held the love letters in front of his chest, shaking his body, pretending to be very embarrassed, "Oh, how could this happen?"

"Ah~ Go away, you damn love letters~ Go away and don't erode my pure soul~", Sirius twisted his body so ecstatically, just like what Carl saw in his previous life.

Ah~Anya~ It's so lonely without a mother~

It's a pity that Carl didn't have a camera, otherwise he would definitely take a picture of Sirius, and then print 10,000 copies and distribute them all over the school as free materials.

"How dare you say that! If you hadn't always given me those tricks, Lily and I would have been dating a long time ago! She is still doubting my sexual orientation and treating me as a sister! "

"If I die alone, then everything is your fault!" James was so angry. Using singing as an analogy, he might have sung Sister, You Sit on the Bow with Lily at first~

But now Lily only sings with James, You Are My Sister~

"I really don't know what those girls like about you, your face?" James didn't understand. James was shocked. He didn't understand why Sirius was so popular.

"Isn't your face enough? I think it's enough." Sirius slowly put away the envelope.

I can't refute... Damn it, he pretended.

"But let's go back to the dormitory quickly. If it's too late, we will be caught and scolded by the class leader. ", Alice kindly reminded, after all, she and Carl would just let it go, the seniors might give them a break, and the professor would be willing to believe their reasons.

James and Sirius were on the Hogwarts blacklist of dishonesty, after all, they often skipped classes and occasionally played tricks on people, and once they were caught late, it was a sure thing that they would be deducted points.

"Hehe, I see you guys don't understand at all~", James straightened his chest, then took everyone to a deserted place, and then decisively took off his coat.

Just when Carl was confused by James's behavior, he was surprised to find that James's lower body was transparent after taking off his outer robe, leaving only aBoth feet and one head were exposed to the air.

"How is it! I brought this out. This is an invisibility cloak. It is super convenient. I have used it to realize several night tours. The class leaders and professors did not notice it."

James turned around several times, fully showing the magic of the invisibility cloak to the friends in front of him, without noticing Alice's almost pale face.

"Hey! Why are you not surprised? Sirius, forget it, you don't know how to praise people. Carl, Alice, what do you think?" James posed. Judging from his face, he should have posed. Although his body could not be seen, Carl still cooperated and clapped.

"Ah, Siguo Yinei." He knew that James wanted to praise, but looking at James showing off, Carl had a feeling that he could not let him do what he wanted.

James felt that Carl's praise was average, so he turned his eyes to Alice over there, "Alice, what do you think?"

But Alice didn't answer him, James felt a little strange, patted her shoulder, and called her a few times, "Alice, Alice."

It wouldn't matter if he didn't pat her, but Alice's body immediately fell backwards after the pat, her pupils trembled a little, and she whispered softly, "Only a head..."

Then her whole body softened and fell backwards.

"Hey! Alice! Alice!"

"Alice, are you okay!"

"Fuck, James, you scared Alice to death! Show off something is wrong!"

The remaining three boys were in a mess, and after they supported Alice together, they leaned her against a tree and took turns fanning her to let her relax.

It took Alice about a quarter of an hour to recover from the shock. Carl was really worried that Alice would collapse, but fortunately, the worst did not happen.

"I was so scared. Next time you want to show something so scary, please give me a warning first. My mind went blank when I saw a head floating in the air!" Alice said faintly.

James rubbed his messy hair with a guilty conscience, and then made a thumbs-up gesture. His tone was a little playful, a bit like a high school girl, "I will definitely do it next time, hey."

"Please don't act cute maliciously, it's quite disgusting..." Carl looked at James's operation with a black line on his head. After he said this, he felt that the other two were looking at him.


"Why are you looking at me?" Carl was puzzled. Carl was puzzled. Carl was just an innocent human kitten passing by.

Alice patted Carl on the shoulder and said uncomfortably, "Although I don't really want to say this, Carl, you have no right to complain about James."

"You are too much!" Carl immediately got angry and pointed at James with an unbelievable look on his face, "How can we be equal? ​​James and I are fundamentally different!"

"Yes, yes! You are too much! My level is obviously not as high as Carl's, and he is obviously more excessive! Don't equate us!" James also pointed at Carl and tried his best to distance himself from Carl. In an instant, the tree was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The four of them laughed and played for a while, and then planned to go back. James tried hard to promote his invisibility cloak. He tried hard to show the magic of the invisibility cloak and said.

"Look, this invisibility cloak is very big. As long as we squeeze together, it can cover the four of us. How about we use this to sneak back quietly!" James was very excited, but Carl thought James had a hole in his brain.

"James, there is no curfew yet, why don't we just go back normally? It's completely reasonable and legal. Why do we have to do the smuggling thing?" Carl was puzzled.

Alice also expressed her agreement, "Yes."

Only James's good brother understood and exposed James without hesitation, "You don't understand this, it doesn't matter whether it is in accordance with Hogwarts law or not. James mainly wants to show off his invisibility cloak in an open, reasonable and legal way."

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