In line with the principle of ladies first, everyone let Alice go in the front, and the rest of the people followed in order.

Carl was assigned to the last position by James because he had just had a quarrel with James.

It doesn't matter, Carl said, will he quarrel with James, a little brat? He won't, he will only try to mess with him, and he has to think about how to win back a game with James.

Everyone gathered in a small corner next to the Whomping Willow. Although it will not be attacked by the Whomping Willow, there will usually be no one there. Because of this, it can better train everyone's cooperation.

Alice explored the way in small steps in front, and the four children moved forward closely, but it was common for them to fall because of the lack of tacit cooperation, so they practiced in the corner for a long time, and finally they could barely move forward with invisibility.

But of course, some small episodes are still unavoidable, such as...

"James, I beg you to walk more carefully. This is the third time you stepped on my foot. Put a dog inside the invisibility cloak, and the dog will walk better than you."

Sirius, whose foot was stepped on for the Nth time, whispered to James. Of course, they didn't dare to be too loud, if they were seen by others...

Huh? Why is a ball of air talking?

That would definitely scare innocent passers-by.

Of course, this is not the most serious. The most serious thing is that innocent passers-by find something wrong, and then James's invisibility cloak is exposed, and then Dumbledore will definitely inform Mrs. and Mr. Potter.

Let alone stealing heirlooms, a beating is inevitable.

The situation at James's home is like this. Usually the invisibility cloak will be put away and rarely used.

James admitted that he stole the clothes for gambling and was prepared to be beaten by a mixed doubles team, but it was too stupid to accept a doubles because he accidentally exposed himself!

"You stepped on my feet many times, come on! Look at my feet, they are almost as swollen as yours, and I haven't said anything about you yet?" James said unwillingly.

This is also the case. In front of Sirius is Alice. If he doesn't want to step on Alice, he can only step back a little, so there is an 80% chance that he will step on James!

Seeing that the gunpowder smell between the two is getting more and more intense, they are just one step away from opening the invisibility cloak and having a double battle, but the two are stopped by Alice.

"You two are quiet!" Alice's voice is very sharp but she tries to keep it down. James and Sirius, who were about to fight, immediately stopped the fight.

Because Alice is usually very gentle, she must have said something extraordinary when she said that.

"What's wrong with Alice?" Carl was also a little confused, but at the back, he couldn't see what was in front of him. James and Sirius poked their heads out from behind Alice and saw an unbelievable scene.

It was Lupin. Lupin somehow controlled the Whomping Willow, stopped it from attacking, and then went into the tree hole!

Where is he going!

Alice and James couldn't help but think of the figure they saw under the Whomping Willow last semester. Yes! That's right! Lupin appeared just after they finished discussing it. He also used words to divert their attention, making them think that it was just James's dazzle.

So could the figure last time also be Lupin?

"Remus... what is he doing..." Sirius was unbelievable, and James was even more impatient than him. He ran out of the range of the invisibility cloak, ran out and shouted at Lupin.

"Remus, what are you doing!" James ran over, and Lupin was obviously startled. He just looked around, and he became more careful after being almost caught by James and his friends last time.

He was sure that he was definitely not being followed, and there was definitely no one else around, so where did James come from?

More importantly, how should he explain to James what happened now... But fortunately, there was only James, just when Lupin was thinking this.

One, two, three, three living people appeared out of thin air next to him.

Surprised? Not unexpected, but this was a x3 shock to Lupin.

He didn't know how to explain to his friends, and the time now didn't allow him to explain...

Because the moon was about to come out, Lupin didn't want his friends to be hurt more than explaining it clearly.

"Sorry, but..."

"I will explain to you, tomorrow! I will!" Lupin left the tree hole of the Whomping Willow after leaving this incoherent sentence.

The Whomping Willow continued to swing its branches out of control, and the other four people did not dare to move forward and could only stay where they were.

Lupin, who left, actually knew that heLeaving like this without even a word of explanation, it would be human nature for James and the others to report to the professor or tell others.

His campus life might end like this, but Lupin is already very satisfied with this year of normal life…

Compared to the previous life where he was almost rejected by everyone, he was able to experience this year of campus life as a normal person. He sincerely thanked Headmaster Dumbledore and these friends who accepted him…


Sirius stood there in a daze watching Lupin leave, and the "Whomping Willow" that James mentioned to him flashed through his mind.

At first he thought that this was James deliberately making up a lie to deceive him, after all, it was not the first time for him!

But now it seems that it is true, and the protagonist is right next to them, even in the same dormitory! And he just witnessed the whole process.

As a result, he just happened to witness Lupin going to the Shrieking Shack, and Carl half covered his mouth beside him, a little unbelievable.

No way, what a coincidence? Although it is a full moon today, it will take a while for the moon to actually come out. As long as it is not too coincidental, the timeline can be completely staggered.

In ancient times, Iino Miko was a door god, and now the four of them are the tree kings, right!

When everyone saw Lupin disappear, they gathered together to discuss because they were not afraid of the curfew with the invisibility cloak.

"So I was not dazzled last time, the human figure that time was definitely not a vine of a branch!" James said firmly, he could finally make it clear that he was not mistaken.

At first, he was indeed convinced that it was a human figure, but everyone thought he was mistaken, and cited many examples of his dazzle, and told him to wear glasses with a higher degree.

In addition, he went to the tree several times to squat, and did not see the human figure like before, so he was a little shaken.

But today, when he saw Lupin disappear from the tree, he reaffirmed his insistence!

"I'm sorry, James. Last time I doubted you and thought you were lying..." Sirius lowered his head. James was refreshed when he saw Sirius bowing his head to admit his mistake.

But the next second, Sirius said, "But you can't just blame me. Who told you to always make up lies to deceive me? When we had the first Transfiguration class, you knew that Professor McGonagall was an Animagus, but you still urged me to play with cats."

That's right. James felt guilty instantly. Alice coughed twice to get the topic back on track. "Your topic has gone off track. We are not discussing James's dark history now, but why Remus can subdue the Whomping Willow and get into the tree hole. What is he going to do?"

Carl didn't know what to say. The plot had gone off track too much. Logically speaking, although the four hijackers also discovered Lupin's fault in the second year.

But the characters are completely different. Peter didn't stick to James and Sirius like in the original book because Alice and Carl were there.

He would not follow if Carl and Alice were present, so he was not at the scene. The people who discovered Lupin's secret were less Peter and more Alice and Carl.

"Do you think we should tell the professor? Alice." James and Sirius didn't need to, because they both valued friends very much. Carl couldn't be completely sure about Alice.

So there was a vague worry...

He didn't mean to distrust Alice. He knew that Alice was a very good girl, but...

"Anyway, this is a violation of school rules. As students, we should tell the professor about this." Alice said these words impartially. Sirius and James were a little anxious. Just as they were about to say something, they were stopped by Alice.

"I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious!" Alice held down the two excited men and added silently.

"But then, Remus is likely to be expelled. He sneaked into the Whomping Willow in the middle of the night and went to who knows where..."

"So from the perspective of a friend, I think we should help keep it a secret first, figure out what Remus is going to do, and then make a decision." Alice analyzed calmly and said what she was thinking at the moment.

"Didn't he say he would explain to us? There's no reason for us to wait even a day. It's right to have more confidence in Remus, right?" Alice shrugged and asked them back.

"Alice..." Sirius and James were very moved.

"Yes, that's right." Carl nodded. Alice is really a very good girl. She has her own intelligence, is very kind, and pays attention to her friends.

"Yes, because Remus is definitely not a bad person." After more than a year of getting along, everyone has a good relationship. Although Lupin will not be able toHe often came to watch Alice's training, but he would also cheer her up. He has always been a very gentle person, and Alice has always had a good impression of Lupin.

Thinking of this, Alice continued to ask, "Remus usually said that he was sick and needed treatment, so is he always coming out to the Whomping Willow?"

"Illness... Whomping Willow, what does it have to do?" Alice held her chin and thought. Although Lupin said he would explain it tomorrow, she still couldn't help but be curious. Of course, the other two boys were the same.

Well... Things have developed to this point. Lupin is a werewolf. It can no longer be concealed. If they can't figure it out, should they give an assist?

But at this time, James suddenly expressed his own unconventional views.

"According to the plot, these guys who go out alone without telling their friends usually have some secrets that cannot be told, such as... on the surface they are the friends of the protagonist, but in fact they are the minions of the villain." He slapped his head and came up with a particularly strange conclusion...

"Wait, if there is a villain, then who is the protagonist?" Carl was full of black lines, but he still asked inadvertently.

Hearing this, James immediately became energetic and straightened his back.

Carl saw that James was suddenly excited, and asked again with some uncertainty, "Who is the protagonist?"

James almost stuck his head out of the galaxy. He didn't need to speak, and Carl's understanding of him could automatically fill in the words in his mind.

It's me, it's me, it's me!!! The protagonist is me, James Potter da!

But how could Carl do as James wished? He is still holding a grudge!

"Who is our protagonist?" Carl looked at James, and James felt that Carl seemed to say that the protagonist was him in the next second.

But things went against his will. Carl changed the subject, opened his arms, and made a display gesture next to Alice.

"It's our lovely Alice!" Carl shouted.

Well, in fact, the protagonist should be James' son, so James can be regarded as half the protagonist.

Although the camera is either dead, in the mirror, or in Professor Snape's memory.

But Harry is now dead, so Carl is not worried that he will suddenly appear.

"Eh, me?" Alice scratched her head, and Carl nodded and said bluntly, "Yes, yes, the story of female heroes is also very popular now!"

"No matter how you look at it, the protagonist should be me!" James was dissatisfied, and Sirius knew that Carl was insulting James, so he understood and made up for it.

"In terms of personality, I think Remus is more like the protagonist. Aren't gentle male protagonists popular now? James, you..." Hearing Sirius's voice, James instantly gave up arguing with Carl, and looked at Sirius with expectation.

"What what!" James expected Sirius to arrange a good role for him.

"I think you can only be a miserable character who dies midway and says 'I'll leave it to you next', right~" Sirius waved his hand, made a rather exaggerated gesture of entrusting an orphan to someone, and added bluntly.

"Hahahaha..." Being attacked by two friends at the same time, James Potter couldn't laugh and could only laugh dryly.

"I think Sirius, you are also suitable for the kind of role that starts as the protagonist's partner and ends up in jail." James also made fun of Sirius and arranged a bad role for Sirius with his lips pursed.

Carl, who was standing next to him, was a little shocked because what they said was really close to the original book. James was really dead, and Sirius went to jail. It seems that you are also part-time prophet.

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