September 4, 96 of the new era, 20:00

White House ruins in the new town.

Deep Blue began to sit cross-legged in her room after settling her team, and she always felt that everything today revealed something unusual.

Usually she is the one who controls the overall situation in all events, but this time, she feels that another pair of invisible hands are controlling the chessboard, as if her identity has changed from a chess player to a chess piece.

But everything seemed to be going according to plan, but there were some episodes along the way, and the result was not so perfect.

It just so happens that Team 102 has returned to the White House, and it's time for the previous seeds to try to take root and germinate.

Thinking of this, Deep Blue turned on his smartphone and sent an email to the raven girl.

And the crow girl, who was originally waiting in her room, naturally took action after receiving the email.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door, but this time it was not the crow woman's door, but the silver-haired man's.

As the door opened, the raven woman entered the silver-haired man's bedroom.

"Excuse me, come over in the middle of the night to disturb you."

"Ahaha, it's okay, I just have something I want to say to you."

"Oh? Then I'm going to listen well. After

all, the raven girl is a substitute for the girl in the silver-haired man's memory, and he naturally wants to give some emotions to the crow girl that he has not been able to give, such as the promise he once had, called the promise of protection.

To this end, after a short language organization, he told the crow girl some of the things he encountered today, and at the same time took out the USB flash drive that the white-robed man gave him and inserted it into the LCD TV to play.

From beginning to end, he did not unreservedly reveal it all, but deleted the identity of the white-robed man, and also did not mention a word about his going to the law enforcement bureau.

He said that he followed the white house personnel by discovering the strange behavior, and the surveillance video was also after the white house personnel kidnapped the middle-aged woman, and he secretly entered the door to pick it up.

Therefore, from the perspective of the confession provided by the silver-haired man, the behavior of "Deep Blue" was not known by the Law Enforcement Bureau, so there was still a chance of salvation, and he wanted to let the raven girl know this information, so as to extract the location of the middle-aged woman from the Deep Blue side, and then inform the Law Enforcement Bureau.

After all, who wants to fight a battle that they know they will lose? Only with this said, there is a possibility of rescue.

In the process of telling, the silver-haired man observed the raven woman's expression from beginning to end, from being shocked at the beginning to gradually calming down and analyzing the rescue operation with him, which made him let down his vigilance a little about the raven girl.

It seems that she is not the same as Deep Blue, and it is estimated that she can become her new partner, so that she can finally join her squad and fulfill that unfulfilled wish to someone far away in heaven.

The silver-haired man thought.

It's a pity that everyone has to pay for their actions, and the silver-haired man is the same, he is just a pawn, and when a pawn has his own ideas, then what the consequences are, it is self-evident.

After discussing the plan with the silver-haired man, the crow woman chose to leave after a short period of "reluctance".

Enter the room, check for a camera, turn on the smartphone, edit the email, send it.

"Sorry, after feeling hell, no one wants to try again, including me."

The innocence and beauty on the crow woman's face disappeared at this moment, after all, she was a pawn in charge of Deep Blue in charge of placing in Team 102 from the beginning, and what the raven woman said at that time was basically true, and it was normal for the silver-haired man to not see it.

Her premonition of death is real, her desire to fall in love is also true, and her desire to survive is still real.

And she also has her own title - doom. At the same time, she is also Deep Blue, the only sister.

Deep Blue in the room felt the vibration of the smartphone and opened his eyes that had been closed by meditation.

Turn on the smartphone and check the email, but from beginning to end, her expression did not change, as if everything was expected by her.

"Sure enough, the chance of the plan is not luck, but someone I don't know has entered, let me think, who is it?"

There are only two people who have a high probability of carrying out this operation and within the information I know, one is Bai Zhao, the executioner of the military region, and the other is Bai Mengyao's helper brought from the military region, Chencheng. But... Are these two really just these people?

Or do you say...? Countless

figures flashed through Deep Blue's mind, extracting, deleting, extracting, deleting, and finally, slowly emerging the back of a boy.

New Town... The White House Incident in New Town....

Thinking of this, Deep Blue, who had been expressionless from beginning to end, suddenly raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, which was the first time Deep Blue smiled here.

"Hahahaha! Luo Chen? It can't really be you, right? I hope it's you, so that the game can be a little more interesting, and dealing with these law enforcers and military district people really makes me not have any interest.

No. 1 on the White House Kill List, the first White House Destroyer, the most perfect White House survivor, these titles are really scary. Then let me see for myself, your means, don't let me down.

Since you want to play, then I will accompany you to play to the end, like to play dissociation meter? Then I will play a counter-scheme with you, and for some reason, when I learned that the chess player behind the scenes was actually you, the adrenaline in my body involuntarily began to stir.

In the end, it is up to me, with my own hands, to destroy you! Then

, Deep Blue emailed the raven woman, walked out of the room, slowly walked to the silver-haired man's bedroom, and knocked on the door.

At this moment, return the perspective to Luo Li.

At this time, Luo Li did not know that the silver-haired man, the second or fifth boy, had leaked the news to Deep Blue by himself, but in fact, it didn't matter to Luo Li, she had considered all the world lines she might encounter, including the silver-haired man's betrayal.

Now, unless an exceptionally powerful person comes over and flips the chessboard, Luo Li will never lose.

"Cat Cat, continue to monitor, and I'll handle the rest."

Yan Biluoli closed the communication panel of the system, and in front of her stood a familiar building.

This building is the building that Luo Li originally used to portray the formation, in this building Luo Li also killed a person, if nothing else, the disappearance information of this person should have been reported to the Law Enforcement Bureau, but the Law Enforcement Bureau currently does not have enough manpower to deal with the case, so it has to continue to press.

However, it may not need to be dealt with afterwards.

Luo Li's figure slowly disappeared into the shadows at the entrance of the building, and no one noticed Luo Li, and naturally no one knew what she was going to do.

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